Mysterious journey

Chapter 924 Desperate Situation 1

Outside the hospital, around the gray and black streets, pedestrians and residents have been evacuated. Only empty streets and houses were left, and the scattered crowds were blocked outside the barrier, watching the private hospital in the center in the distance.

High up in a building, there were several on-site command personnel standing on the edge of the roof.

One of them was wearing a white dress and looked as if he had just stepped out of a ball. His platinum hair was combed with a layer of hairspray, and was illuminated by the afternoon sun, reflecting a faint light.

"Long En, how are all the arrangements going?" the man asked in a low voice.

"It's almost done. Some of the masters arranged have been hidden. In addition, the power of the Remington family has also been dispersed within a radius of several hundred meters. The three brigades of the 3rd Mechanical Regiment are monitoring the ground and underground here according to the first security level. And in the air, not even a mosquito can escape!"

A thin man next to him reported in a low voice.

"I don't understand. Does a severely injured and disabled patient need so many troops? Can't we just rush in and capture him?"

"You don't understand, this is not just an arrest, but more of a display of strength, and it's not yet known what tricks that guy has on him." The man shook his head slightly. He stretched out his hand to gently straighten his four weird eyebrows and smiled.

"It's better to be careful anyway."

Looking down, a large group of Remington forces wearing black micro-mechas were gradually approaching the hospital building. They were holding large black shields that could cover their whole bodies, and they were slowly pouring in from all directions.

In the sky, robots from the Third Mechanical Corps gradually took off. Although most of them were first-class robots, this was just a small town after all. It was pretty good to mobilize so many dozens of manpower in an emergency.

People from the Intelligence Bureau have installed monitoring and shielding methods everywhere, and simple laser interception nets have been installed in some important places.

Fila once served as the commander-in-chief of the Third Mechanical Regiment, and now it is okay to mobilize and borrow the strength of his subordinates. He also once served as the director of the Intelligence Bureau, which is no problem, and he has his own strength. Even so, he was worried. Recalling the attack he encountered in the radiation belt, he felt a sense of urgency in his heart. He was not sure that the attack was arranged by Nonosiwa. After all, that kind of mutated technology was not something that such an ordinary young man could do. It can be grasped, but no matter who is mastering it, he has to deal with and resolve all hidden dangers as soon as possible in order to prepare for the crisis that will soon follow.

This encirclement and suppression was not so much an encirclement and suppression as it was an opportunity to demonstrate one's strength.

With a wave of his hand, Fela finally issued the general attack order.

The dragnet has been completely laid.

This is his style, do nothing but kill people at every turn!


Bang! !

The door of the ward was knocked open, and the black micro-mecha soldiers rushed into the ward, pointing their guns directly at the bed.

"no one?!"


A mecha soldier stepped forward and pressed the bed.

"The temperature is 28.5, and there is still residual temperature. According to the temperature and air conditioning, I should have left two minutes ago."

"Turn on residual body temperature tracking."

With a snap, the entire room suddenly turned bright red in the mecha soldier's field of vision.

"No! What's going on?!" There was no trace of body temperature left in the room.

Suddenly, a fierce red shadow swooped down in his field of vision and landed hard on the head of a mecha soldier.

There was a crisp sound, and one person's neck was broken and died.

Hong Ying made another twist and disappeared from the ward again before anyone had time to pull the trigger.

Bang bang bang bang! !

Violent gunfire broke out in the ward.

"Jem!! Oh shit!"


Another red shadow suddenly came out and landed behind several mecha soldiers like lightning. Its arms popped out like two poisonous snakes and nailed them hard on the backs of their heads.

Two clicks sounded at the same time, and almost only one could be heard.

The armor plates on the backs of the two mecha soldiers were actually smashed through by this man with his bare hands, and his fingers were driven in hard, leaving two bloody holes.

Garen was like a big bat. After killing two people, it soared up and landed upside down on the ceiling again. The weird back of its body was attached to the ceiling, like a mural hanging upside down.

The remaining mecha soldier below was trying to escape out of the room in a panic, but after running a few steps, he felt his feet became stiff.

