Mysterious journey

Chapter 959 Leaving 1

"Okay, even if you are over five hundred years old and older than me, so what?" Garen breathed out, "The most important question now is, what are your plans for the future?"

"We will not have a future." Liu Liu closed his eyes lightly, "I advise you to leave here immediately and hide far away, or there is still a glimmer of hope."

"Can high radiation avoid searching?" Garen suddenly asked.

Sixth opened his eyes and looked at him doubtfully.

"Don't you feel that the environment here is different?" Garen smiled.

Sixth, I felt that something was indeed wrong here. The radiation concentration here far exceeded that of the outside world, at least twice as high as the outside.

Garen didn't say much, just letting him quietly feel the situation here, and he went out and started packing his things. High radiation concentration can indeed isolate various signals such as manhunts to a certain extent, but this is not certain. It can only extend the time. The key now is to reach the hidden area where the energy weapon master is as soon as possible. It is a place that outsiders absolutely cannot enter.

The Sixth Wind God General once saved his life, and it was Garen's principle to repay a favor. He could not give up and escape alone, so the most important thing now was to prepare to leave as soon as possible.

This place is not close to the hidden realm.

The biochemical pool was put away again, and some food was packed and placed on the two big wild wolves.

Dong Peilan and others on the upper floor of the basement are also waiting at the entrance and exit of the second floor. They have helped Garen pack some necessary equipment in advance, such as disposable toxin detection capsules, which are used to detect water sources. Whether the food was poisonous or not, and whether it was edible or not, they didn't use it when they came here, but it was just for Galleon to use here.

There are also some low-radiation meat and water that are the only ones in the base. These are specially ordered by Garen to be used by the Sixth Wind God General, but he himself has no need.

Other miscellaneous little things were also packed away by everyone.

"Are you really going to leave?" Dong Peilan walked over and whispered.

Garen signaled Xingnuo to pick up the packed baggage and nodded.

"When we set off this time, if you stay here, you must use the high radiation concentration here to hide yourself and don't expose yourself at will. The next wave of human hunting will be more violent, so be careful."

"Yes, we will." Dong Peilan nodded, and the others made a tacit agreement not to disturb the two of them. Dong Peilan likes Garen. In fact, everyone feels it, but now they can't go with him.

In fact, Dong Peilan wanted Garen to ask her to leave with her from the bottom of her heart, but she couldn't let go of the last few people in Lion Town and her two children. She was the strongest expert here. If she left, Even if there are big wild wolves here, the survival rate will be very low. However, it is the best way for them to stay here instead of leaving with Garen. After all, there are many people in that hidden area, and once their exercise skills are exposed, the consequences will be difficult to predict.

If you think about it carefully, as long as it is well hidden, you can build a small self-sufficient base in the mountains and live there for several years without any problems. It will be much safer to wait until their exercise method reaches a certain limit in a few years before going out.

"Alright Xingnuo, let's go." Garen patted Dongpeilan on the shoulder. During this time here, he successfully used the power of Lion Town to avoid the threat of man-hunting, and of course helped them survive the final battle. Fire, and all the banquets in the world have come to an end, and now it’s time to leave.

Xingnuo picked up the bag and walked behind Garen. The two returned to the room where the Sixth Wind God General was lying, and placed him on a simple stretcher placed on the back of a big wild wolf. Garen and Xingnuo each rode a big wild wolf. .

Walk towards the second floor exit of the basement.

The Sixth Wind God General also saw this group of strange people, who were safe and sound in this highly radiated area, and was a little surprised, but the rest of the people's attention was all focused on Garen and Xingnuo.

The three of them rode the big bad wolves up to the second floor, and the others followed them to the second floor. When they reached the entrance to the first floor, the stone slabs in the basement were pushed upwards, and the three big bad wolves walked out one after another, with slow and steady movements.

"Will you come back?!" Suddenly Dong Peilan's voice came from behind Garen.

Garen waved his hand.

"If it's fate."

Going down the mountain, Dong Peilan and his party stood on the top of the mountain, looking down at the three Jialong people who were slowly going down the mountain. Mei Long held Dong Peilan's hand tightly.

"He is just a passer-by to us. This is just a short stop in his life. We are two different people." Mei Long sighed. He has seen too many separations and reunions in his life. He knows very well that Dong Peilan Although he has excellent qualifications, his future development will only reach the top of level five, which is the limit of the radiation belt. Without mecha, no matter how talented he is, he will not be able to break through to the resonance level. What's more, he has checked many times and found that Dong Peilan's qualification limit can only reach level five, which is the genetic limit.

As for Garen's qualifications, he couldn't see through them. Although he had not checked them, the future of the Mechanic Master was known only to the Mechanic Master. Judging from Garen's various performances, Level 5 would not be his end.

