Mysterious journey

Chapter 796 Urgency 1

In the arena under the projection of a huge battleship

Waves of cheers and screams kept rising and falling, and they were coaxed from the arena again and again. The crowd was excited and shouting. There is a huge aerostat suspended above the arena, and rows of new data are constantly being refreshed on the display screen on the side.

‘Grade A, first place is Nicotine Kate, second place is Carlos. The third place is Mingda. ’

‘Grade B, 1st Gandar, 2nd, Ruth Trebahan, 3rd Mary. ’

‘Grade C, the first is Melseth, the second is Barry, and the third is Caius. ’

The data on the aerostat screen clearly showed the top three grades with the strongest records on the field. This ranking not only depends on the individual, but if the same record is the same, it also depends on the class ranking to determine the ranking.

The more than one hundred class-distributed grids on the field are like small grids of a honeycomb. Inside, there are densely packed players and teachers from each class on the field, who are constantly communicating and discussing the finals that are about to start today.

Different from the noise of the spectators on the side of the field, the elite players in these grids had more calm faces and calm expressions. Number 4 was not affected by the heated atmosphere.

Players who would be affected and perform abnormally have all been eliminated at this stage, and what is left are those with increasingly powerful abilities and qualities in all aspects.

In a black grid on the left side of the field.

Garen and Fabresara were listening to Teacher Ham's whispered instructions.

"Today's competition is different from yesterday. When you go there, remember to be calm, collected, and use your full strength. Even if you lose, don't leave any regrets."

"Understood." Fei Bailie seemed to have adjusted and regained his previous calmness. His gaze drifted to the grid in a certain direction on the other side from time to time.

Sara whispered into Garen's ear.

"Fabriel met a contestant from his rival family yesterday. It seemed that the other party said something that stimulated him."

Garen followed Fe Bailie's line of sight and happened to see a green-haired girl in the grid wiping Fe Bailie's neck with a sinister smile on her face. The short-haired girl looks very fierce, with a strong figure and a scar on the corner of her eyebrow. She wears a white college uniform and gives off a clean and neat temperament.

He noticed that Fei Bailie's fists were slightly clenched at some point.

"It's true." Garen heard Sara sigh and shake her head, as if she knew something hidden.

But he didn't bother to ask, because it was his turn to play soon.

‘C5 Banno Siwa vs C14 Enze. ’

Following the announcement of the mechanical sound, Garen quickly entered the mecha in the passage.


A pastry shop in the south of the city

"It's Allen's brother! Look, look!"

The clerk Xiuli shouted loudly.

Everyone in the other shops in Dons turned their gazes over, including several couples who were choosing cakes.

"Stop screaming." Allen quickly came over with a look of embarrassment on his face, and pulled Xiuli while blushing hotly.

On the TV screen, a separate picture of two mecha pilots boarding the machine at the same time was shown. In front of the white mecha on the right, a black-haired boy who had just got into the mecha immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the store. With a nod of Xiuli's fingers, everyone knew that he was Nono Siwa, Allen's brother.

The black-haired boy on the picture has a cold face and deep blue eyes, giving him a cold temperament. The black school uniform with a white background and a blue sword highlights his well-proportioned figure.

Sitting in the mecha, a black helmet above him slowly lowered automatically, covering the boy's not-so-handsome face. Then the electronic display screens around the mecha gradually lit up one after another, and the blue and white fluorescence illuminated the interior of the mecha.

'What is being played now is the first match in which the winner group of Grade C is challenged. Eunze from Class C14 challenges Nono Siwa from Class C5. Both players are true freshmen who have only entered the Blackboard Academy for one year. Elite, in just one year, each of them has made great progress. Compared with Nonosiwa's strong victory record, Enze encountered the current number one Melses midway. Unfortunately, defeated'

The TV screen immediately jumped to two sitting hosts. A beautiful female anchor and another white-haired old man were sitting side by side. Facing the audience, they were introducing the records and identities of the two people on the screen who were about to fight.

"So cool!"

A boy clerk next to Allen couldn't help but whisper.

This is also the common sentiment of many other people in the store. Enze on the left is a girl with long white hair, beautiful appearance and calm complexion. Nonosiva on the right gives people a cold and ruthless temperament.

"Is this a mecha master?" Beside the pink-haired store manager, a black-haired boy stared at the two people on the screen with slight envy, his eyes shining brightly. "So handsome!" he murmured.

"Study hard and you will have opportunities in the future!" The store manager laughed and slapped the boy on the head.

"It hurts! Why did sister hit me again!?"

"I'm not motivating you!" "How can there be such motivation?"

