Mystic Dominator

Chapter 180: flexible choice

With a snap, he got up from the chair.

Ronald was about to rush out of the room and rushed to the hall downstairs where the accident happened.

The situation is now obvious.

He and Everton left the exhibition hall. Naturally, Hansen, who had a ghostly plan, could not let go of such a god-given opportunity, and now he must break free from the shackles and escape.

Those ordinary guards were still strapped to chairs, and the only two guards were unlikely to be Hansen's opponents.

The result, of course, was that the guy managed to escape.

He hadn't completely lifted the spell, and a small part of the black mist hidden in his hands was about to be released and rushed down the hall in an instant to stop what was happening there.

However, the next second when Ronald was ready to act.

Everton, who had been sitting still on the chair, with a calm expression, suddenly said in a calm tone:

"Mr. Ronald, please don't worry."

"Sit, sit down."


The figure was stunned for a moment, and Ronald hesitated for a few seconds before speaking again:

"If I heard right."

"You mean..."

"Is it for me to give up blocking Hansen's escape now?"

He is extremely incomprehensible to Everton's actions now. At this moment, there are only the two of them in the office. Ronald simply asked more directly:

"Mr Everton, what do you mean by that?"

"If I'm not mistaken, something unpleasant is going on downstairs right now. Don't you think Hansen is the one who stole the unicorn's horn and killed Kevin at the same time?"

However, in the face of Ronald's inquiry, the businessman's expression still did not change much.

After taking a puff of the cigarette in his hand, Everton suddenly smiled and shook his head:

"Mr. Ronald, actually..."

"The reason why I invited you to come up and sit and rest with me at the beginning was to make this guy Hansen escape quickly, otherwise you and I were both present, how could this guy get away?"


Ronald raised his eyebrows, his eyes did not hide his confusion at all.

Now that they know that Hansen is the culprit, Everton not only does not detain the opponent directly, but also creates conditions that are conducive to the opponent's escape.

What exactly does this mean?

He is a unicorn who doesn't want a unicorn...

Or is there some unspeakable secret with Hansen?

At this time, Everton, who was sitting in the chair, pointed to the chair Ronald was sitting on just now, and invited him quite happily:

"Come on, Mr. Ronald."

"You sit down first, as for the key to this matter..."

"Can I ask you a question?"

Although Ronald was still puzzled, he nodded and said:

"of course can."

"To be honest, I'm curious now too."

With a satisfied smile on his face, Everton said his question:

"Mr. Ronald, what kind of existence and status do you think I am a businessman who joined the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance]?"

Ronald almost didn't need to think about it, he opened his mouth and replied:

"Should it be regarded as a franchise member, or a shareholder directly involved in the operation of the chamber of commerce?"

"That's right." Everton clapped his hands in admiration, and then went on to explain, "I am one of the main participants of the Chamber of Commerce, and the purpose of coming to this city is to give [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance] ] to open up new markets.”

"So all my activities in Burrenwich revolve around the most important and core purpose of promoting the economic strength of the Chamber of Commerce."

"This exhibition set up in the suburbs is naturally an event for this purpose."


Hearing this, Ronald understood a little in his heart.

Still frowning, he opened his mouth and said tentatively:

"So your plan is to use Hansen's mutiny to make some articles when the unicorn's horn has been lost?"

clap clap-

After clapping his hands in succession, Everton immediately praised with admiration:

"Mr. Ronald, you are truly a talented businessman!"

After finishing this action, the businessman continued to explain:

"Although that guy Hansen is stupid, he has always been greedy. But from what I know about him, after betraying the Chamber of Commerce, this guy will never move slowly."

"Now, I'm afraid the unicorn's unicorn has been smuggled out by him in the past five days, and I don't know who to send it to!"

But here it is.

Everton, who has always been full of confidence in his expression, inevitably darkened his eyes:

"In this case, it is no longer possible to recover the unicorn's horn, whether Hansen is caught or not."

Ronald nodded in agreement.

Indeed, as Everton said, even if Hansen gets caught and then gives up to the guy who bought the goods, it's hard for them to get back the unicorn's horn. As long as the other party plays some tricks, this kind of thing can be solved.

Seeing Ronald's expression, Everton naturally knew what the man in front of him was thinking.

As soon as his tone changed, the expression on the businessman's face became indifferent.

Then he continued to speak:

"But since this guy Hansen has done such a thing, of course he has to pay a price."

"The unicorn of the unicorn is gone, and the publicity work of our [Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance] cannot be stopped. After an irreversible failure, we have to find a way to use its residual value."

Speaking of which, Everton looked a little smug.

Standing up from the chair on his own, he made some gestures in the air with both hands, and continued:

"If it's just a single important exhibit that was stolen and bought, and it's one of its own, then to outsiders, it's a very bad incident for our [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance]."

"Not to mention losing face, and actually losing the goods."

"It definitely doesn't fit our purpose of promoting the Chamber of Commerce."


While explaining to Ronald, the businessman walked to the center of the office and stood still.

Whether intentionally or not, he just stepped on the place where Kevin's body fell before. Then, he continued:

"However, if you think about it, this matter can actually be treated from a different angle."

"The holding of exhibitions is only a means, not an end."

"The difference is only in how these means are used!"

"[Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance] had a traitor inside, and then stole precious treasures and sold it. After a period of time, our Chamber of Commerce successfully caught this traitor, and then gave him a very terrifying punishment."

"How do you feel about that?"


Ronald's expression was a little subtle, and he didn't answer.

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However, Everton didn't mind and continued to say:

"If things become like this, it will not only demonstrate the ability of our Chamber of Commerce, but also tell people that [Ginkgo Biloba] is a powerful organization."

"A total failure."

"Contrast that with an ending where you can restore your prestige once, and then you can do publicity."

"Mr. Ronald, which do you think I will choose?"


Ronald was silent for a long time this time, and finally said with a complicated mood:

"Mr Everton, you are a true businessman."

Everton smiled nonchalantly:

"Of course."

"I'm a large chamber of commerce from Springs, one of the important participants in the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance]!"

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