Mystery: the Outer God is Myself

Chapter 285: Lin Ruo: I will report this to the angel of judgment

To be honest, Lin Ruo was not so repulsive about asking for help from the True Creator.

After all, it is the so-called “do not worry if you have too much debt, and do not itch if you have too many lice. Even if you don’t mention the years of being an angel of judgment, it is said that now, Lin Ruolian has taken over the Backlund branch of the Aurora Society, and even Medici, who is truly made by faith, does not know. How many times have I prostituted for nothing, and I really don't mind asking for help in order to save people and save future troubles.

What? He said before that he would never ask for help?

It's delicious to find out.

Anyway, Lin Ruo wouldn't blush about this, and he wasn't afraid to directly contact the real creator for example - after all, in his case, the real creator really wanted to do something to him, and he didn't have to wait for him to read his honorable name.

Lin Ruo was just a little entangled, and the entanglement that had to be explained was probably a kind of... hypocritical?

"Tsk, how can it be the same as when the rebellious son ran away from home in anger and had to ask the old father at home for help when he encountered difficulties... It's terrible!" Lin Ruo complained half-jokingly in the bottom of his heart, but he made up his mind.

Although it is a bit tangled and awkward, this level of hypocrisy can't surpass the weight of those who are about to die tragically in Silver City and the trouble that Amon may bring in his mind.

He really couldn't save everyone in the City of Silver, but he couldn't just sit back and ignore it because of a little bit of hypocrisy when there was a way.

After making up his mind, Lin Ruo then began to think about how to solve this matter if the true Creator wanted to intervene - yes, solve it.

Because Lin Ruo actually doubted that the pollution in the original book was caused by the real creator who thought that someone was exploring his temple, and then glanced at it, or was it caused by the real pollution that existed in the temple itself.

The two may sound similar, but in fact they are different in nature - as far as the true believers are concerned, Lin Ruo has seen a lot, but whether it is Mr. Elder Wei Ya is obviously in the range of a normal person, although a little crazy, at least the body is not mutated.

Their mental state may be defined as half-mad, but it is clearly different from the polluted people in the City of Silver in the original book.

Those who are polluted have not only changed their mental state, but even their bodies have undergone certain mutations, which can be called monsters.

——If the situation is the former, then Lin Ruo can try to say hello to the real creator and let him let go of the people in the City of Silver.

But if it is the latter, things will actually be troublesome. This is not something that the real creator can solve without polluting those team members. After all, the residual pollution of the land abandoned by God, before it pollutes others, the real creator deity may not be able to interfere. .

Otherwise, why would Klein's original work use the pollution of the real creator to play so many flowers.

As for why the situation of Elder Lovia is different, it may be that the upper level of the temple is not too seriously polluted, so Elder Lovia just established a connection with the real creator based on this at first. Later, when exploring the lower layers, perhaps because of her strength, perhaps because she was already a true believer, she avoided being polluted into a monster instead.

This actually explains why in the original book, Elder Lovia clearly did not betray the City of Silver. He clearly witnessed the pollution brought by the real creator, and still believed that the real creator could bring redemption to the city of silver.

Because in her opinion, the members of the pollution team are not the will of the true creator, but an unfortunate accident.

The Lord she chose was not wrong.

"If it's really the second situation... Let's first ask if Zhenzao can directly avoid pollution. If not, maybe we should start from Elder Lovia?" Lin Ruo lowered his eyes and covered his slight flickering. eyes.

Derrick the little sun is indeed a soft-spoken person, but Lovia, who is the elder of the City of Silver, is not.

If she said before the action that the temple of the true creator is too dangerous and should not be explored, then the City of Silver will probably consider it carefully.

As for how to convince Lovia - the oracle of the true creator is the best way to explain it, Lin Ruo herself also bears the title of the true creator's favor!

Considering the true character of this shepherd lady, Lin Ruo didn't even think that the other party took them there when she knew that the team members would be polluted into monsters.

It is very likely that Lovia herself did not expect the serious pollution of the lower level of the temple. If she knew this, perhaps without the oracle of the true creator, she would have applied to cancel the expedition herself.


"It's not just this incident, if you establish contact with Lovia, maybe you can use her hand to push Little Sun up... Tsk, Little Sun's right to speak in Silver City must be strengthened as soon as possible, I have to Urge Frank, the mushrooms must be made as soon as possible..." Lin Ruo analyzed in the bottom of her heart and breathed out silently.

To strengthen the voice of Little Sun Derrick in the City of Silver, and to avoid this situation today, is nothing more than improving his sequence and making him make enough contributions to the City of Silver.

The former looks at Little Sun himself. Although Lin Ruo can provide him with the follow-up potion formula, and even buy him a package of characteristics, he himself is not a jerk, and it is impossible for him to become a demigod for a second.

As for the latter, he wanted to make a huge contribution to the City of Silver... After thinking about it, Lin Ruosi felt that compared to other things that could not be done at the moment, it was better to get the mushrooms done as soon as possible, so that the people of the City of Silver could eat well.

If Little Sun can come up with mushrooms and let the people of Silver City improve a wave of food, it will not only give him a wave of contributions, but also allow Mr. Fool to give the chief a better first impression - this is not even just a matter of It's as simple as improving the food. After all, if the mushrooms invented by Frank can be used as a staple food, perhaps the City of Silver will no longer have to be troubled by "the price of abundance" But how should I tell the little sun...Lin If you think about it, your eyes swept across the other people in the Tarot Club. At this moment, almost everyone is silent. After all, the little sun is really difficult to do, except that the hanged man Alger, who is an old fritter, has already conceived in his heart. Except for the emergency evacuation plan like the original book, most of the others have empty heads.

Lin Ruo looked at Derrick the little sun again. After thinking about it, he said solemnly, "Mr. Sun, I may be able to solve this matter."


Everyone was shocked, and Klein the Fool knew a little after the shock. After all, Klein the Fool knew about the relationship between Lin Ruo and the True Creator.

When it comes to the real creator, others may numb their paws, but he may not.

Can a chariot solve this? Where did he come from?

Alger, the Hanged Man, who had already been prepared to ask about the temple's information first, and then taught Little Sun how to avoid this mission, suddenly looked at Lin Ruo in surprise.

He really didn't understand how the tank was going to solve this.

Don't talk about him, the others didn't quite understand it either, and all of them looked at Lin Ruo for a while.

"Mr. Chariot, what are you going to do... I mean what should I do?" Derrick the little sun asked in surprise and excitement.

"You don't need to do anything for the time being, wait for my notice later..." Lin Ruo said after a pause, then said, "I will tell His Highness the Angel of Judgment about this matter, it is about the Fallen Creator, he will not ignore it. "

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