Mystic Dominator

Chapter 198: aggressive

Latest URL: Come so fast?

See the warden's menacing appearance.

Ronald's pupils shrank, and his eyebrows couldn't help wrinkling.

At this moment, Bach Critchens folded his chin slightly and stared at the investigator at the front desk with a very aggressive look. His long-standing high-ranking temperament as an official made the master of the scriptures not angry and arrogant.

Even just standing at the entrance of the hall after pushing the door in, was enough to put pressure on the surrounding investigators.

at the same time.

After the door of the investigation bureau was pushed open, Ronald also saw the situation behind the warden.

The warden did not come alone.

There are several men behind him who are obviously his subordinates.

And the two cult warlocks who were killed by Nicole in the dungeon before, their bodies were brought over by this group of people at this moment.

It was obvious what the warden was going to do.

Judging decisively and acting quickly, this guy is really hard to deal with.

Although he controlled his expression on the surface, it was hard to restrain, Ronald sighed in his heart.

Lucky or unfortunate?

Nicole's worries just now came true.

Finding that his dungeon had been invaded, the warden simply ran to the Bureau of Investigation.

Right now, bringing the body of the cult warlock directly, this guy probably intends to directly distance himself from these two people, and then rely on his social status to still be invincible.

As for the dungeon and the two priests...

Since the warden can come here aggressively.

Then the problem of the underground in his home has probably been dealt with by him, and the two priests have probably also dealt with it.

Could it be that today is...

Is it really going to fail?

Just as Ronald was thinking like this, there was a rush of footsteps in the direction of the stairs of the Bureau of Investigation.

In the blink of an eye, several hurried figures walked down from the second floor.

—It's the investigators.

Led by Ms. Mapel, Nicole and Swift walked down, alongside Investigator Kate, whom Ronald had worked with.

So as it should be.

In this spacious hall.

The three investigators who were in a hurry, and the menacing warden and others noticed each other at the same time.

For a moment.

The air in the hall became solidified, as if the temperature had dropped a lot again.

Neither of them expected this moment.

You will see the person in front of you appearing in such a position.


After the initial silence, the warden at the gate walked over to the investigator first:

"Ms. Mapel, I have something to tell you."

Seeing the warden approaching her, Ms. Mapel immediately warned loudly:

"Mr. Bach, can you please stand where you are first!"

"As things stand now, I don't want you to move on..."

The warden, however, did not intend to fully accept the investigator's warning.

Although he immediately stopped and stood where he was, he immediately raised his voice and said loudly in a loud voice that could be heard by everyone present:

"Today in the dungeon I'm in charge of!"

"Some people with ulterior motives have made vicious incidents that slander my integrity!"

"I don't know who it is, sneaking into my mansion with two cult warlocks, and then killing them and throwing their bodies there!"

"This is the most vicious frame-up!"

After explaining this at a very fast speed, the warden took two steps forward again, and then fixed his eyes on Mapel in front of him:

"Ms. Mapel!"

"As one of the heads of the Bureau of Investigation in Burrenwich, I hope you can investigate this matter and carefully consider the next steps!"


Was robbed by the warden like this.

As expected, Ms. Mapel was unable to respond immediately.

Although her eyes were still filled with suspicion, she was no longer able to question him as simply and directly as when she had just walked down the stairs, and scolded the warden's behavior sharply.

After all, she was an important person in charge of the Bureau of Investigation in Burrenwich.

You must consider your own words and deeds, as well as the impact of various choices on the whole incident. After all, this is also an important factor related to the image of the Investigation Bureau in the outside world.

Although Nicole is a trusted colleague, she absolutely cannot draw conclusions based on first-time information, especially when the target is someone like the warden.

But even so, Mapel knew that he could not be completely taken away by the warden.

After thinking for a while, the female investigator immediately said:

"Mr. Bach, our Bureau of Investigation is an organization based on the actual situation. It will not wrong a good person, and it will not let a bad person go."

"So what is going on in the specific situation can only be concluded after a thorough investigation. This is not something that can be decided by just one person or a few people."


The warden chuckled noncommittally at Mapel's response.

Then he waved his hand to the body of the cult warlock brought by his subordinates behind him:

"What does it mean?"

"Could it be that if I came to report the crime with the body of a heretic, I would also make myself suspect?"

"If so!"

"In the future, in Burrenwich, where are the good citizens who will take the initiative to report these evil and filthy cases, I express a considerable degree of dissatisfaction with your current attitude!"

The same aggressive tone.

But this time the warden's scolding ended, and Mapel was completely unmoved.

Looking at the warden with calm eyes, she said in a serious and gentle tone:

"Mr. Bach, since you found the body of the cult warlock in the dungeon at home, our investigation bureau will immediately send a commissioner to conduct a thorough investigation there."

"I think you should fully support this matter, right?"

The warden frowned, but nodded in response:

"Of course, of course you can."

"Even considering the follow-up investigation issues, I also protected the integrity of the scene for the first time so that your work can be carried out smoothly."

"But about this, I have something to remind you."

Ms. Mapel replied:


The warden continued:

"The criminals who did it seem to want to hide their information, so there are quite large-scale destructive traces in the dungeon, and I have to tell you in advance."


For the warden's statement, Ms. Mapel did not respond immediately.

She simply looked back at Investigator Kate behind her. UU Reading

Then he commanded:

"Kate, you go and call Mr. Willard over from Old Burton's side and go directly to the Warden's house on Forest Road."

After saying his order, Mapel continued to add:

"Remember to tell him that it is an emergency that may involve self-respect."

"As long as it's not a situation where he can't get out of it at all, he'll set off immediately!"

Investigator Kate nodded in response:

"I see."

When the voice fell, the investigator bypassed the crowd in the lobby and walked straight out of the Bureau of Investigation building.

Regarding Mapel's order at the moment, he obviously also knew the importance of this matter.

So don't want to delay for a moment.

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