"This bastard, Leodoro, speaks very fast, faster than 'Pure White' and Erwulong. Hehe, 'Storm', 'Knowledge', 'Sun' are really good names."

"You don't need the help of auxiliary materials. Maybe eating directly is the best way. Maybe it's the tradition of 'God' to be divided by one's own subordinates?"

Divide the corpse? eat?

Klein's brown pupils kept trembling. He looked at these two diaries that were filled with blood everywhere, and couldn't help but piece together a terrifying fact in his mind.

Although he didn't know who Leodoro was, "pure white angel" was the term he got when he divination about the blood of "Eternal Blazing Sun", and then combined with "storm", "sun" and "knowledge". , If Klein couldn't see anything, the mysticism could be directly failed.

"This is to say that the three gods are the friend of the 'mysterious god' who dismembered the corpse, the existence of the suspected heir to the 'god', so he advanced to a god?" Klein said himself with trembling lips. The conjecture, for a time, the cold sweat directly wet the whole back.

Under the **** of his thirst for knowledge and curiosity, he mechanically looked at the content below.

"Bethel has come to that point after all. Oh, he brought me back a lot of photos. No, it should be said that they are esoteric sketches, but they are all the same."

"It's really beautiful outside, and many places are different from the film and television works I've seen. It's not lonely, it's not full of evil aliens, there are no superheroes, it's just like what I usually see when I travel. Like here, there are creatures that hide from the wind and rain, there are civilizations that struggle to survive, and there are monsters hidden above the high ranks."

"When I heard that one planet was covered with diamonds and another planet had mysterious energy, Edmund cried out. After all, he was still a child."

"The scene of Roman Reigns reprimanding him was almost the same as Medici reprimanding Amon back then, and he was obviously not much better."

"My plan is about to start. I can even predict the future of Bethel, and the expressions of Antike and Fran, Amanisis is not as ruthless as he himself revealed..."

"I was still worried about the lack of ritual materials. Now that I think about it, the Kingdom of Night may be the best material."

The Kingdom of Night... Klein subconsciously recalled the only term he could understand, and rummaged through the blurred historical knowledge in his mind.

This is a mysterious country located on the top of Honakis Mountain. There is no cemetery and no dead people. It is a "ghost country" built on an altitude that normal humans can adapt to. It was a discovery that shocked the world back then.

"Maybe I can go to the mysterious 'Night Kingdom' in the future to see if there are any traces of the so-called plan of the 'God of Mysteries'." Klein let out a sigh of relief and nodded slightly, "Before that I've been to a lot of archaeological teams, so there shouldn't be any danger."

He gently closed the notebook whose contents he had already read, looked around, and began to look for a suitable place to hide items.

"Edmund should be the angel that Mr. Hanged Man met. It seems that he only started following the "God of Mysteries" after the "tracer"."

Klein glanced around, but he never found a suitable place for him to place this notebook, so he could only place it on the edge of the long bronze table and on his right hand side.

After placing the notes, he was about to spread his spirituality to wrap himself when a "serious" question suddenly popped into his mind:

"I won't go down now and my brain will explode because I'm thinking about a problem for no reason. I'll be struck to death by a falling thunder in the sky, and I'll set myself on fire for no reason..."

He doubted that he would be locked and killed by the three true gods because he knew the secrets of the three true gods!

This is the goddess's territory. "Sun" and "Knowledge" should not dare to do it. I was killed by lightning at most. No, this is not as good as the other two methods of death. At least it will not affect Melissa and Benson.. .... Klein stopped his blind thoughts, and continued to spread his spirituality with vague worries, wrapping his body, and immediately fell into a gray fog, passing through the layers of raving and babbling. roar.


Compared with the Misty Sea, which is covered by fog all the year round, although the sea surface of the Sunya Sea is relatively bright and clear, when it is approaching autumn, the blue sea will still float a piece of white fog, which is not thin, and often diffuses and escapes. , close to the sea, like a natural white gauze.

On a half-old passenger ship, due to the sudden rise of fog, there were few people on the deck. Most of the passengers returned to the passenger compartment below. Only a few sailors with obvious traces of Balam mixed blood were patrolling vigilantly. to the sea, guarding against possible pirates.

In the luxury cabin on the upper level, Tracy Pellet is cuddling Elaine Soren, who is half asleep and relaxed, covered with a velvet blanket, lying on a soft easy chair, Elaine's cheek resting on the Her long fiery red hair hangs down naturally from her shoulders, all the way down to her calf.

