Mysterious journey

Chapter 914 Energy Mechanic 1

After chatting with Xilin in the hall for a while, Garen saw her off. After dinner, he went back to the room to practice training methods. Now he is practicing all the training methods of the energy weapon master, and there is nothing he can do about the Eagle Claw. Moving on, the mecha must be unique to have resonance.

This kind of life has lasted for nearly two years, calculating the third-level training question bank of energy mechanics every day.

Sitting cross-legged in an independent training room, Garen carefully calculated the large number of calculation models displayed on the walls around him, and at the same time he was constantly superimposing them with his consciousness. In this process of terrifyingly complex calculations, he could feel His own consciousness is gradually changing, and he has become better at calculation. The consciousness that emerges from the Mark of the Energy Mechanic is completely different from the consciousness of the Eagle Claw.

The sharp claws of the Pan Eagle are entangled in the arms, like two groups of cold black air, which can be easily recognized even if you look inside for many galleons.

The consciousness of the energy master is a kind of fuzzy air mass that makes people unable to distinguish its shape. Sometimes it is round, sometimes it is square, and more often it is twisted and irregular air mass. It's completely transparent inside, without any color. If you don't look carefully, you can't see its existence at all. Moreover, the energy master's consciousness exists in the void at the back of the head, not in the human body at all.

This allowed Garen to completely overturn the common sense of all the consciousness training methods he had learned before.

In the white room, Garen was sitting cross-legged with his eyes slightly closed. Two transparent thorns slowly floated behind him on the back of his head, exuding a faint transparent gas and constantly floating upward.

"Intelligence has reached eight points. Each subsequent point of improvement requires 60 points of potential. The remaining 30 points are simply not enough. We must find the Zhiyin Cane as soon as possible!"

In the past few years, he has been searching everywhere for the whereabouts of the Zhiyin Cane. With the help of multiple channels, he found some clues, but because he had to get a unique mecha for the time being, he couldn't go out and search for it himself.

As war continues to break out between the White Light and Black Disk domains, extremely dangerous encounters may occur throughout the radiation belt. It is already far more dangerous than before.

After practicing cross-legged calculations for a while, he felt that the consciousness of the energy master had increased a little bit. Garen opened his eyes with satisfaction, but found that time was flying fast. It was almost eight o'clock in the evening, and it was already dark outside. . Along the window, you can see a black shuttle-shaped warship patrolling slowly not far away in the sky, its surface covered with a large number of flashing lights.

Garen exhaled and took out a black key from his pocket. There was only one spike on the key. No matter how you looked at it, the key looked too simple. It didn't look like it was used to open the door at all. What was it? The door will only need a sawtooth to open, which will not prevent thieves at all.

Every time he finished practicing calculations, he would take out the key and examine it carefully. His intuition told him that this key was not that simple.

Through the spikes of a variety of high-precision instruments, Gallon discovered that the material of this key is very hard, and nothing can destroy it.

Holding the key and turning it over in his hand, suddenly.

Garen's movements froze. He held the lower end of the key, held it upright in front of his eyes, and examined it carefully.

Every detail of this key has been completely memorized in his mind over the past few years, and it is so familiar that he can no longer be familiar with it.

But now, there is an extremely small black diamond pattern on this key, only the size of a grain of rice. It looks very complicated, even a little dizzy.

Garen carefully observed the pattern. It looked like many flower patterns superimposed on each other, and also like many weird symbols combined in a pile, giving people a mysterious and ancient feeling.

As he continued to focus on this pattern.

Suddenly, a ray of white light burst out from the pattern, split into two beams with great precision, and shot into Garen's eyes.


An inexplicable dizzy feeling appeared in Garen's mind. His eyes were all white, and he felt dizzy and his whole body was light-headed.

His eyes were covered by white light and he couldn't see anything. Only his ears could hear the subtle sound of breaking through the air, as if he was flying at high speed. But the skin doesn't feel any real airflow.

