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Ikanser didn't need to look back to imagine the weird looks the team members were looking at him.

It's a question that doesn't make sense to answer "yes" or "no."

There was a long-lasting sorrow on his face, and he said in a deep voice:

"It used to be."

"Correct answer." The blood-red font on the surface of the silver mirror changed.

Ikanser sighed with a little struggle. He covered the silver mirror in his hand with a black cloth, faced the team members who were pretending to be nothing, and said:

"The murderer is one man, two women, and three Beyonders, all of them are in the middle sequence, or even the fifth sequence, and passed this news to the 'Night Watchers' of the 'Evening Church'."

"Then, according to Arrodes' instructions, we split up to investigate the victims in the previous 'Becklund Serial Murder Case' to find out whether there are some hidden connections and backgrounds behind them."

"Yes, Captain." The members of "Heart of Machines" agreed uniformly.


In the evening, 59 Egram Street.

The crimson moonlight outside the window, which was illuminated by the light of the gas street lamps, suddenly became darker and thicker. The dark clouds and mist in the mid-air had dissipated, and the red moon, which was more than a semicircle, was clearly revealed.

Its outline is fast and plump, and after just a second or two, it becomes a full moon, a full moon that is red as blood!

In the occult, this kind of sight is called a "blood moon". Although only two weeks have passed since the last full moon, no one can explain this unreasonable situation. It can only be attributed to the "Goddess of the Night". in bad mood.

The rise and explosion of the feminine power brought by the "Blood Moon" will bring benefits to some Beyonders, but it will also bring unexpected pain to some people, such as Sharon and Maric.

Another example, Fors...

She was sitting on the sofa in the spacious guest room, fishing for fish, and contemplating the plot of the next novel, until she noticed that the moonlight shining through the window was getting darker and redder.

Another full moon, the suicidal ravings came into my mind again, and there was no way to avoid it.

She fell off the couch, struggling with her body twisted.

After a while, she brushed and grabbed a large amount of hair, but the pain did not relieve her symptoms like her head was about to explode, nor did she calm her restlessness that she wanted to end her life with a knife.

"Miss Louise is at home, even if she turns into a monster, it won't hurt others... So you have to hold on, Fors..." She whispered in pain, her legs twitching and stiffening.

As if a drill was piercing his skull, Foer thought of Miss Louise's admonition:

"Only with the blessing of the gods can we get rid of the curse of the full moon."

So, she recited the honorable name of the **** she believed in with great difficulty, and wanted to obtain redemption:

"The great **** of steam and machinery;"

"You are the essence, the incarnation;"

"You are the craftsman, protector;"

"You are the brilliance of technology, brilliance."

Over and over again, Forsi's pain never diminished, but instead became more and more intense.

So, she began to chant the honorable names of other gods.

"You are higher than the stars;"

"Goddess of the night, older than eternity;"


"The King of the Sky, the King of the Sea,"

"The monarch of natural disasters, the **** of storms!"

At this time, she no longer considers whether the gods will find out that she is a false believer. As long as there are gods willing to redeem herself, I will pay anything...

However, the pain still did not weaken, but became more intense. Forsi, who could no longer bear it any longer, frantically scratched the wooden legs of the sofa with her fingernails, scratching deep scars one after another, and scratching out the sore teeth. creaking sound.

Even if the evil **** is willing to help me, I am willing to accept it... She suddenly remembered the evil gaze that Hugh received after reciting the honorable name, recalling the honorable name that looked like a god, and Miss Louise's words flashed in her mind. , the thought is not very clear chanting:

"A fool who does not belong to this age;"

"The mysterious master above the gray fog;"

"The king of yellow and black who is in charge of good fortune;"

"Save me, save me..."


In the Chorwood district, Klein had just been promoted to Sequence Seven's "Magician" when he suddenly heard illusory prayers echoing in layers.

It sounded like a woman, and the voice was choppy and seemed to contain great pain.

"Who could it be?" He took four steps against the spot and came above the gray fog, confirming that the request was not from a member of the "Tarot Club".

Fortunately, it's not Miss Power, otherwise, I can't help her if I think about it... Klein thought with a little relaxation, his left hand spread out his spirituality, and he touched the An unfamiliar halo of ripples.

The surrounding scene suddenly changed, and he saw an overturned coffee table, a sloping sofa, books and papers on the floor, and a brunette lady who was struggling.

This is one of the two Beyonders recommended by Miss Justice, but why does she seem to be on the verge of losing control... Also, why is the decoration in this room a little familiar?

Eh, we have to decide whether to take action to save people, otherwise this lady will completely turn into a monster... Klein thought for a while, and then let his spirituality flow wildly, establishing a stable and mysterious connection with the other party.


Forsi's thoughts became more and more confused. She seemed to see Xio appear in front of her with a sad and tearful expression, snuggling beside Miss Louise, who was expressionless.

In the next second, she suddenly became sober, and all the hallucinations and pain disappeared, as if the ravings that nearly killed her were all imagination.

This is where? She looked around in amazement, saw towering stone pillars, and saw the towering palace supported by stone pillars.

Immediately afterwards, she found that at the top of the long bronze table, there was a mysterious and abnormal figure that seemed to be looking down on everything, wrapped in a thick gray fog.

"You are a god!" Forsi exclaimed, joy and fear coexisted, and then quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at the figure.

Klein was a little puzzled, how could she, like Miss Power, call me a **** when she met me... Could it be that she is also a senior Beyonder with rich knowledge of mysticism? But she only has Sequence Nine...

"How do you know I'm a god?" he asked casually.

Forsi stood up all of a sudden and quickly replied:

"Because I was told that only the gods can help me lift the full moon curse."

"The curse of the full moon..." Klein pondered for two seconds and said, "That's not necessarily a curse."

Fors opened her eyes wide, as if she wanted to get an answer.


In the guest room, Forsi's body fell silent, lying messily on the ground with a very unique shape.

Louise suddenly withdrew from the invisible state and smiled slightly:

"It seems that I don't need to kill you, Forsi."

After that, her figure disappeared into the air again, leaving behind a sullen remark:

"Welcome, Miss 'Magic.'"

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