In the warm room, the well-known pirate was not as fierce as before. She leaned lazily on the edge of the easy chair, her black and smooth curly hair fell to the ground, and the striped shirt on her body was casually untied. The usually sharp and bright blue eyes have also become a little dim, and they actually contain a touch of warmth, which is very obvious even against the slender sword eyebrows.

While she was looking forward to it, her eyes looking at the calm sea and the soft mist would occasionally lose focus, appearing misty and extraordinarily attractive.

In this warm picture, a strange-looking creature appeared out of thin air, breaking the rare atmosphere.

A winged one-eyed man flew out of a full-length mirror in the house, circled the cabin for a while, then threw the letter on Tracy's eagle-like feet, and went around again. circle, and flew back to the full-length mirror with ripples.

The ripples on that mirror disappeared in an instant, and returned to normal again, reflecting the picture of Tracy and Elaine cuddling each other again.

That bastard... Tracy gave up her plan to burn the messenger with black flames, picked up the envelope that was thrown on her body with one hand, and stroked the back of Elaine's head, who was awakened by the messenger, Gently following her long fiery red hair, she constantly comforted Elaine who shrank her body subconsciously.

She skillfully opened the envelope with one hand, letting the envelope branded with the flame paint symbolizing her motherhood swirl and fall onto the plush carpet on the floor.

She opened the bent letter with her index finger and read the graceful text on it.

"Be careful of the pursuit and search from the Church of the Storm and MI9."

I was just about to receive Qilingers' "legacy"...

Moreover, the fact that Qilingus was entrusted to assassinate some duke should not be planned by the top of the sect. If there is such a thing, I should at least have heard of it, so why should he avoid the pursuit of the Church of the Storm and MI9?

Tracy shook her head in confusion, her fingertips suddenly ignited an illusory black flame, which instantly devoured the entire letter, leaving not even a single bit of ashes left.

She thought about the reason for this reminder in her mind, and subconsciously hugged Elaine in her arms tightly, her movements were very gentle.


Klein, who had just seen on the public carriage that the government had made the news of Qilingus' death public, was leisurely listening to the discussion of Zilingus' bounty by the unknowing people around him, and he couldn't help but think and think about it.

"This is a report from Miss Justice, so that Duke Negan can be prepared, and then Mr. Hanged Man called the official organization, and finally Mr. Azik killed the fugitive. Rounding up is that my forces killed Qi. Ringos."

"The Loen government should really dress up a pennant for the Tarot Club, and the bounty should be sent directly to us."

"If there is a huge fortune of 10,000 pounds, I will definitely buy a house for Melissa and Benson first, and then solve Benson's marriage problem, instead of persuading my sister for a long time to watch an opera. …”

Klein sighed silently, holding the "Tingen Morning News" that he had just purchased and the scent of ink in his hand, got off the stage carriage, and walked towards the investigation of the Lanvus case~www.NovelMTL.com~, so it is necessary to The person who was re-observed was the home of Mr. Glacis, who was defrauded of a lot of money.

Because it is related to the investigation of the extraordinary incident, he did not knock on the door directly this time, and went in to ask, because even showing the inspector's certificate would not have a good effect, but it might cause Mr. Glacis to panic, so that he might even watch Lanvus, who was watching the crime scene, noticed it.

According to Klein's own experience of traveling through the former "keyboard powerhouses", similar criminals will always return to their crime scenes to satisfy their "sense of accomplishment".

Therefore, Klein is going to use extraordinary power to investigate quietly.

With the help of the powerful physical ability of the "clown", he hid in a blind spot that was difficult for others to find, and quickly climbed the wall of Mr. Glacis's house. Piece", skillfully picking the window lock with only one layer.

He turned into the room like a dexterous big cat. He landed on his feet without making a sound, and restored the simple pull-out lock on the window with his backhand.

He listened carefully to the voices of Mr. Glacis and the maid downstairs, and crept up to the wooden stairs leading to the first floor. Spirituality spread on the edge of the effective range of the "Sleep" spell, which instantly inspired the spell. .

A deep red flashed, and the whole house was silent. Klein was the only one standing awake on the stairs, carrying a black cane inlaid with silver, and walked down unhurriedly to Mr. Glacis. around.

He had already fully understood the various forms of "psychic" when he read the materials behind the Chanis Gate before, and this time he also applied for the corresponding materials when he received the investigation task. Now he wants to do as Ms. Daly did before. , through the spirit of a living man!

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