Mystic Dominator

Chapter 191: raid into

UPDATE: Ronald and Nicole have both been to the Warden's house before.

It's just that because of their identities, they only carried out activities in a fairly fixed range at that time, and they couldn't say how familiar they were with the terrain here.

So in this case, the work of leading the way can only be completely left to Swift to handle. After all, Mr. Detective worked on the warden's mansion before.

The three carefully walked out of the room together. The person who passed by outside the door before has disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Without any hesitation, Swift took the lead and walked to the left side of the corridor, and at the same time waved to the two behind him:

"Come, follow me."


As a powerful figure in Burrenwich.

The home decoration of the warden is not without luxury.

There are metal lamps embedded in the walls, decorative paintings that can be seen every few meters, and red carpets that are neatly laid on the ground.

Walking here, wherever the naked eye can see, there are very good interior decoration.

You must know that this is the part of the back house. The owner rarely comes over and doesn't talk about it. It can even be called the main activity place of the servants.

And even this location.

It is also highly consistent with the luxurious decoration seen in the front hall when Ronald entered here.

in such a mansion.

The three of them lowered their footsteps and walked in a single column, walking next to each other in this quiet corridor.

In this process, Mr. Detective's reconnaissance ability played a very good effect again.

Sometimes he would stop abruptly, and take Ronald and Nicole to the side of the road corner, or some empty room with no one, and every time this time, the warden who would have bumped into them The people at home will be completely staggered from them.

When doing this, Swift moves extremely quickly and judges extremely decisively.

And most importantly.

It's that he didn't make a single mistake.

Although the three of them are careful enough, not making any movement is also an important external factor.

But in the mansion.

All the people who might encounter them.

As long as they passed the location where Ronald and the others were hiding, they invariably chose a route that was completely different from the direction in which the three were hiding.

what does that mean?

This means that the other party is confronting Ronald and the others, and there is even a distance.

Swift already knew the trajectory of the other party's walking in the warden's house in advance, and then chose this absolutely safe hiding place.

- no matter what angle you look at.

Mr. Detective, a mysterious school developed from "Principles of Physiological Psychology".

Both are extremely useful abilities.

Of course, that doesn't mean Swift's abilities are absolute mind-reading.

After all, that day on the Dongfeng, Ronald had experienced the state of the other party when he was working.

Although it was very helpful, at least that day Swift still couldn't catch the murderer directly from the crowd, which shows that this ability still has some flaws.

That's it, under the leadership of Mr. Detective.

The three of them walked through the warden's mansion like ghosts.

Whether it is a guard, a hired servant, or a middle-level manager of the mansion.

Under the guarantee of Swift's ability, everyone who might cause them trouble could not find that three strange intruders were operating in the mansion at the moment.

Changing the route back and forth, about a quarter of an hour later.

Ronald and their destination have arrived.

According to Nicole's statement before, the entrance to the dungeon of the warden's house is located in a warehouse on the left side of the first floor.

And the place where the three of them are standing now is the side of the door of this warehouse.


Before officially breaking in.

Mr. Detective who was walking in front stopped first, and took the initiative to step back behind Ronald and Nicole. At the same time, he said in a voice that only his companions could hear:

"There are two people inside, one left and one right three meters apart, standing on both sides."


In the team, Nicole nodded silently.

As the scheduled main attacker in the team, this is the time for her to perform.

The investigator girl didn't even plan to break the door violently.

Just walking lightly in front of the warehouse door, she stretched out her slender palm to hold a seed, and then quickly carved a few runes with her fingers on the warehouse door in front of her.

Nicole's movements are very skilled, as if they have been rehearsed countless times.

Blink of an eye.

The girl's spell effect appeared in front of the three of them.


The seeds that were pressed on the door split apart in an instant, and immediately turned into a light green mist and got into the gap of the warehouse door.

Soon, two rhythmic 'thump' sounds came from behind the gate.

Hearing this sound, Nicole nodded with satisfaction:

"Okay, let's go in."

The road ahead is clear at the moment.

After giving Ronald and Swift a look beside him.

The investigator girl opened the warehouse door generously and walked in.

The situation in the room was the same as Swift had said before. On the cold ground, two strong-looking adult men were falling, both eyes closed and obviously unconscious. status.

Following Nicole into the room, Mr. Detective immediately walked to the two unconscious guards and squatted down to start checking.

Meanwhile, Ronald got into action.

Since Nicole has already taken the lead, he naturally has no intention of continuing to hide now.

As he turned to cover the warehouse door, his right hand was quietly tucked into his arms at the same time.

——The black scriptures appear.

With a voice that only he could hear, Ronald whispered:

"At this moment, please look into the deep valley.

The river of blood is in sight.

It boils and boils down criminals who are violently wounded.


This time with Swift as the scout, and a fight is expected to be inevitable.

Ronald naturally would not choose the reconnaissance-oriented ability of 'Rage'.

So at the beginning of this time, he used the most aggressive power of 'rape'!

Between silence.

A thick black fog wrapped around his hands, and at the same time protected his entire body under his clothes.

After Ronald recited the incantation, after checking the two fainted guards Swift on the ground, he also nodded towards them:

"No problem, I'm completely unconscious."

Nicole's face showed a proper expression, and then nodded and said:

"Of course, I have no problem fascinating an elephant with this dose."

"The two humans are not at hand!"

While saying this, Nicole walked to the edge of the warehouse, then reached out and knocked on the wall in a specific order.

clap clap-

clack clack-

It ended with the percussion of the investigator girl.

In front of the three of them, a gap opened between the originally closely connected walls, and then quickly turned into a stair entrance that could lead to the underground.

Ronald had seen this method when he was working in the Bureau of Investigation.

And standing in front of the open channel, seeing that the entry command that he wrote down last time still works.

A very satisfied smile appeared on Nicole's face.

"Okay, let's continue."

As soon as the voice fell, the investigator girl immediately took the lead and entered the entrance.

And Ronald and Swift, who were behind, naturally followed closely behind.

A few seconds after the three went down—

The silent black thick fog returned from the entrance of the passage and hung on the door of the warehouse to lock the room tightly.

——This is a small warehouse at this moment.

- Quiet as if nothing happened.

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