Mysterious journey

Chapter 873 The Real Inner Court 2

Sensing some faint damage in his body, Garen vaguely understood the terrifying effect of resonance, which can cause the consciousness itself to produce special effects.

After the Havana's trick on the opposite side was released, it seemed to be due to lack of consciousness and it slowly dissipated.

‘The time is up, the battle is a draw, there are no reward or punishment points, please exit the room. ’ The computer sounded slowly.

Without saying a word, Garen walked out of the room and entered another room again under the puzzled eyes of others. This time it was a room with fifth-level consciousness and new-moon level resonance.

The same process, the same choices, the same one-hour battle time.

What appeared this time was a naked upper body man with a dark blue sun tattoo on his chest. The computer reported the name as Kongbasque.

"Savage power." The big man slashed his chest with his right hand, and a ferocious bloody gash was immediately drawn on his skin. The shadow of a bear appeared around him, and then slowly disappeared.

This man strode towards Garen.

Not to be outdone, Garen also activated his fifth-level consciousness, faced him head-on, and grabbed him with one claw.

The other party also grabbed it with one hand, and the two palms touched instantly.


The roar of the black bear sounded from the big man.

Garen stumbled and was knocked back more than ten steps.

"What a strength!"

His eyes were shocked. However, he is not afraid at all. Compared with these mecha pilots who only have consciousness and genetic enhancement technology, his greatest advantage lies in his secret weapons and strong physical fitness.

The secret of life, the Wuhan Prison Peacock Skill combined with physical fitness, has two key effects. One is the terrifying strong recovery power. For ordinary pilots, it is almost a terrifying heavy injury. For Garen, it only takes a short time to recover. Being able to recover is the power of the peacock body. Another point is the powerful cold energy radiation. This trick is used as a trump card, and you must silence yourself after using it. Otherwise, you will be mistaken for a radiation person and be kicked out of the inner domain. You really deserve it.

"Come again!"

Jialong used Wan Zhen Gong to turn his claws into fists and smash them sideways. Wan Zhen Gong's special set of force-generating skills is very powerful, and he can change his moves three times while striking with all his strength.

Generally speaking, if you use all your strength in any fighting skill, you won't be able to change your moves if you run out of strength, but Galleon is different. Without the use of special moves, Wan Zhen Kung is a powerful close combat skill and is the master of his martial arts.

Sure enough, the other party roared like a bear and grabbed it with one claw again.


Garen changed his fist into a palm midway, pecked his opponent's wrist from the side, and bent it hard.


The wrist made a crisp sound, but it was not completely broken.

At this moment, a terrifying consciousness roared like thunder, exploding in Garen's ears.

With a roar, any other pilot would be shaken to the point of bleeding from the ears and falling into a daze due to this move, but for Garen, he only fainted for a moment and then returned to normal.

His powerful resilience took effect instantly.

"Hard enough!'

Seeing that he could not break the opponent's wrist with one hand, Garen stretched out his other hand at the same time and pulled together.

With a snap, the big man came over with his other hand and slapped Garen on the cheek. This slap actually made a hissing sound like a snake, and it was obviously possessed by the ideological form of some kind of creature.

Like a snake, this slap was extremely fast, more than twice as fast as before.

The big man roared fiercely and stepped forward with one leg. There was a sound of war horse neighing, and he stepped on the ground with a bang. It was as if the whole room was shaken for a moment, and his consciousness suddenly turned into the form of a war horse and disappeared.

Garen has experienced many battles, so he is naturally not afraid of this sudden attack. He raised his elbow to block the snake-shaped slap and turned his body to the side, just in time to avoid the opponent's strongest collision posture.

His basic attributes are still weak now, and he has no advantage over these pilots who have been strengthened through genetic deployment. The increase in the opponent's resonance to the consciousness is astonishing, and at the same time, the increase in consciousness to the body's force field is also strong enough. , thus forming a short-term extremely powerful burst of terrifying combat effectiveness.

This is the mainstream of this world. Short-term bursts are very powerful. This is also the advantage of consciousness. Just like a firearm with bullets, until the bullets are used up, the fighting strength is far beyond that of ordinary people.

If the basic attribute is more than ten points, it will definitely be able to crush the opponent head-on. However, the current physical attribute will not play a big role in the confrontation of consciousness. It is only slightly faster than the average pilot and has strong recovery. Point, the stronger it is, other people won't be able to see anything using the advantage of the consciousness force field.

If you are fighting against opponents who also practice the Eagle Claw, you can still see the advantage of Garen's own attribute points, but to deal with the strongest targets in these rooms, they all use advanced rare training methods and consciousness. This advantage is not obvious.

While Garen was fighting with his opponent, he carefully felt the impact of resonance on his opponent. After many head-to-head encounters with the opponent, his body was inevitably injured. Obviously, even the fifth-level Crescent Level was not something he could face head-on now.