He looked down and was shocked to find that layers of thick ice had condensed on his mecha's legs. And this kind of ice actually extends upward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He suddenly seemed to have discovered something. He raised his head suddenly and looked at the ceiling, but at the last moment all he saw was a red shadow rushing down towards him.

Garen held down the mecha soldier, and a frightening and intense freezing air filled his body.

Since the secret weapon of life broke through the seventh level, his ability to radiate cold energy in the chaotic cold zone has also been improved. The powerful low temperature of minus 20 degrees is suddenly released, which can quickly freeze and delay the mecha soldiers when the opponent panics. At the same time, these people were originally well-trained combat soldiers, but under the chaotic mental effects of the Chaos Cold Territory, they became extremely prone to panic and confusion, which also allowed Garen's surprise attack to succeed.

He fell down lightly, his face pale.

Killing several mecha soldiers forcibly in a row is nothing. The trouble is to penetrate the micro mecha of the mecha soldier wearer. Although the defense of this thing is not very strong, it has to be penetrated with bare hands, and the damage to the fingers is also very large. .

Garen raised his hands. The index fingers of both hands were condensed into ice cones by the extremely hard freezing air. With his high-speed shots, he was able to penetrate the armor of the mecha. But even so, his palms and wrists were also slightly fractured. .

"Gunshots here! Hurry, hurry, hurry!!" shouts came from outside.

Chi! !

The wall on the left was suddenly penetrated by a red light, which shot towards Garen's face. It was an armor-piercing bullet! The micro armor-piercing projectile, which was like a red thread, directly penetrated several layers of walls.

Garen rolled and narrowly avoided the armor-piercing bullet, but at the same time he felt a burning pain on his face. A feeling of coldness mixed with heat quickly spread from the facial wound to other parts of the body.


He suddenly added a little potential point to his physique, and the potential power quickly spread, suppressing the rapidly spreading poison.

He grabbed the corpse of a mecha soldier from the ground and smashed it against the opposite wall. He rushed out of the ward door.

As soon as he went out, two fiery red streams of light shot out from the stairs on the right.

Boom boom! !

Two balls of fierce flames exploded, and Garen's body had no time to react and was blown away violently.

Bang bang bang bang! !

The large mecha outside began to fire from all directions, and the heavy machine cannon fired wildly at the hospital.

The wall was punctured with bullet holes, and the white wall looked like black snakes rushing towards Gallon.

Galleon rolled over and his whole body was burnt black. As soon as he got up, he saw two bullet chains crawling towards him. The entire hospital corridor was riddled with holes, and the sunlight from outside shone in through the bullet holes.

The ground of the entire building was roaring violently, as if it was roaring.

There was a buzzing in the ears, and nothing could be heard except the sound of bombs and machine guns.

Garen stared closely at the fast-moving black bullet holes, ducking and crouching down to avoid the scattering of the bullet chains. Behind him, there were waves of mecha soldiers running up the stairs.

Bang! !

As soon as he moved away, the floor below was directly broken by a red light, and a pillar of fire rose up more than one meter high.

The entire hospital began to burn.

"Set fire?" Garen's expression remained unchanged. He was not afraid of death. He couldn't remember how many times he had faced death, but dying here simply was not his style.

Micro mechas are not afraid of flames at all and can withstand temperatures of hundreds of degrees. However, Galleon's body is different. It is obvious that the opponent intends to burn him alive.

The ground was constantly blasted by pillars of fire. Garen kept dodging the pillars of fire on the floor. He did a few backflips and bounced toward the stairs behind him. With a slight jump, he was like a fish jumping out of the water, landing just in front of him. On the head of the mecha soldier who was coming out of the stairs, he clamped his feet and twisted, snapping the opponent's neck. With his toes, he easily manipulated the machine gun in the mecha soldier's hand, and used the force to jump up to avoid the fire from behind.

Puff puff puff puff!

After several consecutive shots, the precise marksmanship hit the head of the mecha soldier who was going up the stairs behind him while Galleon flipped.

It was just a face-to-face encounter, and all five mecha soldiers who went upstairs died.

