Mysterious journey

Chapter 917 Auction 2

The auction venue is located underground in a remote villa in the mountains and forests of Heipanyu.

On the surface, it is a lonely private white vacation villa, but five hundred meters underground, there is a huge underground square space.

The space is like a huge opera house. The floor is covered with thick carpets with red background and gold patterns. Rows of neat white seats are densely packed. On both sides are suspended floating boxes, which are completely floating light golden balls. Outside The fixed number of the box is engraved on it.

At this time, the seats below the auction house were almost full of people. Most of them were well-dressed so-called upper-class people, but there were also some people who were informal and dressed no differently from ordinary people on the street. Whispering to each other, the hum of voices continued to stir throughout the venue.

At this time, the VIPs on both sides also began to gradually enter the box.

Garen and Xilin appeared together at the entrance to the jumping point room on the left, walking along the aisle towards one of the boxes.

There were many VIPs like them, and they all walked into the box along the wall-mounted aisles on both sides.

"It looks like the person who organized this auction is very powerful." Garen glanced around and saw the faces of the people in front and behind him, including the faces of some big names that could be seen occasionally on TV. Celebrities and public figures also come one after another.

Among them, some familiar young students with strong backgrounds also come here. Of course, he is now considered one of the students with a profound background, no different from these talented elites.

"Are you bidding under the pseudonym Gallon, or under your real name?" Xilin asked in a low voice beside him.

"My real name, a lot of people know me here." Garen smiled. Xilin has also known his pseudonym Jia Long in the past two years.

"Nono." Suddenly a voice came from not far ahead. A beautiful woman in a black dress was standing with two men in front of her, looking back and smiling. The voice came from that beautiful woman.

"It's Vivian, and Wade." Garen smiled and greeted them. These two people were his partners in the colored stone industry. At first, they didn't get along very well because of their business relationship, but they gradually relaxed after getting to know each other better. They can barely be considered ordinary friends.

Vivian is a very scheming girl. She showed quite a bit of business talent when she first negotiated the price. She has been developing well in the past two years, and has gradually gained more and more resources in the family.

The Sina family where Vivian belongs has a vast network of relationships and influence in the Black Pan Territory and even in several surrounding areas. Although the top level is not strong, the breadth of its influence is very powerful. It is a large force second only to the top forces.

Garen looked at the last person. He was wearing an ordinary gray suit and had short gray hair. He looked like a young and handsome boy.

"Who is this?"

"It's my friend, Pan Dong."

Vivian introduced with a smile.

Pan Dong stretched out his hand and shook Gallon gently.


"Well, hello." Gallon smiled back, and the recent information flashed through his mind. He heard that Vivian had fallen in love with an ordinary young man with no background, despite her family's objections, and almost fell out with her family. Now it seems that the young man named Pan Dong is standing next to Vivian. The two of them stand vaguely like a boyfriend and girlfriend. It is obvious that he is probably the rumored boyfriend.

Although she didn't know what she was doing by bringing such an ordinary man with no background or talent here, Garen still gave her a polite greeting.

Seeing Galen's actions, Vivian's eyes flashed with gratitude.

She and Pan Dong have already met several groups of young talents from the upper class and from a rich background, but the only one who can do this without looking down upon him is Galen.

"Xilin, you are very beautiful today." Vivian looked at Xilin beside her. The relationship between Nono Siwa and Xilin was already known throughout the Black Disk Area. Most of the good people lined up the two as a pair. Above are two young people who are a perfect match. Although the two parties involved had no such thoughts.

"You are also very beautiful, Vivian." Xilin nodded and said with a smile. She wore a white knitted coat, tightly wrapped like a windbreaker, and her hair was braided into a delicate fancy lady style. One side of her green hair had delicate little braids close to her head, and the other side had a simple bun. . Wearing two white pearl earrings on her earlobes. Looks noble and cold.

"I went to the Jialin Mountains in the Aurora Territory a while ago and found a good project about Cui Leng Stone. Are you interested?" Wei Di was busy doing business.

"Forget it. You don't have Vivian to do business with you. I don't dare to invest money randomly." Xilin said unceremoniously.

Garen smiled.

"Give me a market report later and I'll think about it."

Vidy was immediately overjoyed and started talking about his business plan with Gallon in hand.

"Vivian, long time no see."

Just as the group was about to turn around and head towards the box, someone else greeted them from behind.

Looking back, Vivian's face turned cold.

"North Linfest."

Behind him was a blond man with a folding fan in his hand and a smile on his face. Behind him were two middle-aged pilots. Powerful third-level consciousness waves were slowly oscillating. These two people were actually third-level pilots.

For ordinary people, a third-level pilot is already a very powerful being, and Vivian's family is not a top family. Her own bodyguard level is just like this, and the other party is obviously a child of the same level as her.

"I wonder how prepared you are for this exchange meeting? The man next to you is your so-called sweetheart, right?" Bei Linfist is a generation of wizards in the business circle in the Black Pan Territory.

In fact, the Black Pan Domain is only such a large circle, and the people in it are all familiar faces at different levels.

"You don't need to worry." Vivian said coldly, "Will the exchange disappoint you?"

"Then I'm relieved." Bei Linfist smiled and nodded, walking past the group. He didn't know Xilin Jialong. He might have heard of their reputation, but he had never met the specific person. Xilin Jialong The circle is even higher than them.

