Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 77: Into the East

Melissa was stunned, and for a while she showed a somewhat embarrassed and embarrassed expression.

Igna, who was on the side, wanted to explain to Melissa, but Jennings smiled and waved his hand, "No need to explain."

Jennings winked at Igna and Melissa: "It just happened to me that Joshua also took a break today. He told me yesterday that he plans to go to the club to play Texas Hold'em today."

Igna was stunned.

While talking, Jennings took out the pocket watch from his pocket, opened it with a "pop", glanced at it, and smiled at Igna and Melissa.

He patted Igna's shoulder and looked at Melissa.

"Since there is only one set of equipment, the task of saving the beauty from the hero will be handed over to my good brother."

"Even if there is only one person, our Sherin Hill is also the consulting detective of the West Velas Field. The hero of Backlund who has solved countless difficult cases. Many cases that make the police officer of the West Velas Field helpless can be found in his It's easy to solve." Jennings smiled and pulled La Igna's collar, "Therefore, I believe that he, even without me, will definitely be able to help you rescue Miss Rebecca."

"Of course, the goddess is merciful, and Miss Rebecca is absolutely safe." Jennings clicked the retrograde four times on his chest, drawing the stars in the middle of the night, "I believe your trip this time will be very smooth."

Listening to Jennings' words, Ignat was moved for a moment.

Melissa nodded very much at Jennings and said seriously: "Thank you, Mr. Wenzel. Thank you for your kindness and kindness. Thank you for 'lenting' Schelling to me for a morning."

"Maybe it's you that Schelling has been waiting for?" Jennings winked at Melissa.

While Melissa was stunned, Jennings stretched out her hand to Melissa and smiled kindly, "Just call me Jennings."

Melissa reached out her hand subconsciously.

Jennings shook Melissa's hand gently, then let go. "We have a chance to have a good chat. Maybe we can become good friends."

"Then I'll leave first." Jennings waved to Melissa and patted Ignat on the shoulder again, "Be sure to protect Miss Melissa."

Ignat patted Jennings' hand back: "Leave it to me. It's over drinking together."

"That's necessary. Then I hope that at our reception, I can make a hero or a romantic epic." Jennings smiled, nodded to Melissa, and left 221b with a cane first.


After watching Jennings leave, Ignatius and Melissa didn't linger any more.

Igna quickly went to the bathroom to change his clothes.

Indeed, as Melissa said, there is not much difference between him and Melissa's brother "Klein Moretti". Maybe the pants are a little short when worn, but it's not a big problem. You can make up for it by changing socks of a different color.

The only problem was that Melissa didn't bring Klein's cane, and the cane Ignat currently used didn't quite match the general income level of the Eastside.

However, this is not difficult for the master of tricks. The cane still needs to be picked up and looked at carefully to see the difference. And in the face of the master juggler, this will not be a problem.

After finishing the packing in the bathroom, Igna whispered to Mr. Fool about the next preparations and what Melissa "told" either intentionally or unintentionally.

But he didn't get any response.

This proves again in one respect, Melissa Moretti is special. It also corroborates this case, and it seems that there are other hidden reasons.

"It's time to go."

But Igna didn't dawdle either. After making preparations, he returned to the living room and said to Melissa who was waiting there.

Melissa stared at Igna who came out wearing "Klein" clothes and couldn't help being stunned, but she quickly regained her senses and nodded quickly.


Taking the rental carriage, Melissa and Igna came to the eastern periphery of Backlund.

According to Melissa's request, the driver of the rental carriage placed them two streets on the west side of Backlund's eastern district.

Melissa's request was completely understandable to Igna. Because entering the East District and taking a taxi ride is indeed a bit flamboyant.

However, even so, the moment Igna jumped out of the carriage, he felt a few very unkind sights falling on him.

He hasn't even done anything yet.

However, Igna's expression was not too different. He turned around and looked at Melissa standing on the carriage. Very gentlemanly, he stretched out his hand and gave it to Melissa, so that she could help her and get off the high carriage.

Melissa didn't get off the carriage as he expected. Instead, he put his hand on Igna's hand, borrowed a little strength, and jumped, lightly like a bird, and landed in front of Igna neatly.

Igna was stunned, but Melissa looked as usual.

But when Melissa turned to approach Igna, she asked very softly.

"Shelin, what's wrong?"

"Someone is watching us," Igna replied in a low voice and quickly, "don't care, let's go first."

After all, to a certain extent, riding a rental carriage to the outer periphery of the Eastern District will be stared at by bad eyes, which does not seem to be impossible.

Backlund Eastern District implements another set of rules and logic. Even wearing similar clothes, it seems reasonable to be noticed.

Moreover, with so many "premiums", it would be a "strange thing" that they didn't find anomalies when they came here.

On the contrary, there is a trace of flaws and discord, which is more reasonable.


Igna followed behind Melissa, walking briskly around the perimeter of Backlund's eastern district.

Their pace was a little tighter, but they didn't reach the point of rushing and conspicuous. Around them, except for those workers who looked numb and covered with dust, everyone else was walking at a similar pace and pace.

No one would wink at the homeless man lying on the side of the street, they were all focused on doing their own thing, and seemed indifferent to everything around them.

Igna would like to take a few more glances, or lend a helping hand to them when conditions permit.

However, this is strictly forbidden by Melissa. As early as in the carriage, Melissa had told him not to sympathize with the homeless in the East End. They don't care about your kindness, they just want your wallet.

However, this... hasn't entered the Eastern District yet.

Moreover, Igna could clearly feel that the unwholesome sight gathered on him had not diminished because of his attempt to blend in with the crowd. Instead, it became more.

And, as he gets closer to the East End, the others on the road...

Whether it was a homeless person on the road, other people who were doing things on the road, or a pedestrian who passed by them, they would look up in his direction.

This made Igna feel very strange.

Because Igna and Melissa didn't make any extra noise at They couldn't even hear their own footsteps.

The perimeter of the East District is full of mechanical roars, hawkers hawking, unpleasant quarrels and street scolding, pounding clothes, children slapsticking...

Observing and distinguishing between human responses and the similarities and differences between different people's actions is the professional quality of a juggler.

Therefore, Igna can be absolutely sure that he and Melissa are no different from anyone else.

But, oddly enough, he and Melissa were able to grab everyone's attention walking down the street.

No matter what those people were doing, they would raise their heads and look in Igna's direction wordlessly.

Moreover, the eyes of those people made Igna feel as if he was a walking... a mouth-watering steak.

However, Melissa, who was walking beside him, seemed to be completely unaware of this.

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