For a long time, after he slowly adapted to the spots caused by the white light in front of him, he didn't know what was going on. He was standing in front of a small white wooden door. The wooden door was engraved with a complex flower-like pattern, but Galleon had never I have never seen this kind of flower.

"Welcome to the Mechanics Union." A clear girl's voice came from the door.

"This is a place for exchanges between energy masters. The area you are in is the A54 area of ​​the home planet, with a population of 789. You are the 790th new official energy master. Please keep your identity key. If you miss it, Please go to the Mechanic Division of Central College to re-apply. Thank you for your cooperation and wish you a happy day."

The female voice faded away.

The door in front of Garen opened with a click.

A lively fountain square appeared in front of him outside. The people coming and going were dressed in different clothes. They didn't look like people from the same place. Instead, they looked more like people of different races from many countries and nationalities mixed together. Their skin color was white and black. There were all kinds of colors, yellow and red, and Garen even saw two humans with lizard tails squatting on a stall and bargaining with the stall owner.

A burst of lively people rushed through the door, making him slightly stunned.

Trying to walk out of the small door, Garen put away the key and looked at the sky and surroundings.

The sky is a very ordinary blue sky with white clouds, but there is no sun, but it is still very bright. I don't know where the light comes from.

It is surrounded by a small ring-shaped town structure, surrounded by ordinary single-story houses that are neither high nor short. On the sides of the houses are gray-brown cloths of different patterns hanging, blowing slightly in the wind. The strange thing is that when Garen saw these cloths, he could identify the meanings of the patterns on the cloths. These cloths were the names of various shops.

"Can you please stay out of the way?"

A voice sounded to his right. It was a dark-skinned woman wearing a white headscarf. She was tall and looked extremely thin, almost as thin as a mummy.

Garen stood aside in shock and watched the woman pass through him and walk towards a shop on the left.

He himself happened to be standing on the left side of the steps at the entrance of the store.

"Is this place an illusion or..." Garen frowned, carefully distinguishing his body.

Soon he discovered that the core of the Secret Martial Arts in his body was missing, and the soul seed had also disappeared. It was obvious that this place was purely a virtual community.

"Real hallucination simulation?"

He began to slowly follow the example of others and walked around the circular shops in the town. There were many people coming in and out of the shops, but the flow of people in front of the stalls on the ground was even greater. The fountain square in the middle of dozens of shops was densely packed with people. There are more and more stalls, and it seems that as time goes by, more and more people are setting up stalls.

Garen tried to walk towards the door of a store.

But he found a transparent barrier blocking him. A bald man strode up the steps and glanced at him contemptuously.

"You want to enter the store even if you don't have money? You idiot."

Garen didn't get angry, as if he didn't hear anything at all, he continued to explore everything here.

He began to try all the dozens of ring shops around the square, but found that none of them could be entered. And as time goes by, some stores will suddenly and instantly disappear transparently, and then other stores will automatically move closer and expand themselves like building blocks to fill the gap left by this store.

"It's amazing." Garen tried to break a corner of the wall at the edge of the store, but found that it was extremely hard and could not be broken. It seems that it is enforced by the rules here and cannot be broken.

"This idiot is still here. How stupid is he? He actually wants to break the stone on the wall here?" The bald man just happened to walk out of the shop again, followed by a beautiful woman with a charming face. The two hugged each other tightly, seemingly intimate. of walking together.

Garen glanced at him and ignored him.

"How come the Alliance even has country pigs like this? It's annoying to look at." The bald man cursed arrogantly.

Another thin man with red skin was about to enter the store, but he pushed him away casually.

"Get out of the way, he's so upset when he sees the red ghost."

The red-skinned man remained silent, not daring to speak back.

The bald man walked out proudly and headed towards another shop.

Garen looked up at the cloth in this shop, the information point.

It's obviously a place that sells information.

He tried to go in again, but unfortunately the transparent light curtain blocked him.

