Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 263: lady and miss

In the steamy, smoky bathroom, a beautiful woman with a beautiful appearance and a proud figure who can't pick out a single flaw from any angle is taking a bath.

Looking forward to the brilliance, bright eyes and white teeth, blushing and heartbeats, and even lingering... Unfortunately, these scenes are destined to be appreciated by no one, except Louise herself.

She was lying gracefully on her back in the hot water that was constantly rising with mist, her thrilling body was all hidden under the water, and there were various unknown petals floating on the water.

The intoxicating smell of essential oils incense, coupled with the charm and temptation that Louise can't completely control for the time being, makes this small bathroom full of blurry and tempting crime... In other words, it's like a fairyland on earth.

He raised his arms and let the clear and transparent water droplets flow down the white and smooth skin without encountering the slightest obstacle.

Louise opened her eyes, and after this comfortable bath, she helped her to free herself from the exhaustion and instability she had just been promoted, and she restrained the amazing charm that she subconsciously exuded, and became "unremarkable" again.

She began to think about the invitation sent by Mrs. Coria, who was recently dealing with matters related to the funeral of Major General Bright. Judging from the current news, the funeral had ended successfully.

Logically speaking, if you kill someone's husband, it's best not to get too close to the deceased's wife, although this may sound exciting... Not only is the deceased a major cause, but once the matter is exposed, the ultimate There is a high probability that it will cause a situation that is difficult to end.

But the problem now is that Mrs. Coria took the initiative to invite, and Louise suddenly realized that she was a "witch"! Why use normal logic to think about how to act? What's more, Kelia is just an ordinary person, and a woman who fits her aesthetic very well...

Alas, after being promoted to "Happiness", my way of thinking has changed a lot unknowingly... Louise sighed lightly, then stepped on her feet, her whole body stood in the pool like a hibiscus emerging from the water. A thin stream of water slides down the choppy curve, leaving a shallow watermark.

Stepping out of the pool, walking step by step in the cloud and mist, the water droplets on the body also quickly evaporated, the skin and even the hair regained its freshness, and finally changed into a new set of clothes, which is slim and moving.

"Miss, the carriage is ready, are you going now?"

Sophia asked softly, she looked up at Louise, and found that although the latter was still beautiful, she no longer exuded the irresistible charm as when she was just promoted.

"What are you thinking?" Louise chuckled, raising her hand and shaking it in front of the maid's eyes.

Sophia once again showed a crimson face, bowed her head and responded:

"No... nothing."

Louise's heart was like a mirror, but she didn't care, she said with a smile:

"Come on, accompany me to visit Mrs. Coria."


Major General Bright can be regarded as an excellent talent. He inherited the title of his late father at a very young age and was successfully promoted to a Sequence Five Beyonder.

It is also for this reason that he developed his arrogance and reckless behavior, which led to his being beaten to the dust by the weak "Louise" during the Bayam period, but after that, Bright began to change, Gradually become mature, if there are no accidents, he has a good chance to become a demigod and a real big man in Loen... Unfortunately, there is no if in this world, only a life-and-death enemy.

As the wife of Major General Bright, Mrs. Coria, she actually doesn't have much affection for her husband who has not lived at home for a long time, especially after learning about the character of the other party and his cross-border behavior.

When the news of Bright's death came back, Coria suddenly felt that she was alone in this world, as if she had lost her motivation to live... So, after the funeral, she fell ill.

Laying on the bed without thinking about eating and drinking every day, in grief and grief, she thought of a person, a friend who, although she had not known each other for a long time, was more intimate than others...

"Madame, Miss Louise is here."

Her own maid stepped forward and reported softly that when Kelia heard the words, a shimmer finally appeared in her eyes, and she hurriedly said:

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"Please come in."

"I've already come." The Louise person did not arrive, and the voice came first.

"Go down first." Coria's pale face brightened a bit, and she turned to her maid and said.

Before she finished speaking, Louise pushed open the door and let the maid close the door. She walked quickly to the bed, looked at Coria, and sighed:

"I haven't seen you for a few days, why did Madam become like this?"

"The old friend has passed away, so Madam should take care of her health."

When she said this, Louise almost forgot that it was she who killed the husband of the person in front of her.

