Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 234: The plan to report to Mr. Fool

Chapter 234 The plan to report to Mr. Fool

After Tingen's story ended, while completing the boring population transfer task, Louise thought about this issue very predictably, although she had not joined the "Tarot Club" at that time.

Judging from the story that has not suffered much deviation, the "Five Pounds Killing Ambassador" incident will still find that Klein will release the task as scheduled, and Miss Justice will immediately think of who to entrust to complete this assassination?

Louise guessed that she was likely to be Audrey's first choice. She even came up with a fairly complete planning process for this matter, but it was not as good as anyone. Things seem to get easier...

"How could I approach an ambassador without your help?" Louise asked rhetorically with a smile.

"You mean..." Audrey immediately reacted: "Tomorrow night's dance." Qiang Xie read Xie

Then, she said hesitantly: "I can indeed take you to the ball, but Count Wolfe has invited a lot of guests, including ambassadors from various countries in Loen, big nobles with seats in the House of Lords, and even princes. The dance party to be held tomorrow night is very large, there must be a lot of Beyonders, and it is unlikely that there will be an opportunity to carry out an assassination.”

Since she learned from Louise that many aristocrats with a long history have more or less mastered some extraordinary paths, Audrey now sees everyone like an extraordinary...

Louise chuckled twice and defended, "I'm not a rash person. I always pay attention to planning and then move. I will only make moves when I have sufficient confidence, and I will kill with one strike and then float away."

It sounds "handsome", just like the protagonist in an adventure novel... Audrey suddenly felt envious, and then asked:

"Beckland is likely to be a Beyonder, and there must be more Beyonders around him to act as assistants and protectors. It is very likely that he is not weaker than Qilingus, are you sure?"

"Qilingus?" Louise asked strangely, in front of the "audience", she tried her best to avoid showing any flaws at all times.

But in fact, Audrey was just a slip of the tongue. She blinked continuously and realized that although Louise had joined the "Tarot Club", she had not participated in the previous incident...

Miss Justice blushed slightly, repented in her heart for her carelessness, and then explained:

"Pirate General Qilingus died in Backlund a few days ago, and was shot by a favored one of Mr. Fool, before the Archbishop of the Church of the Storm did it." This time bxW* Zhang Si

"Storm pigeon", it's understandable... Louise gave a simple "um", although she already knew the truth, but in the eyes of others she shouldn't know it... It's a bit complicated to say, but like this The "knowingly asking" is not once or twice, she has long been used to it.

"As long as Beckland is not a demigod, I have a certain degree of certainty. Even with the worst plan, if the assassination fails, I can still leave calmly without being hunted down."

The confidence in this powerful statement infected Audrey. She chose to trust Louise, who was unwilling to reveal the Beyonder pathway and specific sequence, and said softly:

"In this way, I don't need to entrust Mr. A..."

"No." Louise interrupted with some rudeness: "Your plan is also effective, but it needs to be adjusted slightly during the execution process. If my assassination fails, Mr. A will be the second insurance, and if I If Beckland is successfully killed, then Mr. A is the most suitable scapegoat..."

"As the divine envoy of the Aurora Society, he has no chance to defend himself, much less the need to refute."

"'Aurora Club'!" Audrey exclaimed in a low voice, "Mr. A is a member of the 'Aurora Club'?"

In Miss Justice's perception, "Aurora Club" is temporarily ranked first among the evil organizations.

Louise smiled slightly and said: "It is absolutely true, there are twenty-four divine envoys in the Aurora Society, and they are clearly named with different letters. The weakest is also a Sequence Six Beyonder, while Mr. A, who is in charge of Backlund, is a Sequence Six. The 'shepherd' of the fifth is genuine and can be regarded as one of the strongest sequences under the demigods."

Knowing the name of another Sequence Five... Audrey secretly wrote it down, and then analyzed:

"If that's the case, why should Mr. A be involved? If he finds out that he has been deceived, won't he get revenge?"

Louise took a sip of tea and couldn't help slandering in her heart: "If the 'Aurora Club' doesn't take the blame, do you want me to do it myself?"

In order to dispel Miss Justice's concerns, she tried her best to explain:

"If Ambassador Beckland was assassinated to death inexplicably, no matter whether MI9 was really investigating or pretending to be perfunctory, Mr. A, who has the most suspicion, the envoy of the 'Aurora Society', would not be able to work in Beckland for a short time. "

"Furthermore, according to what you just said, the original plan was to contact Mr. A through Fors and Xio, so it is not easy for him to find you and me... At best, I can provide temporary shelter for Fors and Miss Xio, until the impact of this has subsided.”

Audrey lowered her head and thought about it silently for a and finally decided to say:

"I accept this plan, but we have to inform Fors and Xio of the risks contained in it. We can't let them face Mr. A without knowing anything!"

Louise laughed dumbly, pointed her finger at herself and said, "Do you think I'm the kind of Extraordinary who abandons other people's lives?"

"It's not Forsi and Hugh who notified Mr. A. I can find a replacement to complete this task, but based on what I know about them both, as long as the pay is generous, I'm still willing to take this risk!"

"I didn't mean that." Audrey took the lead in correcting Louise's joke. After that, she suddenly remembered something and said with a smile:

"I also don't think Forsi and Hugh will refuse. It can be seen that as Beyonders, their economic situation is not very good."

The two noble ladies who had never been troubled by money smiled at each other, and their eyes revealed a dazzling light like a gold pound...

In a sense, Louise can also be counted as "Miss Noble".


On No. 15 Minsk Street, Klein entered above the gray fog again and listened to Miss Justice's report.

"Miss Justice and Miss Strength are really familiar with each other in reality, and they have even recognized each other's identities as 'Tarot Clubs'... Have you got my Mr. Fool's permission?"

Klein laughed at himself and thought, "Isn't this report from Miss Justice just hinting at the relationship between the two... No, it should be an explicit statement."

"But the efficiency of the two of them is really fast! The detailed and well-planned plan was completed so quickly, and it sounds like the possibility of success is quite high, much better than me, the 'fool'."

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