Mystic Dominator

Chapter 125: clergy

These investigators are really powerful...

He looked at the two investigators who stayed here.

Ronald couldn't help but think so.

When it comes to investigating mysterious incidents, there is no doubt that these people who belong to the Grid Mystery Investigation Bureau are professional.

Facing herself and Patricia, she was helpless.

Even the scene in Burrenwich can only be returned.

These investigators have only been here for less than ten minutes, and they have already sorted out the general context of the matter, completed the restoration of the scene, and the detailed investigation of the murderer.

Even the possibility of a follow-up pursuit was immediately figured out, and Nicole specially returned to Berlenwich to invite people from the church to come and track it.

This whole system is down.

If the mysterious caster of the ordinary point of view commits a crime, wouldn't he be arrested and brought to justice immediately?

There is almost no possibility of escape!

Just as Ronald was thinking, Patricia suddenly said to him:

"Ronald, let's go over and talk."

"I have something to tell you."

After speaking, Patricia nodded to the other two investigators.

Seeing the two respond to their actions, she dragged Ronald to a farther position.

equidistant to the position where the investigator could not hear the conversation.

Patricia stared at the man in front of her, and continued in a serious and serious tone:

"Ronald, you are going back to Burrenwich."

"Or do you want to stay here?"


Ronald lowered his head and thought.

Patricia's simple query mainly contains two things.

First, this one choice.

For subsequent actions, Ronald can choose to continue to wait here.

If you believe in the professionalism of the investigators, then the next person Nicole invites to the church from Burrenwich, these investigators will most likely find Lammer's trace, and then pursue it all the way.

The time when things happened in the afternoon is not far from now.

In the subsequent investigation process, the probability of encountering Lamer directly is not small.

And in this way, almost 100% of the battle between the two sides is triggered.

——Lamer is not a simple thing.

Judging from the opponent's ability to assassinate a Nicklaus and even escape under the military's pursuit, the danger of fighting with him is self-evident.

Ronald involved, more or less, had the risk of exposing his own abilities.

And this time.

If Ronald chooses to return to Burrenwich.

Then the background of his 'little person' will continue to be protected, and his life will continue to be in the current state, and there will be no change.


——It was also the point that Ronald cared about the most.

Patricia took the initiative to propose this opportunity.

She was worried that Ronald didn't make a choice, so she followed the investigator's rhythm and finally revealed her abilities accidentally.

Patricia now asks the question.

It was to clearly remind Ronald to beware of his omissions.


"Let's go together."

It didn't take long for Ronald to figure these things out.

He smiled at Patricia and agreed.

——The reason why he is willing to take risks is very simple.

Just a few days ago that snowy night, when I found out that the investigator's betrayal was against the water, Patricia did not hesitate and went with her to solve the problem.

She could have stayed out of it, but she also helped Ronald to cover up the problem of his ability afterwards.

Since the direction has expressed such kindness to himself.

Of course, Ronald didn't hesitate to help the other party.

Repaying virtue with virtue, this is the basic principle he has always acted.

Under the dark of night.

The blonde-haired girl quietly stared at the man in front of her.

After hearing Ronald's answer, a quiet and elegant smile appeared on her face under the starlight.

Even in such a dark night.

Ronald also found this smile a bit dazzling.


"No matter what happens next, I will definitely guarantee your safety."

Patricia promised so.

"Then please."

Looking at the girl's serious eyes, Ronald also responded.

After a few words, the two didn't say a word.

Quietly returned to the investigator's side.

Spencer and another investigator were not curious about their actions. Just nodding to the two of them, he still kept his silence.

Burrenwich and Springs investigators.

Sure enough, they didn't chat much.

Time passes little by little—

When the stars in the sky already dominate the night sky.

Ronald heard the sound of a carriage in the distance.

With his enhanced vision, he can see clearly at night.

Along the road in the suburbs, the investigator girl was driving a carriage and speeding towards this side. The wild and dead expression on the girl's face seemed to be like the underground racer he had seen before.

And in the carriage under Nicole.

A young man in a priest's robe was holding the carriage in front of him with a pale face.

He looked very nervous.

Obviously, it is not very suitable for this kind of horse-drawn carriage racing like hurricane racing.



Ronald turned his head and looked at the carriage driver who was sitting on the ground and dazed all the time.

Do not know why.

He felt that this gentleman was a little pitiful...

The voice came from far to near, and Nicole soon drove the carriage to the side of the road.

He grabbed the clergyman in the car and got out, and the two of them trotted almost all the way to the woods.

Pointing to the ground surrounded by Ronald's four, Nicole said simply:

"It's over here, come and check it out."


A man dressed as a cleric followed, his neck trembling slightly and he looked in front of him.

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, he immediately said:

"Ms. Nicole, are you sure it's Salamanke?"

Nicole spread her hands and denied:

"Why did I lie to you about this?"

"Come on, hurry up and go back for a second supper."


The man looked at the others.

Seeing that no one around raised any objections, he stepped forward and walked to the center.

I saw him pulling out a ring and a cross pendant from his black robe and pressing it tightly against his chest, he closed his eyes and recited:

" Please have mercy on us.

Sovereign, Heavenly Father, have mercy on us.

Holy Son, the Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.

Our Lady, pray for us.

All the Holy Spirit, please pray for us!

Almighty Lord and Aim,

Forgive me, your humble servant,

Please grant me strength to fight against this brutal demon!

The cold-blooded will take my life away. They no longer love and love God.

Search for evil, they are my enemies, destroy them with your loyalty,

From the soul born in the face of the Lord.

God, please hear my prayer,

Let my cry go straight to your heart.

God is with you,

be with you.

In the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, in the name of the Holy Spirit!

With this blessed cross,

With our **** Aim,

Lord, Holy Spirit, command you!

The blood of the martyrs commands you!

Show up quickly! "

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