Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 298: Descendants of Roselle?

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Klein found that he had never known Miss Power at all, but only knew that she was a "witch" from the "Witch Sect". She had extremely profound knowledge of mysticism, but she was completely unfamiliar with her logic and true identity.

Of course, he also doesn't have a deep enough understanding of the other members of the "Tarot Club", but Miss Power's own strength and the mysterious veil shrouding her are obviously more able to arouse Klein's curiosity... Because , She seems to be chasing Roselle's trail just like herself.

"Because I am also a traveler, I can read Chinese. The purpose is to get useful information from Roselle's diary, to help myself grow, and to gradually approach the truth of this world, but Miss Power seems to have a very good understanding of the extraordinary. The world is over, why is she following Roselle's footsteps?"

"No way, she is also a transmigrator, she can read Chinese like me!"

Klein sat at the head of the long bronze table and lowered his head. He seemed to be reading a diary, but he was actually emptying himself.

"Could she be the descendant left by Emperor Roselle in this world?" He suddenly thought in a whim, turning his eyes to Miss Power on the left.

At the same time, the other members of the "Tarot Club" were also watching Louise.

"The Hanged Man" and "Justice", like Klein, were all related to the question that Louise had asked before Roselle was still alive, and the guesses in his heart were similar.

Little "Sun" was curious about what the mysterious organization Miss Power was talking about, why didn't she even mention its name?

At this time, Forsi the Magician next to him raised his right hand weakly and said carefully:

"Russell's diary... Are you referring to those mysterious notes left by Emperor Roselle that no one can decipher?"

Hearing this, Audrey suddenly felt a shock in her heart. She remembered that she had exchanged Roselle's diary several times in Forsi's hands before, what if she wanted to go back...

Louise glanced at her, ignoring the scrutiny of several people, and responded with a smile:

"Yes, after being prompted by Mr. Fool, those notes are all the diaries recorded by Roselle."

The emphasis in her words was on "Mr. Fool's reminder", but Forsi obviously didn't react, just bowed cautiously and said:

"Thank you for your answer."

Klein watched this scene, and then found that Miss Power was looking at him, so he immediately lowered his head and started to really read the diary in his hand.

"September 21st, at a dance, Mrs. Darshan was more charming than her daughter."

You really don't talk about martial arts, Mr. Roselle... Klein despised in his heart, and continued to look down, and found that the entire page was actually a description of this aspect.

Mr. Fool silently took a deep breath and opened the second page of the diary, which recorded Roselle's novel feelings after joining the army and becoming an officer, which was of little practical significance.

The first two pages of the diary were bought by Louise from Bernadette, and the third page buried at the bottom was her own made-up diary.

Finally, Klein turned to the last page of the diary.

"On June 17, Bernadette and I had a fight. This girl who used to be so cute has become less and less able to understand some of her father's behavior as she grows up. Of course, this is my reason."

"But I still didn't let her. After all, as a father, I have to maintain the minimum dignity... Well, it's better to leave her some more things."

"'Steam' and 'Eternal Sun' turned a blind eye to my attempts, they seemed happy to see me become the 'Dark Emperor', the most puzzling being the 'God of Knowledge and Wisdom', What do the words He and I said mean... and the most mysterious 'Goddess of the Night', although I don't have much dealings with, but the figure of this female **** seems to have appeared in many historical fogs. He may be the hidden one. The deepest chess player."

It seems that the contents of this diary were not written on the same day... Klein came to this conclusion after reading it.

Bernadette, the eldest daughter of Emperor Roselle, according to Zaratul's prophecy, will become a great figure in the mysterious world... The eldest son, Charles, will die at an unknown time, and the second son, Bonova, will remain in the "God of Steam and Machinery". Inside the Church... Then, if Miss Power is really a descendant of Roselle, which one would it be?

It seems that my "historian" seems to have another topic... Klein thought to himself, and then he turned his thoughts to the second half of the diary.

Roselle is preparing to become the "Dark Emperor". Combined with the previous diary, there is a high probability that he is a **** of a certain path, but according to the law of Extraordinary characteristics, Mr. Great Emperor can only become a **** of the "secret peeping person" path... This kind of cross Is the promotion of the pathway the cause of his failure and death?

Moreover, Roselle commented on a number of gods, especially the "Goddess of the Night" the most respected, or fearful... Klein silently recorded this, because he once swore in front of the goddess's holy relic, Occult, that's enough to make a connection.

Alas, Roselle, a traveler, is backed by the "Church of the God of Steam and Machinery" and perhaps the "Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun", but he has only been a "Night Watcher" for a few months. "So he died for his country... Klein's heart is sad!

He quickly sorted out his mood, scattered the diary in his hand, and said Pingdan:

"You can communicate freely."

"Does anyone have any clues about the formula of 'Wind Blessed One'?" Alger asked first.

Unfortunately, after a brief silence, everyone shook their heads in denial. The Hanged Man was not too disappointed, which was what he expected, but he couldn't help but ask every time.

"Can recipes be traded here?" Fors asked aloud.

Audrey glanced at her and answered affirmatively:

"Yes, not only formulas, extraordinary materials and knowledge information can be traded, everything is witnessed by Mr. Fool, and there is no need to consider the question of authenticity."

Hearing this, Klein muttered in his heart, "I can't guarantee..."

"Thank you." Forsi replied, and then put forward his own needs: "I want the potion formula of 'Pharmacist'..."

"I have." "World" said immediately, for fear of being robbed of business by others:

"Two hundred and thirty pounds."

Although Miss Justice still owes her a lot of foreign debts, things like gold pounds will never be enough... Klein thought.

Forsi was suddenly stunned. She had been collecting the "Pharmacist" formula for a long time, but she didn't expect to get it so easily... This was the first time she participated in the "Tarot Club"!

"Okay." She agreed to the request, and then continued to finish her needs:

"I also need 'Soul Eater's Stomach' and 'Marlin Blood'."

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