"These people present are either descendants of big families or elites of big forces with profound backgrounds. I wonder what qualifications this boy brought by Miss Vivian has to join our communication circle?"

Another person spoke out from behind and walked out of the door of the jumping point room at the same time.

The sound made Bei Linfest, who was about to leave in front, stop and turn around to watch the fun.

The man speaking was dressed in a white suit and had sharp eyes, giving him a sharp-edged aura.

"Jack, when will it be your turn to speak about my matter?" Vivian said coldly.

Jack, the man in the white suit, sneered.

"Vivian, if you let this kid come out and speak on his own, why is he hiding behind a woman?"

Vivian's face was cold and he was about to speak, but Pan Dong beside him stretched out his hand to stop her. He stood up for himself.

"How can you have the confidence to talk to me like this? Apart from your family background, you are just a loser."

Pan Dong actually didn't give the other party any face and said coldly.

"Trash?" Jack's expression changed.

"Bold!" A middle-aged man behind him stepped forward, grabbed his arm hard, and pressed it towards Pan Dong's head.

The five fingers of the claws are sharp, and there is a faint hint of blue. It has obviously been strengthened by some mutant genetic fluid. There was actually a hint of sweet fragrance passing through the air, making people feel slightly dizzy.

"Get lost!!" Pan Dong actually didn't give in. He moved forward with one hand, his arm suddenly bulged, and his whole palm actually swelled in a circle, like a monster, his skin turned blue-gray, and all the veins were exposed.


With his arms crossed, the middle-aged man actually took a few steps back and stepped on his feet three times before he stabilized his figure.

"What a powerful force!" someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked at his feet and saw three clear footprints on the hardwood floor made by a middle-aged man. It was obviously a trace left just now to relieve the force.

"Martial arts master!" Jack narrowed his eyes. Obviously he was really angry.

Garen and Xilin stood on the sidelines and watched, showing no intention of intervening. Not to mention that in their opinion, the conflict between these people was meaningless, even boring, but the level of Jackdu and others was not at the same level as theirs.

"Nono." Suddenly Xilin tugged on Garen's sleeve, "Over there." She glanced at the other side of the aisle.

Garen followed her line of sight and happened to see Fila, dressed in white, looking in this direction with an indifferent expression in the aisle of the opposite compartment. There was another person beside him. He was thin and short in stature. He seemed to be a young man. He looked like a drug addict, weak and without any energy.

The young man frowned and looked towards Galen. He also saw Galen and Xilin. Except for his eyes brightening slightly at Xilin, he directly put his arms around a beautiful woman next to him and walked into the box. It seemed that he didn't care about Galen at all. The identities of Long and Xilin are taken seriously.

"Who is that person next to Fila?" Garen frowned slightly.

"I don't know. I'll ask someone to check it out right away." Xilin also felt that something was wrong. Although Fila did not dare to directly attack Garen due to the pressure of the Black Annihilation Faction, this guy had endless tricks and had to guard against it.

Everyone entered the box one after another. When Jialong and Xilin left, the conflict between Vivian and Jackdu had intensified. The young man named Pan Dong actually went tit-for-tat and stood up to Jackdu without giving up. He also continued to fight with the two. Even the two bodyguards didn't come up short in the fight.

What is surprising is that this young man is actually a second-level pilot. Although his consciousness is not very strong, he will not be knocked down by a single blow from the third-level consciousness. Coupled with the powerful fighting martial arts, there was no flinch from the beginning to the end.

This made Garen and others have a pretty good impression of him, but it also made other high-level disciples feel unhappy that a mere ordinary family background dared to look down on them as a whole group.

This guy always makes you, the children of the family, trash! There is nothing but that layer of skin, and all kinds of map cannons are fully activated. He is simply the number one choice for attracting hatred!

Even Xilin, who was sitting next to him, sometimes had the urge to hit someone. Sounds from outside continued to come in from the unclosed box door, but soon, things slowly calmed down. Vivian's brother and cousin Ai Xilea appeared, easing the conflict. In addition, the auction was about to begin, and both parties They each went into the box and didn't talk any more, but the relationship was finally settled.

"A while ago, Vivian's Sina family and Jack's Duncan family had a conflict over the issue of economic division. Anyway, it was very unpleasant, so Jack also wanted to seize the stain of Vivian's falling in love with an ordinary child and crack down hard. Xilin sat down and took a sip of his drink and explained casually.

"Recently, there have been great changes in the domain. The market related to military supplies has been expanding, and our cooperative business has been getting better and better. If it weren't for the continuous improvement of the benefits of Vivian and your project, I'm afraid she would have been ordered to do this by now. The position of person in charge. Speaking of which, it’s all thanks to you." Xilin said with a smile.

"It was an unintentional move." Garen shrugged and pressed a button, and the door immediately closed automatically. "This auction may be a bit troublesome. I only have 1.5 billion funds available, so I may not be able to get what I want."

"I can provide one billion in funds. If it's not enough, I can advance part of it in advance based on my status and authority. I'm afraid that Fila may deliberately go against you!" Xilin whispered.

"Yes, I can't give up the Halolight Silver. I'm afraid Fila also knows this. His intelligence efficiency cannot be underestimated." Garen nodded.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, a series of dazzling white lights from outside were instantly turned on, shining on the main stage.

"The auction has officially begun. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Earth Center Auction House!" A high-pitched male voice with a poetry-like tone suddenly sounded. .

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