Mystery: Start with the Reader

Vol 2 Chapter 847: Abby's Diary

"This is a secret technique developed by a big cat named 'Leon' to assist in experiments. It is an improvement of some kind of witchcraft of 'Wizard', so that Extraordinary people of other paths can also perform it... Specifically, it is with the help of Ritual, so that one's own 'star spirit body' has a certain ability to interfere with reality..."

As Abner explained, he demonstrated it several times in front of Audrey and Susie.

According to his thoughts, this secret technique is actually not complicated. Some Sequence 9s with strong spirituality can quickly learn it, not to mention a "psychologist" and a "mind reader" in front of him.

Audrey tried it out, but found that the actual operation was far more difficult than what Mr. Brian said...

She can afford spirituality, but precise manipulation of the spirit and the power of the spiritual body is not what she is good at. Not to mention condensing them into "hands" for fine manipulation, it is difficult to form them.

Looks like I'm not a genius at this either...

After calming down the slightly depressed mood, Audrey turned her beautiful emerald-like eyes to Susie's direction and carefully observed it. As long as the other party gives up, she will immediately use her same failure state to comfort the other party, lest it be hit, and add disappointment after expecting it. Such a gap is likely to cause psychological problems!

"But it doesn't matter, Miss Audrey 'Psychiatrist' is ready and ready to 'pacify' at any time! Well, I prefer the name 'psychoanalysis', it looks more professional."

Just when Audrey's thoughts were flying, suddenly, Susie's voice sounded in her ears:

"Audrey, I succeeded!"

After that, the glassware was moved out of thin air under Susie's control and assembled.

"It's a little harder than shaking the air with spirituality. I tried three times before I succeeded." Susie put down the vessel, turned her head, and wagged her tail.

"..." Audrey didn't know what to say for a while.

Miss Justice was actually taken by her dog "Versailles"... Abner, who was standing on the sidelines watching the excitement, suddenly became "pleased" and felt that this scene should be "recorded" and shared with Hugh and Fors.

However, looking at Audrey who had been "beaten" and had some doubts about her life, Abner comforted her with a "kindness": "This is a secret technique developed by extraordinary animals, and it is normal to learn the same kind."

Hearing this, Susie said in surprise: "Audrey, haven't you learned it yet? Well... I can give you a few more demonstrations..."

"We don't need it for the time being. We have limited time. You should make your own potion first." Audrey said to Susie with a smile after being silent for a few seconds...

Then, she turned her head and took a serious look at Abner, feeling deeply that her image of Mr. Tower as erudite, generous, powerful, and mysterious had collapsed.

But I have to say that such an opponent has a more practical sense, unlike when they were in the "Tarot Club", they were just a collection of "tags" piled up one by one.

If Mr. Tower is like this, then my previous judgments on Mr. Hanged Man, Mr. World, Ms. Hermit, Ms. Judgment, Ms. Temperance, etc. may not be correct...

Maybe Mr. World's cold appearance is the ultimate tenderness; maybe under the cold appearance of Miss "Temperance", there is a fiery heart; maybe Mr. "The Hanged Man" is full of calculations and interests, under the shell of sincerity and principle ;Maybe under the mature disguise of Miss "Judgment", she is immature and innocent...

After all, people are complex and have many different "faces"...

Recalling the private conversations and thoughts of the servants in the manor that Susie always shared with her, Audrey had a new understanding in her heart.

Thinking about it carefully, in the "Tarot Club", I can see through it with confidence, except for "Moon" and "Sun", there is only the most familiar "Magician" Forsi...

When Audrey sighed, Susie had prepared the potion herself and started licking.

Thanks to her relatively low attention, she can run around freely in the manor and villa, listen to other people's private discussions, "read" the real thoughts of the maids, and "act" very well, so there is almost no vision. Susie successfully became a "psychiatrist".

And Abner also got feedback at this time, and the digestion progress was improved again.


At the same time, in the mysterious hall above the gray fog, Klein was enduring mental "pain", reading the diary of the young lady named Abby.

"The five survivors of that experiment have all acquired some kind of 'special' ability.

"Abby's is about making people 'painful'... As long as there is physical contact with her, there will be unparalleled 'pain' in the next few days ... This 'pain' may be physical, also It may be in the mind, not necessarily...

"The ability of the other woman named Bianca is unknown, but as far as Abby knows, anyone who has 'bullied' her and tried to control her will not end well in the end.

"Lophia's whereabouts are unknown, but her ability is also very special, which can restore damaged items within a certain range under extreme emotions.

"As for the other two survivors, Abby doesn't know the names, and she doesn't know anything about abilities, but she faintly sensed some familiarity in a chance encounter with Admiral Pale..."

After reading this, Klein had to close the book, because even his spiritual body couldn't bear the accumulated "pain", so he had to give up temporarily.

He rubbed his forehead and said to himself, "Admiral Pale" Maria... I remember that she may have something to do with Roselle, at least her "pale justice" was created by Roselle...

Is she also the product of so-called experiments? Or is it that the experiment itself was written by Roselle? Like the "Dreamland Labyrinth Tower", is it some kind of "arrangement" after his death?

Well, it seems that in the next routine "small meeting" after the Tarot meeting, this notebook needs to be shown to the "Tower", maybe he will know something.

In addition, when I met "Admiral Pale" Maria on the Future, she gave me the way to summon her "Messenger"...

And the "reproduction messenger" Miss Abby was not in the prison of the Governor's Palace before, so she escaped...

I can write to Maria and ask her to send someone to stop Abby and maybe get more information from her.

Speaking of which, Maria's distorted and extreme "justice" is indeed not very normal... It is absolutely impossible for someone else to release "desire" and act like this.


In the middle of the night, Audrey, who did not dare to take a bath and even pretended to rest in her normal clothes, heard a knock on the bedroom door.

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