Since he didn't know much about his level 5 opponents, after another draw, Garen found another room with level 5 opponents who had no resonance.

This time the opponent was very relaxed, giving him the feeling that he was much weaker than his previous Crescent-level opponent. The actual combat effectiveness is almost half weaker, which is very obvious.

Garen easily suppressed the opponent. With his fifth-level consciousness fully activated, his subtle advantage in physical fitness was finally reflected in this situation.

After entering a few more rooms, all with fifth-level consciousness, but no level of resonance, Garen gradually understood the positioning of his current full strength.

He is currently between the fifth level and the fifth Crescent Level. The Crescent Level cannot defeat him in a head-on confrontation, but it can delay him for a long time.

Before I knew it, when I came out of the training room, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

There seemed to be more people around, and some students with level four consciousness fluctuations were entering and exiting the level five rooms. Only a few of the dozen or so rooms around were empty, and the other facades had red lights that were in use.

Level 4 wave students like Garen were inconspicuous at all, and the students going in and out around them didn't look like students at all. There were middle-aged people, old people, and even a dwarf who was not an ordinary dwarf.

Compared to the title of student, Garen felt more like a gathering of strange people and strangers.

He didn't understand why there were only so many Level 4 students in the rankings, but there were so many Level 4 personnel here. Anyway, the only feeling this inner courtyard gives people is chaos.

Compared to the inner courtyard, the outer courtyard is simply paradise. No wonder no one of the elite students in the inner courtyard has gone out since they came in. Even if they go out, they only go out when they are on a mission. It is probably either a ban or some other restriction.

"Hello, you must be the new member of the outer courtyard, right?" Suddenly, when Garen was observing his surroundings, a gentle voice came from his side.

He turned around and saw a white-haired young man wearing round glasses looking at him with a smile. Wearing standard student uniforms, neat and clean, it was so normal that it made Garen feel as if he had suddenly returned to the outer courtyard.

"You are?" He frowned. In this environment, this normality is the biggest abnormality.

"My name is Anda. I have been observing you here for a long time. I didn't expect that you still have energy left after entering and exiting so many rooms in a row. You look very relaxed. You are definitely not an ordinary student from the outer courtyard." He pushed up his glasses. He complimented with a smile.

"It's not bad. It's just that every time I go in, I just have a look and don't really do anything. Mainly because I didn't expect those guys inside to be so powerful." Garen also showed a gentle smile. It's also a disguise. He was once born into a real territorial nobleman. He really wants to pretend to be no worse than the other person.

"You are so humble. You must have seen the environment here after entering the inner courtyard. We all jokingly call it the second wasteland. Compared with the real radiation belt wasteland, the only difference here is Eat enough." Glasses Anda whispered. "Let's go for a walk together?"

"Okay." Garen also wanted to find someone to talk to about the situation here.

The two of them walked along the passage to the exit. What surprised Garen was that the glasses-wearing Anda seemed to be very famous. Everyone who saw him showed fear and calmly gave them a way. the way.

Along the way, Anda also introduced Garen to the situation here, common sense, and some major events that had happened in the past, seemingly casually.

While Garen was listening, he was also distracted, thinking about how to deal with that guy Fila.

He can't even deal with the fifth-level Crescent Level, let alone the Half-Moon Level, and that guy Fila is about to enter the Full Moon Level. He has accumulated a lot of resources for many years. After stacking them all with mechas, he has reached a blowout at the moment. The critical point may soar to the sky at any time.

Garen thought carefully about his advantages.

He has two advantages. One is the Secret Martial Arts of Life, which is what distinguishes him from ordinary pilots. The Cold Hell Peacock Technique itself radiates cold energy and is one of his trump cards. It also has devouring and powerful recovery abilities. It is a trump card that lasts longer than ordinary pilots.

The second is that physical attributes can be continuously improved using potential points. With the Zhiyin Cane, he continues to accumulate potential points at a rate of two potential points every day. In this way, as long as he has enough time and continues to grow, as long as he reaches an average quality of ten points, he can face an opponent with level five consciousness. confrontation.

Wan Zhen Gong integrates the seven-star secret acupoints. Although it cannot be used universally due to different laws of the universe, it still has a certain amplification effect on the acupoints. If nothing else, doubling the combat effectiveness is still no problem.

After all, the seven-star life-pointing secret points cannot be used all because of the different human body structures here. But the biggest advantage of Wan Zhen Gong is that you don’t have to adapt to the body again in the future. This external skill can be applied to most of the universe. It was reconstructed by Garen based on part of the principles of the secret weapon of life, so although the power is much lower, this kind of external skill can be applied to most of the universe. The compatibility is unmatched by any other secret weapon.

There are two paths before him now. One is to improve the Secret Martial Arts of Life. After that, there will definitely be a good qualitative change in the Cold Hell Peacock Kung Fu, but it will be a little more difficult.

The second is to improve attributes and use Wan Zhen Gong to improve yourself.


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