"Don't bother. You can't enter the store without money. Your funds will be automatically detected here." The red-skinned man who was pushed away just now said to Garen with a bitter smile. He didn't go in. Walking toward Garen from the steps at the door of the store.

"Is this your first time coming here?" His Common Language accent was very standard, and it was obvious that there was some kind of language translation system here.

"Yes." Garen nodded. "Excuse me, what exactly is this place?"

"You'll know after you come here a few times," the red-skinned man whispered. "This is a small trading market for Alliance Mechanics. It is a virtual market that only trades knowledge and technology. It is a knowledge bazaar. However, there will be an item bazaar in a while, and then there will be really many people. You can trade directly. items.”

"Knowledge bazaar? Item bazaar?" Garen frowned, "Is this some kind of alliance of energy masters?"

"Of course, all energy masters will automatically be issued a guidance key by the guide, and they can enter this virtual world and conduct various transactions. This is the real secret of the energy masters. Only the energy masters can enter here, others There is no way to get in or out." The red-skinned man explained in a low voice, "The first time you came here, you didn't have your mentor with you, so be careful and you will suffer a loss when buying and selling."

"Who are the people participating in the market here? Are they all from the same area?" Garen continued to ask. It was rare to meet someone who was willing to answer his questions.

"No, the people here may come from anywhere, and even some of their appearances may not be real. There are expensive face-changing tools that can modify oneself. The people here may come from nearby planets, star fields, or even pass by. As a mechanic in the spaceship caravan, anything is possible." The red-skinned man shook his head.

"Thank you for your explanation. I haven't asked for your name yet."

"Orsay, my name is Orsay, and there is a long list of surnames after it. There is no need to announce it. I am an energy mechanic in the caravan passing by here. I am only level three." The red-skinned man smiled bitterly, "Three A super-level mechanic is at the lowest level here."

"I am Garen, no way, the third level is actually the lowest level?" Garen was stunned. He had been practicing hard for two years, and now he was only at Level 2, not even Level 3, yet the person in front of him actually said that Level 3 was only the lowest level.

"It's true. There's no way. There's no good energy mark. I'm using the lowest-end wasp mark, and the auxiliary calculation is only three times. I can only make the lowest-level reconnaissance wasp." Orsay smiled bitterly again, "It's higher. The energy weapon mark is too expensive. Our caravan pooled all the funds to buy me such an ordinary mark. Energy weapon master is simply a money-burning profession."

"Energy mark? What is that?" It was the first time Garen heard about this thing.

"Isn't it? You don't even know the mark of the energy weapon!?" Orsay's expression suddenly became weird this time. "What kind of teacher taught you? Without the aid of the Mark of Energy Mechanics, our Mechanics Master's computing power would never even be able to reach the third level!"

Garen was slightly startled. Sure enough, his master felt that he might be missing something. Unexpectedly, the facts completely confirmed his suspicion. Indeed, what he lacked seemed to be something that is indispensable for energy weapon masters - energy weapons. imprint.

"Let's go have a drink first. I'm convinced that your instructor didn't even tell you basic common sense before letting you in." Orsay shook his head helplessly.

The two of them entered a tavern-like shop at the edge one after another. Orsay seemed to have paid Garen the bill, allowing him to finally enter the shop.

The tavern is very large, a large area the size of a football field, filled with white tables and chairs of the same size. There are a few people sitting sparsely apart, and they are all sitting very far apart, and you can't hear any of their voices. It's obviously soundproofed.

The two found a seat by the wall and sat down, and Orsay knocked on the table.

"I'll have two ales. Hot."

With a swish sound, two cups of hot light brown ale instantly appeared in front of the two of them. Both were large cups. A large amount of foam kept pouring out of them, and they disappeared automatically when they were about to fall to the table.

"Thank you." Garen nodded. There was no waiter here. It seemed that there was an automatic program controlling it.

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