Mystery: The Last God’s Path

Chapter 199: Follow-up (Quad K)

After giving the gem to Miss Justice, Klein finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"But what the **** is empty in my heart." Klein quickly waved his hand to interrupt this thought.

Immediately wrap yourself in spirituality, simulate the feeling of falling, and return to the real world.

Because he was on vacation today and he didn't need to go to work in the afternoon, Klein decided to go out to the divination club.

Now that he has become a regular player, his salary has doubled, but he still did not choose to take a taxi, and still chose to take a public carriage.

But lavishly paid 1.5p for a cup of sweet iced tea to dissipate the afternoon heat.

When he reached the Halls block, Klein threw the paper cup into the trash can and reached the second floor step by step.

Before entering the door, he pinched his brows and turned on Spirit Vision in advance.

Sure enough, as soon as he stepped into the reception hall, Klein immediately felt that the place was full of sadness.

The beautiful receptionist Angelica sat at the front desk, her eyes were slack, her eyes were red, and the bags under her eyes were puffy, and she had obviously cried a lot.

"Sadness will always pass." Klein came to Angelica and spoke gently and calmly.

Angelica raised her head sharply, and murmured a little dazedly:

"Mr Moretti..."

Then she woke up quickly, tears welling up in her eyes again, but she quickly wiped them off with her hands.

Asked with surprise:

"You, you also know about Mr. Gesk."

"Ah yes, I forgot that you are also an excellent fortune teller."

Of course I know, because I reported it to the captain, but I regret it now... Klein said silently in his heart, so he sighed in coordination on the surface:

"I can only divine vaguely what happened to Mr. Guske?"

"Yesterday, a policeman came to our club and said that Mr. Gesk believed in a cult and spread the belief in evil gods, so he was officially issued an arrest warrant, but I have been in contact with Mr. Gesk for so long, I don't understand what kind of person he is. ' Angelica said with tears in her eyes.

"He is such a kind person who not only saved my mother by using divination, but also saved many people, and helped some people find many lost precious items."

"He is a kind, polite, true gentleman, and a true fortune-teller, how could he be..."

Klein was a little overwhelmed. Based on the information the Night Watcher got from the police station, Gesk or Admisol did not do anything that was murder, arson or against morality. On the contrary, he used divination to help many people.

However, it is true that the other party is a member of the secret organization 'Life School'. Such a person has not done anything to harm society now, which does not mean that he will not do it in the future. Those who were in the past may have been disguised.

All in all, the current results are actually pretty good.

"I'm sorry to make you sadder even more. Maybe this is Mr. Gesk's fate." Klein could only say so.

"Yes, this should also be the arrangement of fate, so Mr. Gesk knew in advance and escaped, but the police failed to catch him." Angelica wiped away her tears and said happily.

For a while, Klein didn't know what to say.

"It's time for me to go to the conference room to see them." Klein stepped towards the conference room.


In the North District, in the townhouse that Admisol rented before, it was not empty at this time, and a figure was making lunch in it at this time.

Yes, it is Admisol.

After escaping from his rented detached house that day, he came here quickly, and configured the potion of the 'lucky man', and successfully became a real 'lucky man'.

I don't know if it's really "lucky" or what, the police didn't find it here.

After lunch, Admisol changed into a humble outfit and used makeup to disguise his face to make himself look like an ordinary person on the street.

Finally put on a black men's floppy hat, so he knows he's fully integrated into the general population.

"Baron Hoy's stepmother, Mrs. Sharon." Admissol said these words softly, and went out directly.

In order to be in line with his identity at this time, he is now taking a public carriage to the Wutong District, the block where Baron Hoy's residence is located.

Just as he was about to get into the carriage, he suddenly noticed a figure, a familiar figure.

That was the woman that 'God' told him to besiege and kill that day!


And the oracle that "God" gave him yesterday, asking him to spy on Mrs. Sharon, is actually to follow Mrs. Sharon in secret, so as to find Triss.

