Mysterious Resurrection: Part 2, Starting with the Faceless Man

Chapter 98 Successfully leaving the world inside the giant beast

Another three hours of speeding.

"Hmm? Master, there are so many people ahead! They are all standing in a row in front, waiting for something!" The cat's voice sounded on Kurt's shoulder.

Kurt turned his head to look at Stephen.

The latter understood.

"We are about to reach the end in front, we just need to wait there, and leave immediately after it opens, otherwise there will be trouble."

"As for the creatures other than Apollo, there is not a road in the body of the giant beast, but the place where we came is occupied by Apollo."

"Some humans with strong survival ability can also mix well in other creatures' territories. This phenomenon will happen every time the exit opens."

After walking for a while.

Everyone can see the creatures stranded in front clearly.

There are humans, orcs, and some strange-looking intelligent races.

What they have in common is strong strength.

The lowest sequence is 7, which is rare in the crowd.

Most of them are sequence 5 and sequence 6, and there are some sequence 4 mixed in.

A simple glance shows that there are more than 10,000 people.

Fortunately, everyone belongs to different forces and different races, otherwise this group of strong men will form a terrifying force.

Even Apollo is unusually low-key.

He only forms a small circle with his subordinates to prevent anyone from causing trouble.

Kurt and others also found an open place and waited patiently.

There is a dark wall 10,000 meters ahead, and all the creatures are lined up in a horizontal line and scattered everywhere.

Later in time.

A large number of creatures came from all over.

The cat looked around boredly, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Sir Stephen, why are these creatures lined up in a horizontal line? Isn't the exit somewhere?"

Stephen's mouth corners slightly raised and smiled.

"These are all exits. When the time comes, cracks will open on the wall, and we can go out directly."

"Because strong winds will pour in when it opens, you must keep a distance of 10,000 meters. If you stand too close, you will be blown away easily."

The cat's vertical pupils shrank slightly.

"Such a long exit??? What exactly is this sea beast? Where is our exit?"

"Hehe...! We'll know when we get out!" Stephen smiled mysteriously.

"Tsk...! Where can it be? It's just the butt!" Lu Ning muttered from behind.

There are no weaklings here. Unless you talk to someone close to their ear, it's hard to escape the ears of others.

Everyone's face darkened.

This idiot is simply talking about something else.

Doesn't that mean... they were excreted like shit?

I feel sick just thinking about it.


Ruhl made a decisive move and punched Lu Ning on the head.


Stared at Lu Ning viciously.

"Don't you talk? No one will think you're dumb! If you keep talking nonsense, I'll sew your mouth shut!"

"Excuse me, everyone. My stupid brother doesn't know how to talk. His mouth is stinkier than a fart!" He apologized to everyone in a hurry.

Rustle...! ...

Rustle...! ...


A strange sound was heard on the road they were on.

"Master, it seems to be the sound of a large number of scavengers crawling!" The cat twitched his ears and reminded hurriedly.

"Well! Stephen, will the scavengers go out too?" He responded and looked at Stephen.

"They won't go out. The so-called scavengers are to clean up the debris in their bodies. In addition to the light stone, they will gather the indigestible things together and finally push them out."

"From a human perspective, the light stone is the toxin in their bodies. The real excrement will be moved to other places and concentrated."

"The reason why we have to reach the exit before opening is because all the passages are where the scavengers pass."

"There is a lot of excrement. After the exit is opened, we must leave the original place quickly, otherwise... Hehe...!"

That meaningful smile made everyone shiver.

You can imagine how desperate that scene would make people.

"The door is open!!" A shout came.

Everyone looked straight ahead.

I saw a white line suddenly appear on the ground at a distance of 10,000 meters, and there was no end on both sides.

"Close your eyes quickly, or the strong light will make your eyes uncomfortable." Stephen hurriedly reminded.

Everyone quickly closed their eyes.


Suddenly a gust of air came towards them.

Fortunately, they were prepared in advance, and only a few creatures failed to stabilize their bodies and were blown to the ground by the strong wind.

Those with weaker bodies even rolled on the ground for more than 10 meters before stopping.

Whoosh...! Whoosh...! The whistling sound of the strong wind came.

Everyone only felt a buzzing in their ears.

It was not until the energy in the body covered the eardrum that it was relieved.

"Open your eyes slowly, you can go!" Stephen gathered the energy in his mouth and made a sound, which was directly transmitted to everyone's ears.

Walk forward against the strong wind.

Everyone followed closely.

The clothes on their bodies were blown whistling.

Not only them, but other creatures also took steps forward, even those who did not know the situation followed suit and followed closely.

Everyone heard the voice of the scavenger just now.

Don't leave again.

They will face endless scavengers, which are countless times more terrifying than the strong wind.

As they move forward, the wind gradually slows down.

Everyone starts to speed up.

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and the vision gradually becomes clear.

The outside world is not the ocean.

In the distance are endless mountains, and closer is a stretch of sand.

"The scavenger is coming, speed up!!"

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