Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 207: everyone after the story

"Why didn't you do it?" asked a young but sad voice.

"I can't shoot." An old voice replied calmly.

"Why?" There was more hatred and pain in the young voice.

The old voice sighed and said, "Because the 'gatekeeper' named Ince Zangwill has '0-08' on his body."

"Once I shoot, I will be discovered by '0-08', and that means that one day in the near future, I will be discovered by the 'audience', which is not a consequence that I can bear in my current state."

"Then Klein died in vain?" Leonard hammered the floor with both hands, with tears in his eyes and hatred in his eyes.

The old voice naturally belonged to Pallez Zoroaster. After pondering for two seconds, he said:

"You can work hard to get promoted and help your dead teammates complete their revenge. Although that Ince Zangwill will soon become a demigod, you are not without a chance."

Leonard's gaze returned to firmness: "Yes, I want revenge, I want to kill Ince Zangwill and Lanvus."

Pales Zoroaster seemed to be reluctant to talk, and became silent again. He still had some guesses and did not tell Leonard, because that was not something that a low-rank Beyonder should know.

"Betraying 'Dark Night', while holding '0-08' in his hand, communicating with the 'True Creator', so many elements are concentrated in one person, this Ince Zangwill can live so completely... this If there is no plan from someone in it, I will tear myself apart and feed it to Amon!"

Pales Zarathustra was silently analyzing in his heart, and he suddenly remembered something and reminded aloud:

"The woman who appeared at the end may be helpful for what you are going to do next..."

Leonard was about to ask the reason, when suddenly raised his head, the "Sword of the Goddess" Cesima, and the entire "Red Gloves" team appeared in his line of sight.


Louise did not stay in Tingen City, but returned directly to the gangster manor in the suburbs that served as a transit point for population transportation.

The Nighthawks may be looking for her, so it's better to hide from the limelight for a while.

For the ending of Tingen's story, Dunn did not die in battle. Miss Daly fought side by side with her lover, and I believe that they will be able to come together smoothly after this... Louise does not know that the two have already decided to have a wedding.

After thinking about it, the only one who was injured was Klein, but he could be resurrected... In this way, it was a happy ending, especially for Louise.

Ince Zangwill obtained "St. Selena's ashes" and was successfully promoted to a demigod. After awakening, Klein must also go to Backlund, and the story is back on track.

But in the end, what did Ince Zangwill mean?

He called me "Mysterious Man"... Louise thought silently, does this mean that "0-08" didn't discover her identity at all?

After returning to Backlund, Ince Zangwill will fully cooperate with the "Witch Sect", and it is not impossible for Louise to have an intersection with Ince Zangwill... If the facts are really like her analysis In that way, your safety will be greatly guaranteed, and you don't have to worry about being exposed by "0-08".

"It seems that the "Goddess of the Night" is not ignoring me!" Louise thought to herself, an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

After making some adjustments to the subsequent stories and plans, Louise finally took out the evil "flesh and blood face" left by "Mr. Z".

The Extraordinary characteristics of Sequence Six "Bishop Rose" are worth three or four thousand pounds, but now it has become like this, it can't be sold at all, "True Creator" is a lot of harm!

Well, it might be possible to sell it to a member of the "Aurora Society", but Louise is not stupid, and even if her Extraordinary characteristics are not contaminated, she will not sell it... Selling weapons to terrorist organizations, wouldn't it? Are you helping the tyrant?

Resisting the harsh and meaningless foul language, Louise tried to find a way to use this evil item, which could be called a Grade 2 sealed item.

The "Flesh Face" has not yet been formed. In addition to intermittently emitting unbearable filthy words, it also exudes a desire for flesh and blood. Louise can even clearly feel that it wants to devour herself. strong desire.

Putting it on the table, the "Flesh Human Face" began to change its expression, and even kept squirming.

Louise frowned slightly and used the ability of "star picking" to successfully steal the ability of "flesh magic".

It seems that it has a little "alive" property, is it necessary to feed enough flesh to make it take shape?

Forget it, put it away for the time being. One more or one less magical item is not that important to Louise. After all, Backlund still has two Sequence Five-level Beyonder items waiting for her to favor!


In the depths of the spiritual world, on the edge of the huge Gothic castle, four heads of Renette Tinichole stood silently, as if waiting for something.

Soon, Miss Alice holding a rabbit doll appeared in front of him.

Renette Tinichole's four mouths opened one after another and said:

"You... saw... him..."

Alice nodded slightly, then jumped onto the smooth and huge neck of Reinette Tinichole and started dancing gracefully.


A week later, a corner of Raphael's cemetery.

Here is a brand new tombstone with a bookish photo attached to it. The man in the photo smiles confidently and restrained.

The epitaph has three lines:

"Best brother;"

"Best brother;"

"Best colleague."

In the dead of night, the stone slab sealing the tomb was turned over, and a slightly pale hand stretched out from the soil.

Klein lifted the coffin and stood silently in front of his tombstone for a long time, staring at the withered flowers, then restored his tomb to its original state and left immediately.

He found a secret place where no one was there, took four steps backwards, and successfully entered above the gray fog.

There is only one tombstone, does it prove that the captain, Leonard and others are still alive... Klein sat at the head of the long bronze table and began to recite the divination sentence:

"Story after my death."

"Story after my death."


After seven times in a row, he saw a clearer picture.

The one facing him is Captain Dunn and Miss Daly, and the one facing him on the back is a strange She is pressing her right hand on the captain's chest and seems to be treating.

And on the woman's left hand, she was wearing a white hollowed-out, opaque glove.


She came after she got the news from her, but she came late... Before Ince Zangwill killed him, he said he was waiting for someone, could the person waiting be Louise?

Louise is at most an Extraordinary in the middle sequence, but she knows the detailed information of the "True Descendant of the Creator". She has a high probability of being a "Witch", but she does nothing to watch the death of her companion, and even takes away Mrs. Sharon's Extraordinary characteristics, and more importantly, she seems to be no stranger to Ince Zangwill...

There are so many secrets in this woman!

Klein pondered for a long time and started the second divination:

"My hope for revenge."

In the gray world, he saw rivers, piers, chimneys, crowds, palaces, various machinery and Gothic clock towers... It was the capital of the Loen Kingdom.


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