Mystery: the Outer God is Myself

Chapter 254: abraham divided

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"You should tell her something about the family, the kid is obviously hiding something."

Lawrence's voice was not loud, but if Fors was here at this moment, he would probably be frightened and split on the spot.

The reason why it was exposed was not because Forsi, the salted fish, was not good at acting, but because of the pocket watch that Lawrence took out at this moment.

This is actually a magical item in the audience pathway. Although it is not high-level, it is enough for Lawrence to see through some of Forsi's disguises and judge her true emotions.

But, it's just some disguise.

So Lawrence continued with a slightly complicated gaze:

"But she doesn't really have any ill will towards us, and she really treats you as a mother... An Lisa, what exactly did you plan to let her inherit her characteristics?"

"Do you want her to be Abraham's?"

After asking this question for which he didn't know the answer and couldn't get the answer, Lawrence couldn't help but sighed. His mind suddenly became dazed, and he almost couldn't help thinking of the weakening status of the Abraham family.

Since the catastrophe created by the ancestor of the Amon family, Amon, more than 100 years ago, the ancestor disappeared, and the death of all the high-ranking family led to an instant weakening of strength. The family that regained some vitality in the next thousand years has declined again.

This time is even more serious than before - the differences that existed in the family were further expanded because of this incident, and the Abraham family even split in a short period of time, taking ancestors as beliefs and attempting to completely convert family members to the angels of judgment The people, headed by a member of the direct line of high sequence, directly split into two factions.

It was clear that they used to be a close family, but now the two factions have completely torn their faces.

The Patriarchs accuse the converts of forgetting the honor of the family, and only others give a little favor, wagging their tails like dogs, begging for mercy, laughing at them, even if they do, they have not really received the protection from the angel of judgment, and even Did not get how to respond.

The converts felt that the Ancestors were old antiques who didn’t know how to change, and accused Abraham who would have truly converted to the angel of judgment thousands of years ago, had truly received the protection of the latter, and was brought under the wing of the latter. The accusation that if the people who were not from the ancestors had to die to welcome the ancestors, they would not have attracted Amon more than a hundred years ago and put the family into such a desolate situation.

With such differences of opinion, the moderates in the two factions have become relatively neutral, but the members who are slightly inclined are fine, and the radicals who are already extreme, even to the point of wanting to kill the radical members of the hostile faction.

——In fact, things have not yet reached this stage, and the strength of the ancestors has been higher than that of the converts many years ago. After all, more Abrahams are still more willing to follow the ancestors on the bloodline, rather than not knowing why they lost their tracks. More than 100 years of judgment angels.

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But it couldn't hold back many years ago. The Ancestor Sect carried out a reform in response to the situation of high-order Beyonders in the family who could not get out at all. They decided to learn the model of the School of Life and recruit some people who are not from the blood of the Abraham family as students for training. I hope that among these people To be able to produce a person who can bear the glory of the Abraham family.

They hoped to be able to cultivate a high-level sequence of the gate pathway, or in other words, the Abrahams at that time were eager to cultivate an angel in a short period of time, before the end of the day.

The Abraham family has been in chaos for too long and has been silent for too long. After the disaster, they had to remain anonymous because they were worried about the Aurora and Amon. They longed to cultivate an angel loyal to the Abraham family to end all this.

It doesn't matter if he is not the blood of the Abraham family, as long as he is loyal to the Abraham family, willing to revitalize the Abraham family, and willing to welcome back the ancestors in the future.

The ancestors of Abraham thought so. They also believed that as long as there was an angel, the status quo of Abraham would inevitably change, the division would end, the voices within the clan would be unified, and enemies such as the Aurora Society and Amon would be more difficult to face. With confidence, everything will go in the right direction.

It can be said that their ideas and choices are actually not wrong. If they can really cultivate an angel who is loyal to Abraham as they wish, then the status quo of the Abraham family will really change completely.

When He Nai was selecting someone, someone went blind. In addition, the family was further chaotic due to the reforms during that time, and a certain white-eyed wolf colluded with the Aurora Society, causing another heavy blow to the family.

It was also after that heavy damage that the division of the family became more serious, and the converts began to gain the upper hand. Especially in this disaster, many of those who died of their relatives became extreme.

Lawrence himself also had relatives who died in this disaster, and he was also a convert, but he did not become extreme because of this incident, but he became more and more confused, not knowing where the family's way out was.

Because although he is a convert, he doesn't actually believe that much in the legendary Judge Angel. When Lawrence was born, the angel of judgment no longer responded to the Abraham family, and he would stand on the converts, just because his father had chosen so.

Among the converts, Lawrence's stance is more So sometimes Lawrence even thinks, is it really the right choice to choose to change faith and believe in the angel of judgment?

It is clear that the angel of judgment has also disappeared like the ancestors!

"Alas!" Lawrence sighed, he raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, feeling a little disappointed.

But it was clear that Mr. Lawrence did not feel that there was something wrong with what he had just remembered.

Behind Lawrence, Lin Ruo, who had entered a secret state again, rubbed his temples in distress.

Just now, he simulated the ability of the audience pathway Sequence 4 to hypnotize Lawrence.

As an interrogator of Sequence 7—perhaps because of his limited talent, he knew how to act, but Lawrence still stayed at the level of Sequence 7—Lawrence was naturally unable to resist the hypnosis of a manipulator. In Lin Ruo’s intentional manipulation He didn't even notice it at all.

After hypnotizing Lawrence, Lin Ruo quickly got what he knew from the latter, about the Abraham family, that is, the above.

To be honest, Lin Ruo didn’t intend to obtain information in such a simple and rude manner, but because of the appearance of Little Bethel, he really didn’t want to wait for Forsi, the salted fish, to slowly infiltrate the Abraham family to ask for information, so he simply went on it himself. .

Of course, this did not prevent him from arranging Fors, the salted fish, to continue to infiltrate the Abraham family.

And after really understanding the current situation of the Abraham family, to be honest, Lin Ruo has a headache.

He knew that the Abraham family was divided, but he really did not expect that the latter would be divided to such an extent.

One of the important reasons for the split is because of him...



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