Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 300: how gods were born

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Since the last time I heard Mr. Sun and Louise tell about the mythological history of the "Land Forsaken by God", Audrey had never forgotten it.

Later, under the leadership of Susie the "Imaginary Dog", she checked the church's scriptures and history books and found many unexplainable conflicts.

"About the seven orthodox gods on our continent, there is no record of 'Land Abandoned by God', but like 'Lord of Storms' and 'God of Knowledge and Wisdom', they are known as the oldest gods and have a very long history of existence. "

Audrey first stated a fact that was recognized by everyone... Of course, Forsi was not included in this "everyone"... She paused, looked around, and continued:

"According to Miss Power, the Land Abandoned by Gods appeared at the end of the Third Epoch, so why are there no records of these gods? Was it lost because of two thousand years of hardships?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Alger, but also Louise and Klein were surprised.

This question is not complicated, and in fact it does not require much careful thinking, but for Audrey, who has lived within the belief of orthodox gods since she was a child, asking this question means that she begins to question the conventions and beliefs. God... Although she tried to avoid the "Goddess of the Night" in her words.

"The Hanged Man" was shocked. To be honest, his beliefs were not piety, but at the most he suspected that the records of the church would be biased, but the question raised by Miss Justice pointed directly to the birth of gods. ... And Alger himself knows that the gods are only powerful Beyonders of Sequence 0, and ordinary people can also be promoted to become true gods step by step. Could it be the same with the seven orthodox gods today?

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, and silently looked at Mr. Sun beside him.

Derrick pondered for a while, he recalled the books he had read, raised his head and replied:

"The City of Silver does not have the records of the seven orthodox gods you mentioned, but 'knowledge and wisdom', 'sun'... these powers are reflected in the body of the 'Omniscient and Almighty Lord', and the authority of the storm belongs to the Elf King Sunya Sorem, was finally taken back by the Creator."

"But the 'Omniscient and Almighty Creator' of the City of Silver's belief has fallen." Alger said thoughtfully, staring at the opposite Miss Power.

Louise nodded slightly and said, "I said something like that."

"So, can I understand it like this..." Audrey took over the conversation and said, "The authority of the 'Lord of the Storm', the 'God of Knowledge and Wisdom' and other gods all come from the one that the City of Silver believes in. The 'Omniscient and Almighty Creator', it is precisely because of his fall that the seven orthodox gods in the Northern Continent were born today."

Before the words fell, the gray fog fell into an inexhaustible silence, and no one made a sound.

If this speculation comes true, then the holy books of the major churches will be overturned, the birth of the gods and the orthodoxy will be seriously questioned, and the person who proposes this speculation will definitely be sent to the Inquisition, or even the gallows... Alger actually had a palpitating feeling towards Miss Justice.

The question that Derrick the "Sun" pondered was, if the Creator's authority was divided up for the first time because of deep sleep, and the Lord will bring light to the world after awakening from the deep sleep, then this second time, after the "death" of the Creator, Can he wake up again? Silver City can walk out of darkness and usher in light again...

As a big foodie empire, Klein has never believed that gods are born to raise them, let alone the saying in the creation myth that "Gods are differentiated from the creator's spirit", so there is no doubt about Miss Justice. So shocked, I just started to wonder about the answer to this question... If this is the case, then the relationship between the seven gods is not necessarily as simple as it seems on the surface, it is likely to be a result of mutual compromise after the war.

As for Fors, she has already begun to doubt life... "Land Abandoned by God", "Omniscient and Almighty Creator", "Seven Gods"... What are these people talking about? Is this something I should be listening to as a Sequence Nine?

After a long time, Louise coughed lightly, breaking the frozen atmosphere, and summed up:

"Gods are never achieved overnight. The 'Omniscient and Almighty Creator' believed in the City of Silver fell at the end of the Third Epoch, and except for the "God of Steam and Machinery", the other six gods were at the beginning of the Fourth Epoch. Humans occupied the continents. The dominance is then well documented.”

While everyone was still thinking, Klein instantly understood the deep meaning of these words. He controlled the "world" and said coldly:

"What you mean is that the Seven Gods were close to gods before they were promoted to true gods, so after the fall of the 'Omniscient and Almighty Creator', they quickly seized benefits and became gods."

Louise smiled slightly, and was noncommittal about Klein's After the fall of the "Omniscient and Almighty Creator" of the City of Silver's beliefs, many powerful Beyonders at the angel level swarmed up, madly grabbing the characteristics and characteristics that he left behind. Inheritance, the one who finally won became the **** of today... Such a picture appeared in the minds of Alger and others, and it lingered.

This is a great blasphemy to the gods!

Suddenly, a few muffled sounds of beating on the edge of the table reached their ears, and everyone looked up at the top of the long bronze table. They found that Mr. Fool was safely hidden in the gray fog, and said Tan Ran:

"The Aurora Society is searching for the believers of The Fool, be careful of people and things related to the True Creator."

It turned out that it wasn't about the birth of gods... Audrey was a little disappointed, but Mr. Fool's reminder also proved the fact that he and the "true creator" are mortal enemies, and maybe there are gods in places that are invisible. battle between.

Afterwards, Klein looked around and found that everyone's expressions had not changed much, so he continued:

"That's it for today's party."

"Follow your will." Everyone bowed and said, Forsi followed silently, a little slower.

After cutting off everyone's connection with the crimson stars, only Klein was left above the gray fog. He muttered to himself:

"I hope that Miss Power can hear the reminder of the second half of the sentence just now, otherwise if there is a problem, I will not be qualified to fight against the "True Creator"..."

"And Miss Power obviously has a lot to say, her knowledge of gods is beyond imagination... I increasingly suspect that she is a descendant of Roselle, and maybe she also inherits many of the wealth left by Mr. Great. And knowledge..."

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