Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 84: Ghost Ship in the Storm

On the other side of the island, on the ghost ship, a man with yellow hair was waiting anxiously.

His name is Sainz, and he is a Beyonder of the Church of the Storms. The reason why he didn't go to the island together is to keep the captain of the ghost ship to guard and prevent him from escaping.

However, it seemed that Alger had been away for a long time... He stood on the bow and looked out. The sky in the distance was gloomy, the wind and waves were suddenly rising, a storm was brewing, and he saw that there was no way to avoid it.

Sainz stood still as the ship tossed up and down with the increasing wind and waves.

Soon, Alger appeared in his field of vision.

But why, two strangers appeared behind him out of thin air... One long and one young, the middle-aged man had a firm face and steady steps, the young man was handsome, carrying a bulging suitcase.

"who are they?"

Sainz with yellow hair shouted and asked.

Alger stopped and replied loudly:

"The two of them are adventurers who were accidentally left on the island. They want to take our ship back to Bayam. There is no danger."

If there is no danger, it means there is danger, but it is not big... Sainz understood the secret language between the two, chose to trust Alger's judgment, and then controlled the boat to dock, allowing the three to board the boat successfully.

The process went smoothly and there were no conflicts.

"Thank you."

said Joyce, with a kind smile.

Sainz nodded lightly and didn't say much. After getting the gesture in Alger's eyes, he arranged the two strangers to rest in a spare cabin, and the other party was also very cooperative.

Then, he couldn't wait to ask:

"Why did you go for so long, and who are those two people?"

Alger, who returned to the ghost ship, felt a lot more at ease. The sea was his home, and with the cooperation of his companions, the previous sense of crisis was basically lifted.

He took a deep breath, and the firmness in his tone calmed the other party down:

"Calm down, Sainz, these two were indeed left on the island."

The first to tell the confirmed facts, Alger then tells the whole process:

"Before I landed on the island, someone had already landed first, and for some reason there was a fight with each other. In the end, the two adventurers won, but the ship that brought them went away, and he planned to use our ship to chase after them. , I had no chance to refuse at that time..."

"You saw it with your own eyes?" Sainz asked.

Alger answered truthfully: "I heard the sound of fighting and saw the boats that drove away. The specific situation is not clear, but in general there is not much deviation."

Sainz's eyes flashed fiercely, and he made a movement of swinging a knife:

"What if the two of them are pirates? Would you like to..."

Alger recalled the feeling of oppression he endured in the tunnel, and analyzed it in detail:

"The strength of these two people is not weak. Even at sea, we may not be their opponents if we join forces."

"And from my experience, they don't look like pirates. After all, how could pirates be left on a desert island by their companions. These two are genuine Beyonders..."

Sainz thought for a moment and asked, "Then let's chase?"


Alger decided, not only for the gain that Joyce had promised, but more importantly, to verify the true identities of the two of Joyce, to find out whether it was a pirate infighting, or an adventurer hunting pirates?


The ghost ship has no sailors, and the surrounding air is filled with a gloomy aura.

Dinner is also relatively simple, with grilled fish, bread, and unknown jam that has been stored for a little longer. Of course, there is enough beer.

That night, a storm that had been brewing for a long time struck.

The thick clouds, the lightning and thunder, illuminated the raindrops that were dense like a bead curtain, and the strong wind blew waves that were even higher than the waves, as if to subvert the sky.

It's no wonder that most of the people who seek a life at sea believe in some Lord of Storms...Only at this time can one truly appreciate one's own insignificance and subconsciously pray to the gods for survival.

Fortunately, Joyce was on a ghost ship with two Beyonders of the Tyrant Path.

The boat is like a fallen leaf, drifting with the waves in the wind and waves, but there is no danger of overturning. The only problem is that wanting to sleep has become an extravagant hope.

After tossing all night, the storm began to show signs of weakening.

Joyce came to the deck and saw Alger and the yellow-haired Sainz observing the storm. This weather was considered their home ground...

"In such a big storm, can you still catch up?" he asked.

Alger gave a positive answer: "I can catch up."

"Actually, this storm is in our favor. The ships ahead will be delayed and slowed down, but we won't. If the heavy rain continues, we will be able to catch up with each other tonight."

"Luck seems to be on our side." Joyce said with a smile, and then he made a fist with his right hand and hammered his left chest:

"The storm is on."

As a devout storm follower, Sainz almost subconsciously gave a storm salute, and finally controlled his right hand. He turned his head and asked:

"Do you believe in the 'Lord of the Storm'?"

"Yes." Joyce answered and was sincere, which could help eliminate the vague hostility between the two sides, not to mention that he is indeed a believer of the storm now.

Sure enough, the yellow-haired Sainz had more approval in his eyes, and he chatted with Joyce and Hunter from time to time.

While eating breakfast, Joyce began to think. Today is June 28, and Klein has already "landed". Next, he will go shopping for vegetables, perform divination, and hold a transfer ceremony, which is the first Tarot meeting...

Thinking of this, he raised his head and glanced at Alger, and quickly retracted it, making the latter somewhat inexplicable.

Afterwards, Joyce returned to the cabin alone, leaving Mr. Hunter outside to chat with Sainz.

Opened the carry-on suitcase, which contained all the harvest of the operation.

Two Extraordinary characteristics, one belongs to the "arsonist" and the other belongs to Rosario the "sea-monster". After previous divination through Seimanto Castle, he learned that he is the "Rage People" of the Sequence Eight of the Tyrant Path, no wonder his temper is so grumpy. ...

Two extraordinary materials, "the compound eyes of hunting black spiders", "all the blood of the black abyss devil fish", and of course other spiritual materials on the two, it can be said that the wild goose has plucked the hair...

Two magical items, "Magician's Ring", not to mention, went around and returned to his hand... There is also a necklace, which has the ability of "Nightmare", the negative effect is that the wearer must sleep enough every day six hours...

The harvest is very rich, and each is of great value, but Joyce does not need these now, he took out some other worthless things.

With two rings on each hand, a round mirror in front of him, he sat cross-legged on the bed, and the compass was placed on his knees.

It was the Quaternary antiquities that he collected through different channels.

He intends to wait for the Tarot Club to be held.

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