But now, unexpectedly, I met each other directly here.

Then there is no need to monitor Mrs. Sharon, just follow Triss directly.

At this time, Triss was in a clothing store, picking out delicate clothes.

I saw her pick up a pink dress, then struggled again, and put down her body trembling slightly.

The waiter seemed to see her psychological struggle, and began to introduce her to the side, and asked her to take it to the fitting room for an interview.

Admisor found a hidden position and observed every move inside.

Soon, he saw Triss walking out of the clothing store, holding a pocket in her hand, which was the pink dress she was fancying.

Triss walked slowly along the street, walking, as if she noticed something, suddenly stopped, and looked left and right for a while, but found nothing.

Then she flashed into a shop.

Admisor just walked out of a certain alley, and he glanced at the name of the shop Triss had entered.

"Lehberg's Cosmetics Store."

Sure enough, he saw Triss picking out various cosmetics.

At this time, the weather was hot, which made Admisor sweat a lot, just as a woman passed by pushing a small cart, shouting:

"Authentic sweet iced tea, 1.5p a cup, quenches heat and quenches thirst, and sells it cheap."

“Authentic sweet iced tea, 1.5p a cup...”

Admisol glanced at the sun, touched his pocket, walked up, took out three pence from his pocket, and said:

"Get me two cups of sweet iced tea."

"Okay, I'll get it for you." The woman opened the wooden lid, took out two cups of sweet iced tea, and handed it to Admisol.

After the woman left, Admisor took a deep breath and instantly felt, "It's cool!"

When he looked at the cosmetics store, he couldn't help being shocked because Triss was gone!

"How could it be!" Admissol walked into the cosmetics store in three or five steps and asked the staff:

"Hello, where is the round-faced woman with a pocket in her hand just now?"

The waitress gave Admisol a surprised look. For some reason, it was the first time she saw this person, but she didn't feel that the other person was very kind, so she said directly:

"After she bought a set of cosmetics just now, she went out and turned right. You might be able to catch it if you hurry up."

"Okay, thank you for your answer." Admissol glanced at the other cup of sweet iced tea in his left hand that had not been drunk before, put it into the waitress's hand, and said:

"This is a reward. Although it is very cheap, it is very thirst-quenching."

After that, Admisol hurried out, leaving the waitress staring at the sweet iced tea in her hand for a while.

But she did feel a little hot. Even in the store, the temperature was only slightly lower than outside. She glanced left and right and found that no one was paying attention to her, so she took a big sip of sweet iced tea.

"It's delicious." Then she quickly hid the sweet iced tea, so as not to be discovered that she was secretly drinking sweet iced tea during work.


Perhaps it was indeed fate that favored Admisol, and it didn't take long for him to see Triss again.

And soon, they came back to the West District, still the street under the Iron Cross Street.

Who would have thought that Triss did not leave Iron Cross Street and still lived in it.

Soon, Triss came to a house in front of the door where the flower beds were dilapidated and the grass and trees were beginning to wither. She took a covert observation to the left and right and made sure that there were no suspicious people before opening the door and entering inside.

And Admisol had already changed his appearance through the 'bone softening' ability of the extraordinary item 'pre-arranged belt', walked past the house where Triss lived, and finally disappeared into this dilapidated street.


"Without God's permission, you must not recite God's honorable name!" Sidor said to Karin and the others in a low voice.

Because when he held the 'Giving Ceremony' before, he recited his full honorable name.

Karin and Josie Hess couldn't help but suffocate in their hearts, only to realize that the incantation chanted when the "Earth Walker" held the ceremony was actually God's honorable name.

It's just that they don't understand the incantations of ancient Hermes at all, and some of them haven't even read the books.

However, this did not affect their respectful attitude and bowed their heads:

"Follow my Lord's will."

And they who have just witnessed the 'Giving Ceremony', they now regard the words of 'Earth Walker' as a standard.