Dong Peilan looked at the three people at the foot of the mountain from a distance. The three big wild wolves could only be seen as small dots.

She also felt a little melancholy, but with Garen gone, life still had to be lived, and she had to lead these last seeds of Lion Town to take root again and grow into a new and more powerful Lion Town!

Feile stood behind the two of them, looking at Xingnuo who was moving forward firmly, and sighed softly. He had always regarded this girl as his sister, but now that her sister was leaving, he could no longer follow behind to protect her. .


A hand patted his shoulder, and the middle-aged woman Shangela looked at him comfortingly.

"Xingnuo will live a good life, better than us, because he follows Mr. Gallon."

Feile nodded heavily, said nothing, and just sighed deeply again.


As night falls, a red moon hangs in the sky, flanked by two small circles of blue and white satellites, emitting a faint light in the night sky.

On the gray-black grassland, three people rode big wild wolves, running steadily in one direction of the grassland, neither fast nor slow.

The three wild wolves were arranged in a herringbone formation, with Garen riding the one at the front. The sixth wind god would be tied to the stretcher with a rope to prevent it from falling, but the undulating back of the big wild wolf was not suitable for lying flat at all. Extremely uncomfortable.

Xingnuo followed Garen with a firm gaze, always alert to the movements around him.

There are gray-black grasslands everywhere, stretching as far as the eye can see. The wind makes the grass sway from time to time, making bursts of rustling sounds.

"Where do you want to go?" Sixth asked in a low voice, but the voice was clear enough for both of them to hear.

"I can't say for now, but don't worry, I will do my best to protect you." Garen replied without looking back. He was not only moving forward at this time, but also making calculations as a fourth-level energy master. The Big Bad Wolf already had the destination and direction in his mind, and he only needed to sit safely on his back.

"Is this a message from consciousness?" Garen seemed to realize the specialness of the voice just now.

Sixth nodded.

"This is a simple technique that can be used when the consciousness reaches the resonance level. Some people are talented and don't even need the resonance level." He carefully looked at the big bad wolf under him, "You are actually an energy master, but I am I took a wrong look."

"This is a basic reconnaissance unit that I concocted myself. How do you like it? Not bad, right?" Garen knew that the other party was well-informed and probably knew a lot about the weapon master.

"I don't know much about your profession, but I have seen some reconnaissance biological cannon fodder. Yours lasts for a long time, and as a reconnaissance unit, it is almost the same as a regular first-level combat unit." Liu nodded slightly and gave a good evaluation. "Some first-level combat units, such as the more powerful poisonous bees, eagles, or leopards, may not be as fast as you. Combined with other qualities, this wolf can also be regarded as low-to-medium in the first level. Consider it. It’s just a scout troop, which is already very good.”

"Oh? Is it just middle or low level?" Garen looked back at him, "Then what counts as middle or high level?"

"I haven't seen many. Most of the energy masters are active in their own territory, and most people won't provoke them. This group of people is notoriously difficult to deal with. They deal with radiation a lot, and they are feared by others. They generally don't want to mess with them. He will wander around at other pilots' places at will." Sixth shook his head slightly. "But I heard that formal combat arms can only be produced by fourth-level weapon masters. For formal combat arms, some weapon masters take the elite route. The elites of the first-level combat arms cultivated are enough to compete with the second-level mechanics. Confrontation. Very powerful. Some who take the group route can cultivate multiple combat units and are very strong in siege and formation tactics. If the energy masters of the same level are well hidden, they can be completely invincible. Even if you can't beat them, you can just run away quietly when you see the situation is bad."

Garen nodded. He had also checked this from Mingjia's internal network, but it was not as clear and clear as Sixth's systematic account.

"Moreover, a large number of energy mechanics are also part-time pilots. Although they are not strong, they are not without combat strength. It is no problem to use some group influence props. Of course, those props are very expensive, but energy mechanics are not short of money. profession." Sixth Calmly said. "I can probably guess where you want to go."


"Are you going to the Hidden Realm?"

Garen smiled and did not deny it.

"In the hidden domain, it is indeed possible to avoid the other party's search, but the premise is that we can get there." Sixth looked up at the night sky. "They're coming."

coax! !

A crimson meteor suddenly fell from the sky, flying fiercely in the direction of Garen and the others. The powerful and terrifying power field was so clear that Garen and Xingnuo could hardly breathe even from a distance of at least several thousand meters.

"Legacy level again!!" Garen's face froze. The last scene of being suppressed by the Seventh Wind God General came to mind again. At this time, the situation was exactly the same as before, except that the location was changed to the grassland radiation belt.

"It's the Fourth Brother. He's still several kilometers away. He just initially sensed my direction and didn't really find me. Hurry up!" The Sixth Wind God General shouted calmly.

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