Mystic Dominator

Chapter 136: Flesh Stitch

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A cult warlock leader surrounded by flesh and blood.

The eyes were firmly locked on the four people on the investigator's side.


"Suffer to death—!"

Suddenly, this guy let out a rather terrifying roar.

Like all horror movies, or monster disaster movies, he seems to use this intimidating voice to show his majesty and violence.

Immediately, the leader of the cult warlock began to control this huge corpse stitching monster.

The other cult warlocks gathered on the Stitcher are dead.

However, under the control of the technique and the control of the cult warlock leader, they stretched out their arms or thighs to support the ground, supporting this flesh-and-blood sphere.

The very unevenly distributed limbs were uneven.

At first glance, it looks like a spherical, multi-legged insect with deformed growth.

In the next second, this monster moved at a very flexible speed under the support of the 'foot' on the surface!

The exaggerated momentum that the huge body brought out when it hit, was like a mammoth running on the ground. The fragile vine wall is not even qualified to delay this guy for a moment!

Where the flesh and blood monsters pass by.

Plant debris and splashes of dust rose high and flew everywhere.

Ordinary people with poor ability to accept, as long as they see this scene, I am afraid that they will be unable to act because of fear.


Just then, Spencer moved.

The investigator from Springs waved the metal short staff in his hand again.

There were no waves in his silent expression.

No matter what spells the opposing cult warlock uses, the power it creates is terrifying.

He has to first try to see if the other person's body is hard.

After all, the black cylinder that was able to absorb sound waves before has disappeared!

Immediately, just like every sonic attack launched before.

The Mach-speed sonic blade charged towards the Stitch Monster's body in an invisible manner.


The distance of 100 meters was fleeting, and an arc-shaped wound appeared on the sutured monster at the same time.

In the darkness, Ronald could see clearly.

The monster's green blood and putrid pus splattered out the moment the wound appeared.

But the final result of this attack was not gratifying.

The fused flesh and blood of the suture monster squirmed around the wound immediately, and the stench and soft tissue fluid poured into it, and the wound was quickly repaired, except for the scar, and no effect was seen.


Discovering the scene in the distance, Spencer immediately let out a dissatisfied voice.

But at the same time, the movements in his hands were not slow, and the metal short staff immediately slashed away one after another.


The dense sound waves passed through the air and immediately caused the desired effect on this huge stitched monster.

- It was a dense and deep wound.

It's a pity that the final result of all attacks is exactly the same as before.

The sound wave only opened a wound, and the monster's flesh and blood was automatically repaired.

An attack that cannot completely destroy even the surface is naturally impossible to affect the leader of the cult warlock who is in the center and is responsible for controlling this thing.

Go on like this-

Before long, this monster will rush in front of them!


"When you come out to investigate a murder case at night, you will encounter the same situation as a decisive battle."

"The times are really different."

At this moment, Kate, the investigator on the side, suddenly sighed.

I saw that the investigator who had a bad face suddenly folded his hands and stared at the suture monster that was rushing.


In the most appropriate position, that is, when the monster reached a distance of about thirty meters away from them.

Transparent white circles gushed out from the ground.

Immediately wrap this guy inside.

-no doubt.

This is the trap that Kate left in the vine maze when the trap was set earlier.

In the dark night, the effect of this kind of spell with light is especially obvious.

After wrapping this flesh and blood monster, the light film immediately caused very direct damage to the enemies in it.

Every contact position, the light film is burning the flesh and blood monster's body.

The immediate damage almost turned the monster into a blurry mosaic.

However, the final result of this technique.

It's still the same as Spencer's attack just now.

Kate's attack can't hurt the cult warlock leader, and it can't keep up with the monster's amazing self-healing speed.

Even if the momentum is astonishing, it still cannot defeat the opponent.

Both investigators showed great strength, but Nai He's own spell system was not suitable for the current situation.

There is no strong penetration ability, or one-time defeating the opponent's attack.

- They can't deal with this monster!

"Mongrel investigator!"

"Do you think you can walk out alive tonight?"

At this time, the leader of the cult warlock who was the core of the flesh and blood monster spoke up.

As a manipulation technique, the only self-aware existence in the suture monster, he immediately shouted when he was sure that he was winning:

"Just give me a good death here tonight!"

"As a researcher of mysterious knowledge, my knowledge level is far higher than yours!"

While speaking, the surface of the Flesh Stitch Monster began to change again. UU Reading

The highly corrosive tissue fluid that spread out immediately tore the light film on his body into pieces.

Immediately, the suture monster's body suddenly flattened.

He is accumulating strength by compressing his body!


With a rather exaggerated loud noise, this thing jumped several meters high like a ball, and bounced towards Ronald and the others almost like a leap!


Meanwhile, the situation on the investigator's side took a turn for the worse.

Kate, who was still casting spells just now, stumbled and fell to the ground on her knees.

The investigator's previous state was already very bad.

Right now, the technique was torn apart by the opponent's brute force. His physical strength and mental state had reached the limit, and he could no longer deal with any level of frontal combat.


Facing this scene, Spencer's eyes sank.

The entanglement and struggle in his pupils flashed away, but he made a quick decision.

Immediately, the investigator from Springs threw his cane towards the flesh-and-blood monster.


The choice that made Spencer tangled, the effect was immediate.

When the metal short staff came to the top of the flesh-and-blood monster's head, an extremely violent tremor broke out on its body. This time, the long-lasting and strong sound wave even shook the air in the entire surrounding space!

Within the range shrouded in the spell, the fragile objects fell apart directly.

And under this level of attack.

The cult warlock formed this flesh-and-blood stitching monster, unable to make any action for a while, and could only be suppressed in place by the interference of sound waves.

At this moment, Spencer yelled at the others around him:

"You run away!"

"I can't control this thing for too long!"

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