Mystic Dominator

Chapter 164: making plans


"So-called danger."

"It's only dangerous when the warden and Lumil are at home, right?"

The air in the living room froze for a few seconds, and then Ronald said:

"As long as we can figure out a way to get rid of these guys, the result will naturally be simpler."

"That's right." Facing Ronald's idea, Swift nodded in agreement, "Without these two masters of the original scriptures, there is also the 'person' who can't figure out the details."

"At the level of the two of us, even if it's just me, it's no problem to explore the dungeon of that mansion."

After a pause, Swift took a sip of tea before continuing:

"But the question is, how do we spend them."

"People who have problems themselves, the precautionary measures in this regard will certainly do well."

"That's my experience."

Listening to Mr. Detective's thoughts, Ronald naturally followed suit.

"How to get rid of the Warden and Rumier..."

"No... not right!"

"Maybe this is not as troublesome as we thought!"

Putting the teacup directly on the table in front of him, Ronald said directly:

"Perhaps you're having trouble thinking about the problem."

"As a person with a public office, the warden must usually go out to do things, and there are definitely a lot of jobs related to his position. Basically, he needs to arrange fixed working hours and schedules."

"As long as you find a way to figure out his schedule, then from the actual situation, the warden can even be excluded from the opponent's combat power, but simply regarded as an external manifestation of the law of activities."

"When he doesn't go out on business, we acquiesce not to conduct investigations; and if he goes out on business, usually he won't be able to return in a short time, so only Lumire needs to pay."



"You're right."

Swift made no secret of her mistake and nodded generously.

To be honest, he just fell into habitual thinking.

But that's what caused him to be too nervous.

The warden is a different type of mission target than Swift has faced in the past.

This is not the kind of work that goes to a certain noble lady's house, stares at her husband all day long, and has to follow him behind him 24 hours a day.

It's not a gangster who lives in a stronghold all day long, a sinful lair that is guarded all the time.

This is a public official with status.

usual residence.

And the dungeon below the warden's mansion is the real problem that needs to be faced.

All they have to do is to find an opportunity and go in to find the evidence that the warden and Rumier have problems.

Immediately, as a member of the local social circle in Burrenwich, Mr. Detective, who is more familiar with the life of the upper class, continued:

"Actually, it's not just the warden who will go out. Considering that Rumil is a young girl who has just attended the social world, she should also frequently attend some necessary social occasions during this time."

"She must go to the dance at least once or twice a week."

Ronald's face was beaming, he didn't understand the social etiquette of local people at all. Having a helper with such broad knowledge as Swift is probably his luckiest thing today.

So, he also continued along the topic:

"Then, we just need to find a time for Rumil to attend the ball, and then her 'manservant' will naturally leave as well. At the same time, this time coincides with the warden's work schedule, so there will be no problem!"

Also showing a smile, Swift nodded and said:

"Yes, just need to find this point in time."

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"Then our operation can proceed smoothly."

Ronald nodded in response, then continued:

"Next, it's about the collection of the warden's schedule."

"In this case, I think..."


In the living room at night, the two of them continued to finalize the details of the plan for the next action.

assignment of tasks;

the process of collecting information;

And what to do in the face of emergencies...

It wasn't until midnight that the two finished discussing the entire plan.

So Ronald stood up from the sofa chair and gave Swift a very solemn salute:

"Swift, I really appreciate your help."

"I accept your thanks."

At this time, Swift was not polite, and also got up and patted Ronald on the shoulder, and he went downstairs first.

"Come on, Mr. My Employer."

"Do you need me to take you home?"

Hearing Mr. Detective's tone, Ronald also smiled:

"Just take me downstairs."

The two walked down the stairs, and Ronald left Swift's studio alone.

Walking alone on Ruby Street.

Ronald subconsciously looked at the detective agency behind him.

The lights on the first floor had disappeared when I just went downstairs, but the lights on the living room on the second floor were still on.

Obviously, after he left, Swift didn't plan to sleep either.

The detective is still thinking about the follow-up developments and their plan of action.


He watched the detective agency quietly for a few seconds.

Ronald turned his head and left completely, walking in the direction of the pension.

At this point in time, there were no pedestrians on the street at all.

Only the flickering streetlights illuminated Ronald's way by the side of the road.

At such a time, Ronald naturally didn't expect to call a taxi to take him home.

It's not bad to wander the streets of Burrenwich at midnight.

As long as you avoid the trouble of being questioned by some of the patrolling guards, it's a pleasant night walk.

Tonight was definitely a good day for Ronald.

Swift got the latest news about Rumil, and the two also discussed the next action plan.

Everything is going in its own direction.

Or to put it another way.

From when Ronald crossed, until now.

He only had a feeling that the surrounding fog was starting to peel off.

This world's national mainstream cultural composition, the basic rules of the mysterious side, and the environment you are in.

This kind of knowledge, he has made up to the level of a normal person.

Now even if he and a group of locals are suddenly thrown on an isolated overseas island, he still has the confidence to perfectly integrate into the Being alone at night, he feels that he is supplemented by information. Peace of mind.

This kind of mental comfort even overshadowed the urgency brought about by the previous tense discussions.

How can you be unhappy?


Walk leisurely in the city of Burrenwich.

Three streets after Ruby Street, when Ronald was passing through the business district one night.

Suddenly someone called his name from a distance.

"Hey, Ronald!"

"Long time no see!"

- It was a joy.

——The voice of an energetic girl.

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