Allen looked enviously at the black-haired boy running around with his head in his hands, without saying anything. Although it was very difficult to maintain a life of working and studying at the same time, this situation inevitably affected his studies and his grades began to gradually decline. .

"Perhaps I can just learn a pastry craft honestly from now on, and then become an ordinary person." He raised his head and looked at his brother in the picture who was waiting for the war to begin, with an inexplicable luster in his eyes.

"Alan!" His shoulder was patted lightly.

Allen suddenly came back to his senses and saw the black-haired boy standing in front of him.

"Don't worry, you will have a chance in the future!" The boy smiled shyly.

"Your brother is your brother, and you are you. Don't be that indifferent brother, we will be your brothers and sisters from now on!" Xiuli also came over, as well as the clerk Devier.

Allen is sincere, honest and diligent in the store. He is very talented in learning pastry techniques. He is also very kind. He often helps others when he can and never refuses others. This also won everyone's friendship.

Looking at the people gathered around him, Allen was extremely moved.


"The game begins!" Suddenly the sound of starting came from the TV.


On the field, the moment the white mecha controlled by Garon finished speaking, two white laser beams exploded. The tyrannical power of the laser cannon was like two sharp swords piercing the chest of the black mecha. But he was quickly avoided by the opponent.

At this moment, Garen actually threw away the laser cannon in his hand and pulled out a hidden Gauss electromagnetic gun from behind. When the opponent dodged the laser cannon, he actually set up the Gauss cannon straight in just two seconds.

The thick black barrel was pointed straight at the black mecha.


The black cannonball instantly traveled a distance of tens of meters and hit the transparent barrier behind the black mecha, then rebounded and hit the jet engine behind it.

coax! !

The black mecha lost power, staggered forward a few steps, and fell to its knees.

There was another bang, the mecha's head exploded, and the battle was over.

"This is interference backlash!!"

Teacher Ham stood up in disbelief, with an incredible surprise on his face. "Another level two skill!!"

The audience outside the stadium instantly burst into strong cheers. The second-level skill of interference and rebound is the only three combat skills among all the skills of the second-level mecha master that do not require the cooperation of consciousness. By judging and calculating various external environments, long-range weapons can be used to rebound or shoot with refraction effects.

Interference rebound, as well as the previous laser cannon convergence, Nonosiwa has demonstrated two powerful techniques that can be used without the cooperation of consciousness.

Putting away the gauss cannon, Garen turned and walked towards the return passage without even looking at the black mecha on the ground.

On the other side, Fei Bailie was also fighting furiously with another black mecha, and the battle was far more intense than this one. Sarah hasn't played yet, but has already entered the waiting channel.

All the classes ranked in the bottom three of the winning group were challenged intensively.

Al and Mia also saw the game end in an instant, with joy and pride on their faces. Such a performance of strength and performance, and that it can still be so smooth after reaching the current point, undoubtedly shows the extremely powerful foundation and strength of Garen. strength.

In the seats behind them, several students who seemed to have a stable temperament also nodded slightly when they saw Garen's performance, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.


pastry shop

"It's actually an interference rebound technique! I can't believe that this kind of technique can actually appear on a student who has only been in school for one year!" The host exclaimed in a low voice, covering his mouth and watching the battle on the screen.

"Although we have seen the high-end skills of short-range bursts and electric current control of the spear of victory before, we are still surprised to see such a similarly difficult technology appearing on such a young person." The old man who explained was full. Face shook his head appreciatively, "In comparison, compared to these young people, us old guys have spent our lives in vain. We are worthy of being the geniuses of Black Pan Academy."

"Yes, young talents emerge one after another in the elite qualifying competition of Blackboard Academy every year, and their performances are surprising every time." The host nodded.

"Indeed, if he can use the second-level skills freely and train in actual combat, this young man will be equivalent to a standard captain who leads the mecha division on the battlefield, and he is not yet eighteen years old." The old man. Admire.

"It's really amazing. They are all the real top geniuses in Black Pan Academy." The black-haired boy couldn't help but start to admire again. He glanced at Allen who was staring at him in a daze. The boy couldn't help but touch the one he picked up not long ago. little things.

"But I'm not bad either. With this thing, I will definitely be able to become an equally good mecha master!"

"Don't touch my pure body!" A male-female voice suddenly entered his mind.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." The black-haired boy quickly apologized in his heart.

"Don't worry, the future you long for will definitely not be bad. Although you are a waste with no qualifications at all, waste also has the advantages of waste." The voice did not conceal the contempt and arrogance in its tone.

"Are my qualifications really that bad? Aren't they just ordinary?" the young man asked helplessly.


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