Mystic Dominator

Chapter 208: Hard to explain

Almost at the moment when the man's persuasion ended, Audritt, who was also shrouded in black mist, immediately shouted:

"Ronald, don't believe his bewitching!"

"The church has never taken the original scriptures of other schools as its own!"

"Since the originals you two hold were originally separated from the same book, then I can assure you that we will eventually return the originals in this guy's hands to you!"


Ronald hadn't responded to the nun's loud explanation, but the man in the dark mist couldn't help but refute:

"You're lying to a three-year-old here!"

"Who doesn't know the value of an original book?"

"Ro... Ronald, right!"

"It's not my intention to cause riots in the city. We who are from the same school are the most suitable companions!"

The words say so.

But with the man's shouting, there was no sign of relaxation in the movements of his hands.

If the black fog that enveloped them at this moment disperses, then this guy's fierce look will be displayed in front of everyone. At the end of the day, all his previous performances weren't really trying to persuade Ronald.

Instead, he hoped that with the help of his own words, Ronald, who was hiding in the black mist, would respond to him.

Even if he just said a word, he can now lock the opponent's position.

Then do something to change the current situation.

It's a pity that Ronald didn't pay any attention to this guy except for Audrit, who was absolutely intolerant.

In this way, in the dark fog that can't see five fingers.

Ronald kept his voice as low as possible, then approached the man from behind.

The black mist formed by the power of 'rape' spreads around the opponent's body, and can fully feedback the enemy's situation to himself in real time.

So even if the eyes cannot directly see the figure of the enemy.

At this moment, Ronald can also know the opponent's position, and even his movements are completely in his mind.

Come to a place less than five meters away from the other party.

Ronald clenched his hands around the razor, making sure he was in perfect shape.

Then, according to the position feedback from the black mist, he aimed at the back and neck of this guy, and then raised his two knives and slashed at the same time.


This was the first time Ronald hit the opponent with his own attack.

However, his attack was the same as the result when Audrit started.

The white light protected the man's body very well, and he was not afraid of Ronald's first test at this moment.

As for the specific details...

With two knives slashing at the man's back, Ronald felt that he did not cut like a human body, but like a piece of steel that had been tempered!

Although this white light has only a thin layer, it is extremely reliable in terms of hardness.

The razor he picked up from the priest's corpse was essentially just an extremely sharply polished iron tool, and could not break through the opponent's sacred defense technique.

And this was a tentative attack that didn't work.

It also revealed Ronald's position.

At this time, the enemy didn't have the friendly tone he had when he just opened his mouth to confuse him.

At a very fast speed, the guy turned around quickly and kicked Ronald in the direction of Ronald.

Almost at the same time, Ronald crossed his arms in front of him.


Just like that, Ronald's defensive arms collided with the man's kick.

In close contact, both sides felt each other's strength at the same time.

Originally, they seemed to be different in strength, and there was not much difference in speed.

It's just that due to the interference of the enchantment, Ronald's actual performance is even weaker than the opponent.

Unable to control, Ronald took two steps back suddenly.

And the man just pushed back and stabilized his body.

At the same time, with the two sides so close, the man could barely see Ronald in the black mist.

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So he stabilized his body, and he charged towards Ronald with the sword in hand.

Raising the sharp blade high, his right hand slashed from top to bottom, and even the black mist on both sides was cut in half by this violent blow!

But in front of him.

With the help of the surrounding environment, Ronald knew very well what this guy looked like when he launched the attack, and even knew the angle of the slash.

So as it should be, he set up two razors and blocked the opponent's short sword.

With this kind of action that is easy to parry and exert force, he intends to hang this guy's weapon directly.


The next second, Ronald realized his mistake.

The razor broke.

The pale cane sword in the man's hand is nothing special.

And the razor he held in his hand was just a sharp ordinary blade.

In just one confrontation, the short sword in this guy's hand successfully chopped off the razor held in Ronald's left hand.

Fortunately, under the influence of strength, his short sword fell in the air along the offset trajectory.

Otherwise, if the blow hits Ronald head-on, the head on his neck will probably turn into two!


Faced with such a result, Ronald quickly took a few steps backwards without saying a word, intending to hide his figure completely inside the black mist again.

While standing in the original position, the man immediately chased up with his stick and sword.

It's a pity that the black mist that entangled one after another affected his speed to a certain extent.

Wait for a distance of four or five meters in Ronald's direction.

Ronald's figure disappeared into the black mist again.


Faced with such a result, the man sighed with relief, and the tension on his face was no longer as serious as before.

With the experience of this fight, he is sure that he has the upper hand in combat effectiveness!

Even if he has to deal with a surprise attack in the future, he is sure to survive this crisis.


Suddenly, the white light on his feet that guarded his safety suddenly shone.

At the same time, there was a sound of something burning in that spot.

Looking down, the man's face changed instantly.

Although only a vague silhouette is seen.

But he could be sure that something gray had burrowed into the ground from where he was standing, and then there was no movement.

what is that?

His past experience gave him an explanation for what he had just seen.

It was some kind of attacking art that he didn't understand.

In an instant, strong doubts flooded into my heart.

Who is Ronald?

And why use these spells?

Since "The Divine Comedy" is the original text of his own school, UU read www.uukanshu. com, so he knew how some of the spells in it were used, and he could also feel that what Ronald used was the ability of his own school.

Among them, "Hell Chapter" should belong to the pure magic application chapter that relies entirely on the black mist.

It is a pity that due to the extremely small scale of the school, the cracking work of the predecessors has not been successful, so only one method for attacking gluttonous people has been developed.

The attack ability is strong, but the limit is too large.

Therefore, this chapter is also considered to be a rather tasteless part.

It is for this reason that he agreed to organize the use of this part to conduct experiments on Montenegro.


What was that thing just now?

The original text of his own school, in the hands of a stranger, something he has never understood!

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