Mystic Dominator

Chapter 122: Out of town inspection

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Appeared in front of Ronald again.

Patricia didn't mean anything outside.

Still in casual attire, he slipped into the house wearing slippers.

However, when she went downstairs before, she still held this plate in her hand, with a cup of hot tea and two types of bread on it.

Putting the tray on Ronald's table, Patricia picked up a piece of bread herself and handed a piece to Ronald at the same time:

"Ronald, I heard from the Bureau of Investigation that you went outside the city, right?"

"Why, the situation at the Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation is so bad that temporary employees have to go out of town to work?"

"Actually, it's okay. Originally, I was going to do the aftermath work."

Ronald took the bread that Patricia handed over, took a bite and confirmed that it was the landlady's craftsmanship, then continued the topic:

"Patricia, you are a member of the Nicklaus family, should I be right?"

"Of course."

Patricia nodded and her eyes became curious.

"Ronald, why are you suddenly asking this?"


Feeling the full taste of the bread when chewing, Ronald sorted out his thoughts before saying:

"It's like this. I also took the Dongfeng cruise a month ago, and I happened to witness what happened on the train."

"That guy named Lamer, I also met directly."


Patricia's expression was a little loose just now, but she immediately condensed.

Immediately, she stared at Ronald, her eyes becoming serious.

She knew very well that the man in front of her would not bring up such serious topics when she had nothing to do in small talk. If the conversation involved this aspect, there must be something important to tell herself.

Facing Patricia with a straight face, Ronald also said seriously:

"Today, I completed the task outside the city, and on the way back to the city, I met that man named Lamer again."


Patricia raised her eyebrows, her mood fluctuated but not too rude.

After thinking a little, she first looked up and down Ronald's body, and then asked:

"Looking at you, there should be no battle, right?"

"That's right." Ronald nodded and continued to explain, "Because it was on the way back to Burrenwich, there were ordinary passers-by on the left and right, it was not convenient for us to do it directly, so we just had a face-to-face meeting. "


Patricia kneaded the deformed bread into a ball and ate it like a beef strip.

After picking up the hot tea on the tray and drinking it, she folded her arms and leaned her back against Ronald's table.


"Don't mind the two of us going out together?

Ronald asked, "Tonight?"

"That's right." Patricia nodded succinctly, "It's better now."

"There is nothing to hide. The main purpose of my visit to Burrenwich is to investigate the man who killed my uncle. If you can provide some help, I am very grateful."

"Of course there is no problem." Ronald swallowed the remaining bread in two or three mouthfuls. "Then we might as well go now."

"But I want to tell you in advance that the guy's appearance is actually quite short, and I don't think there will be any traces left."

"It's okay, I'm just going to have a look."

Hearing Ronald's reminder, Patricia picked up the tray and continued:

"To be honest, after entering Burrenwich, I have negotiated with the military and the Bureau of Investigation, and the useful information provided by both sides is very limited, which is almost completely unhelpful to my work."

"I'm very happy to get new news from you."

"Then let's go now?"

Taking a bite of the remaining bread in his hand, Ronald's eyes crossed the dress of the girl in front of him.

——The meaning in Ronald's eyes is very obvious.

- You haven't changed your clothes yet!

Patricia also immediately understood:

"Wait for me to go up and change clothes, and I'll be down soon."

After leaving Ronald's room with the tray, the girl did not forget to close the door.

Hearing the sound of the slippers 'popping' away on the stairs, Ronald turned to look at his closet.

Or change into normal clothes...

With this in mind, Ronald began to toss in his wardrobe.

Even though it was only a month before he came to Berronwich, all kinds of preparations were made in advance.


In less than ten minutes, the two met again at the door of the second floor where Ronald was.

When they passed by the first floor together, the landlady naturally cast her gaze:

"Mr. Ronald? Miss Patricia?"

"You are..."

Without waiting for Ronald to respond, Patricia stepped forward and answered:

"We go out for a walk together, it's rare to make new friends in a place like this."

"That's right, it's not bad for young people to make friends."

"Really good."

The landlady did not suspect anything.

Casting a relieved look at the two of them, she continued to focus on the work at hand.

Saying goodbye to the landlady, Ronald and Patricia immediately headed out of town.

Because the girl generously rented the, it didn't take too long by the time they arrived at the location.

But even so, at this point in time, there are hardly any pedestrians on the roads outside the city.

Jumping off the carriage, Ronald pointed to the woods passing by in the afternoon:

"Lamer's words appeared in that position before."

Patricia nodded, then jumped out of the carriage to check.

The surrounding trees, the marks on the ground, the remnants of the magic running...

After almost a quarter of an hour of comprehensive examination, the girl still found nothing.

In the ordinary grove, there is no trace left here.


Shaking her head regretfully, Patricia sighed:

"Just like you said, this guy still doesn't have any clues left."


"Not necessarily."

Looking at Patricia's troubled appearance, Ronald thought for a while, and then mentioned one thing he didn't tell the Bureau of Investigation:

"Patricia, you also know that my abilities are related to human emotions."

"But I didn't feel any human emotion from him when the previous Lamer showed up. Maybe that might help you in your work?"

"Without any human emotion..."

Hearing Ronald's words, Patricia tilted her head slightly and frowned slightly:

"Ronald, are you sure you can't go wrong with your abilities?"

"This can't be guaranteed."

Ronald shrugged, then continued:

"But at least since I got this ability, it hasn't gone wrong."

"The only fish that slipped through the net was this Lamer."

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