Without consciousness, it is impossible for him to confront the opponent head-on. He can only rely on high-speed movement to avoid possible shocks in his consciousness. The only thing he can rely on now is his powerful fighting skills and strong physical fitness.

Before anyone else had time to react, Garen picked up a mecha and ran towards the thickest part of the load-bearing wall of the house.

While running, he quickly removed the micro-mecha from the mecha soldier and put it on himself.

The difference between this kind of micro mecha and the radiation belt is that it is a separately wearable amplifying mecha, which can increase the wearer's defense and strength, and also comes with some necessary sensing and detection contact devices.

As soon as he put it on, Garen heard the sound coming from the pager inside the mecha.

"Wolf Five, Wolf Five, go to the second floor immediately for support, use apex blast to destroy the second floor, and try to capture them alive if possible!"

Garen did not reply, but just pretended to be breathless and responded vaguely.

He glanced at the flashing red dots on the panel, which were the positions of all the mecha soldiers.

"Catch him alive? Hehe." Garen's face turned cold, knowing that the other party was probably planning to catch him and get the technology to refine the colored light stone.

If he had been executed on the spot from the beginning, he might not have a chance to survive, but the order to capture him alive gave him enough room to move.

He took off the fixed-point explosive mine from the waist of the micro-mecha with his backhand and pressed it against the right wall.

Garen quickly ran forward.


A large amount of red flames exploded behind him. After dodging the flame explosion, he returned to the hole where he was before. He switched the firearm to armor-piercing mode and aimed it at the wall on the other side of the room in the hole, shooting directly.

Red line shot.


The armor-piercing bullet penetrated the wall and accurately hit another mecha soldier who happened to be passing by. Perhaps it was the ammunition mine package that hit him, causing a huge explosion. It caused a huge earthquake throughout the second floor.


A man's yelling came from the pager.

"A mere patient is disabled!"

The corners of Garen's lips curved into a cold arc.

Rolling on the spot, he fired another armor-piercing bullet with his backhand, accurately hitting the wall and shooting out of the hospital.

In the air outside, the cockpit of a large mecha was hit by a shot, and it fell crookedly, making no sound.

With Garen's quick action, dozens of micro-mecha soldiers who entered the hospital were killed by armor-piercing bullets. Garen replenished his lost armor-piercing bullets from time to time. He also shot down five or six large mechas outside in succession.

On the command building outside.

Feila's expression remained unchanged and she waved her hand.

"Everyone retreat! Give up trying to catch people alive and just blast them!"

"But..." Long En, who was beside him, frowned and wanted to speak.

"Don't you understand? In ten minutes, all the more than thirty micro-mecha soldiers who entered were wiped out, and five large mechas outside were killed! This Nonosiwa is not the soft persimmon we imagined at all."

Feila said with a cold tone.

"Let the elite team come in!" Long En said through gritted teeth. "That's hundreds of millions of profits every year!" The annual expenditure of his mechanical army is only 300 million. If this technology is won, the benefits to the entire mechanical army will be huge, and anyone will be moved.

Feila felt a chill in her heart. It had only been a short time since he had left office, and some of his original subordinates had begun to disobey him.

"It's up to you. But if there is an accident, don't blame me for not warning you! Besides, my people will not be left alive."

"Commander, I can't help it. Military expenses are withheld every year. You don't like this money, but it is a huge income for us!" Long En said in a low voice. If it weren't for this money, Fila's words alone might not be able to mobilize him as the commander-in-chief.

Feila snorted coldly and glanced at the subordinate who once knelt down to him, but now he has grown up to the point where he dared to contradict himself.

He turned around, not bothering to look again, put his hands in his pockets, and walked towards the downstairs exit.

"I hope you won't mess it up." At this point, Nonosiwa, an opponent who could only be considered a weak opponent, had no chance of survival, and there was no need for him to watch any longer.

"Don't worry!" Long En showed a smile. He stabilized the headset next to his mouth. "Here comes the master team! This is just a useless person with first-level consciousness. If you can't catch him in this way, you can all die!"

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