And although the 'Earth Walker' never told them what would be the consequences of privately reciting the name of 'God' without the permission of 'God', they believed that the wrath of the gods was not something they could bear.

Especially when they came into contact with the extraordinary realm, they already firmly believed in the gods at this time:

The gods really exist!

And Hidell looked at the expressions on the faces of these people and realized that these people didn't understand the spell they were chanting just now.

They are afraid which is the honorable name, and the content of the prayer cannot be distinguished.

"The quality of my teaching needs to be improved."

Hydall felt that there was still a long way to go to build Catholicism into an organized, disciplined, literate, and morally hidden organization.

Ordinary believers don't matter, but the 'Heterotic Trial Squad' is an extraordinary organization like the Nighthawks Sydor wants to cultivate, and this cannot be ignored.

Otherwise, there will be an Ince Zangwill in the Catholic Church, and it will be really lively.

"Except for Karin 'Assistant', remember to meditate diligently, and don't slack off. Okay, you all go out. I have something to talk with 'Judgment Walker'."

After a few people left, Xio looked up at Sidor, wondering why he had left himself behind, "Lord Earthwalker, is there anything else that needs to be ordered?"

Hydall pondered for a while, and said after deliberation:

"It's like this. Now that the 'Catholic' is just established, although there is an urgent need to hire people, if you want to recruit into the 'Heterotic Trial Team', the necessary assessment and review still need to be done."

"And God feels that the foundation of my teaching is weak and the knowledge is not systematic, so I am going to spend some time and I am ready to teach mysticism knowledge to you, and you will complete the transcription."

"As for Karin and others, you can either yourself or hire a teacher to teach them some necessary occult languages."

Xio nodded, "Okay, I will pay attention to all of these. The 'God' has given me the necessary funds before, and I will make good use of the funds to find a good teacher for Karin and the others."

Hydall just remembered that when Hugh bought the Paladins for himself, there was still a lot of money left as the necessary funds for the initial establishment of the Catholic Church.


The next morning, as soon as Klein walked into the Blackthorn Security Company, he saw Roshan sitting at the front desk with red eyes.

Klein felt that this scene seemed familiar.

Sure enough, as soon as Roshan saw Klein, she wiped her eyes and said sadly:

"Klein, here you are, old Neil, have you heard that he was taken to Berclyde this morning by Al Hasson and Lorota."

Al Hassen... It seems that they have recovered from their injuries... Klein stepped forward and comforted:

"Roshan, it's okay, we found old Neil in time, and the church will treat him well."

"Well, thank you Klein, I heard from the captain, it was you who found out that Old Neil was in a wrong state in time and rescued him in time. Although he is stingy and stingy and wants to reimburse everything, he is actually a good person." Thank you.

"This is what I should do. Old Neil has been teaching me about mysticism, and I don't want him to get out of control," Klein said.

Immediately, he thought that Old Neil had been escorted to Backlund, so he would have to teach himself in the future.

Moreover, after Old Neil left, the Nighthawks team lost one manpower. There have been extraordinary incidents of their own recently, and it felt like they were running out of manpower.

"By the Where's Ms. Daly, is she still there?" Klein remembered that Daly had come from Enmat Harbor the night before to look for the captain, and he didn't know if he had left.

"Ah, I was about to talk about this." Roshan's face suddenly changed from sadness to admiration, making Klein sigh that the change was too fast.

"Ms. Daly and Old Neil left together. I heard that she was going to leave yesterday, but in the end, she waited for Old Neil to go to Backlund together, and wanted to chat with Old Neil in the car to stabilize his spirit. condition."

"She is really the most ideal Beyonder in my mind. If I can become a psychic, I will leave Tingen..."

Just when Roshan was about to talk about what she wanted to do to become a psychic, Dunn had appeared at the reception desk at some point, and Roshan hurriedly stopped and sat down.

Klein is no longer surprised, but it is difficult for her to change her mood three times in a short period of time.

"Go to my office, I have something to tell you." Dunn said to Klein.

As for Roshan, she doesn't need it.

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