Coria stared intently at Louise's face, feeling the long-lost intimacy. She inexplicably found her heart beating more vigorously, and her face became more rosy, and said softly:

"I feel a lot better after seeing you."

Louise held Coria's tender and boneless little hand and said softly:

"Then I will often come to chat with you in the future."

Mrs. Coria's face became more and more rosy, she felt a little more strength in her body, and said:

"Then we can agree."

"Of course." Louise assured herself confidently, and then hesitantly asked, "Mr. Bright... Did you simply die for the country?"

"Ah..." Kelia sighed deeply and replied, "I don't know what mission he performed, he died inexplicably..."

Seeing that Louise was a little confused, Coria continued to describe sadly:

"A few days ago, a young officer suddenly came to the door and told me the news, but he didn't reveal even the slightest details. I knew that he was probably assigned to do some secret mission, but I didn't expect that he would die because of it... Now this family , I'm the only one left."

There was sympathy and sorrow on Louise's face, but she actually thought about it in her heart. Bright's death seemed to be deliberately covered up. What was the purpose of covering up the truth of the population transfer? After all, a Sequence Five Beyonder is not a Chinese cabbage, and death without a reason will attract the attention of those who care...

After thinking about it, she lowered her head and comforted: "Relax, you still have me!"

Then he asked, "What's the matter with your current illness?"

Coria tried to sit up, but was pressed down by Louise and said, "Take more rest."

So she lay down and replied, "I'm not sick, I just feel bored, so I don't want to eat, let alone move..."

As the soothing continued to tell, Coria felt a little thirsty, and she hadn't said so much in a long time.

Louise thoughtfully picked up the teacup in the room and handed it over. Seeing Coria drank it, she said with a smile:

"Did I tell you that when I was in the Southern Continent, I studied medicine for a while... You are suffering from a heart disease, and you still need a heart medicine."

"What kind of medicine?" Coria asked curiously.

Louise slowed down and said faintly, "Since I have lost my sustenance, I naturally have to find a new purpose in life."

Coria asked in cooperation, "What can be considered a life goal for Xin?"

"One thing you've always wanted to do but haven't done..." Louise replied, "A person you hold in your heart and can't let go."

One thing, or a person... Coria thought for a while, then looked up at Louise, the eyes in the latter's pupils were a bit scorching, and she lowered her head blushing again, and said in a low voice:

"I have no idea."

Louise's hand grabbed the opponent's small hand slightly, smiled and said:

"It's okay, close your eyes and I'll tell you the answer."

"Why do you close your eyes?" Coria asked strangely with her eyes wide open and her face flushed.

Louise smiled and said, "Close it and you'll know."

Kelia was puzzled, but she still closed her eyes, and at the same time felt her heartbeat speed up suddenly, as if it was about to pop out of her body.

The next second, a touch of warmth came from her cold She suddenly opened her eyes and said shyly:

"what are you doing?"

Louise didn't answer, but instead asked: "In that moment just now, did you feel your heartbeat speed up and your body regained its vitality?"

Kelia's face was blushing and charming, she whispered, "Then you can't kiss me either!"

"Why not, I don't just want to kiss you..." Louise said, slowly bowing her head, getting closer to Coria's face, who seemed to want to hide, but couldn't use her strength, as if... just... It was as if she had been looking forward to this moment.

After a long time, their lips parted, Keliya took two deep breaths, as if water was about to drip between her brows, she covered her flushed face with her hands and said:

"There are still people outside!"

"It doesn't matter, they can't get in." Louise said casually, lowered her head again, leaned her whole body up, and at the same time stretched out countless invisible threads from her palms, covering the room so that no sound could come out.


In the living room outside the bedroom, Sophia was chatting with Mrs. Coria's personal maid, who suddenly stood up and said:

"I don't know how Madam and Miss Louise are chatting. I think it's time to say hello."

Sophia stopped him unhurriedly and said, "My young lady has studied some medical skills, which may help Mrs. Kelia's condition. We'd better not disturb her."

"Why don't my sister show me this house..." The maid stood up, looked in the direction of the bedroom, then moved away and said:

"I have a hunch that I will come here often in the future, so it's better to get familiar with it."

Mrs. Coria's personal maid hesitated, but finally chose to accept:

"Okay, please come with me."

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