After parting ways with Robinson and returning to 14 Stone Street, Joyce slept for a long time and did not open his eyes until the next morning.

In this expedition, for the sake of safety, he brought all the magical items. It turned out that this choice was correct, but the negative effects were also unavoidable.

After waking up, Joyce ate something and then came to the laboratory.

He wants to start preparing the potion, of course not his "witch" potion, but the "arsonist" potion... Mr. Hunter has collected all the auxiliary materials.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

Mr. Hunter handed over the iron box containing the "Eye of Death".

"I have selected two absolutely loyal soldiers. They have a certain degree of understanding of the Beyonder world and are ready to become Beyonders..."

Then, he added: "I don't have any weapons on me anymore."

The hidden meaning of these words is that if I lose control after drinking the potion, please kill me as soon as possible...

Joyce nodded, indicating that he understood, and immediately began to prepare the potion.

This process can be considered to be easy to master, and finally put the Beyonder characteristics into the cauldron, and get a cup of fiery red, purring, steaming liquid like magma.

Mr. Hunter made a decisive decision and suffocated it in one bite.

Soon, his skin became red, and his qi orifices began to emit heat.

He bowed his waist, suppressing the pain inside his body, as if his internal organs were being burned, and his face was hideous.

Joyce raised his guard secretly, but he didn't worry too much... He was just promoted to Sequence Seven. With Mr. Hunter's tenacious character and the progress of digesting low-rank potions, there was no reason why he couldn't survive.

Sure enough, as he expected, Hunter gradually returned to calm, with a happy expression on his face, a flame condensed in his hands, and changed his shape at will.

"Congratulations, you have become the 'arsonist' of Sequence Seven." Joyce sincerely congratulated.

"Thank you, young master."

Hunter simply responded that the relationship between the two has already passed the stage of showing loyalty in person.

However, Joyce said again with emotion:

"You're lucky, you chose the hunter pathway, and some pathways will change gender in the mid-sequence..."

Mr. Hunter put out the flame in his hand and asked in surprise, "Transgender?"

Joyce gave an "um" and explained, "There is a way for Beyonders to become women when they are promoted to Sequence Seven."

After making a slight hint, he ignored the thinking in the other's eyes, and changed the subject again:

"Just now you said that qualified soldiers have been selected."

"Yes, Master." Mr. Hunter nodded and explained in detail:

"Two candidates were initially screened, one is called Hulk and the other is called Gattuso. Both are orphans. They were adopted by Sir William since childhood and grew up in the territory of Rose Manor. They have a very strong sense of belonging and honor. Su, they are all very good soldiers..."

Joyce listened carefully and nodded secretly:

"Let's go, let me meet these two young people."

When he said this, he seemed to have forgotten that he was only a young man, he just had a higher status...

Holker is taller, burly, sharp-eyed, brave and decisive, while Gattuso is slightly shorter, but equally strong, calm in appearance and flexible in thought.

This is the conclusion drawn through Hunter's introduction and his own observations.

Joyce smiled, indicating that the two of them should not be nervous, and asked like a small talk:

"Listen to Mr. Hunter, both of you are captains of your respective squads, aren't you?"

"Yes, Mr. Baron."

The two replied in unison.

It seems that they will not let go of their restraint easily, and Joyce just let it go, and then said bluntly:

"Since you have a certain understanding of Beyonders, I won't go into details."

"I have four Sequence Nine potion formulas in my hand, 'Hunter', 'Divinator', 'Arbiter' and 'Lawyer', you can choose one of them. "

In addition, Joyce also has the Beyonder characteristics of "Warrior" and "Rage People", but unfortunately there is no potion formula...

Then, he briefly introduced the abilities, advantages and disadvantages of the above four Beyonders, took a sip of tea, and waited for the two to make a choice.

Without much hesitation, Holke made the first decision:

"I choose 'Hunter'."

Joyce nodded, but did not speak, until after two or three minutes, Gattuso came to the conclusion after weighing the pros and cons:

"I want to be a 'divine'."

"Oh, can I know the reason?" Joyce asked with great interest.

Gattuso replied immediately: "There are two reasons."

"When Mr. Baron introduced the four paths just now, he described the Diviner in the most detail, which shows that you know a lot about it."

"Furthermore, although the Diviner only has auxiliary abilities, it is even more difficult to guard against... In a battle, not all soldiers must be soldiers, and logistical assistance is equally important."

After he finished explaining his reasons, he lowered his head, as if waiting for judgment.

He is good at observation and thinking, and at the same time is decisive, but he is a good seedling... Joyce made an evaluation, and the choice of the two also met his expectations... He hoped that someone would choose the fortune-teller path, after all, there is a ready-made "diver" in hand. "Extraordinary characteristics, can make the best use of everything.

More importantly, he will leave Bayam after becoming a "witch". As he expected, the Beyonder team led by Mr. Hunter needs a "" The team continues to expand...

"I respect your choice."

Joyce said calmly: "But I also want to remind you that once you choose a certain path to become an Extraordinary, you will face a more cruel world. Are you ready?"

"I pledge my allegiance to Mr. Baron to the death."

The two knelt down on one knee at the same time and swore loudly with a firm expression.

"Go ahead," Joyce said.


Without much effort, Mr. Hunter knocked on the door and entered.

"One chose 'Hunter' and the other chose 'Divinator'."

Joyce said briefly.

Hunter thought for a moment and said, "Holke's 'hunter', Gattuso's 'divine'."

"Yes, it seems that your judgment on the two of them is accurate."

Joyce smiled in appreciation and took out a note: "This is the recipe of the 'divine master'. I have the main ingredients in my hand, or I just need to collect auxiliary materials."

"You should know the potion formula of the hunter pathway. Gather all the materials as soon as possible. It is best to make the two of them Beyonders before I leave Bayam."

"You want to leave Bayam?" Mr. Hunter asked directly.

Joyce nodded and said, "There are some reasons why I have to leave. I will tell you everything before I leave, and at that time, I will leave you with a task that is not easy."

Hunter stopped asking, and Joyce continued:

"Go to the dock area with Yi Rong tomorrow. My potion needs to be digested as soon as possible."

"Okay, young master."

Mr. Hunter replied, feeling that Joyce had long maintained a sense of urgency, as if something was chasing him behind.

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