Mysterious journey

Chapter 723 Hunting 3

"Fantasy Tower!"

Unexpectedly, Garen did not pursue, but stretched out his right hand to grab Tu Lan from a distance.

Strangely, his right palm seemed to become bigger and wider all of a sudden, and a feeling of blocking out the sky and sun inexplicably appeared in everyone's hearts.

All the surrounding environment suddenly became distorted, and the entire corridor was like a twisted glass tube, constantly rotating and shaking.

Tu Lan was disturbed by the sudden feeling of weightlessness for a moment, but it was only for a moment, and he immediately jumped up and fled quickly as if there was no gravity, rushing towards the exit of the nearest theater.

boom! !

A big hole suddenly opened where Garen was, and you could directly see the space on the floor below.

He leaned forward slightly and disappeared in an instant. Needless to say, he must have caught up directly.

Quentin, Aisharo and others were left waiting until they both disappeared for a while, and there was a faint sound of dense footsteps outside, and then they slowly reacted.

"Get out of here right now!" Quentin struggled to stand up and covered his lower abdomen with one hand. There was a big wound there. It was still bleeding, but it was no longer as exaggerated as it was at the beginning. Obviously It was controlled by her muscles to constrict the blood vessels and suppress the bleeding.

Alyssa and Vivien woke up from a dream. They walked up to help Quentin, but she pushed him away gently.

"I'll come!" Aisharo came over, picked up Quentin with a solemn expression, and led the two of them out.

"With the teacher here, it's impossible for that person to come back, but what I'm afraid of is shunting the tiger away from the mountain. Go to the parking lot, and you immediately notify your companions outside and let them leave first. We will contact you later." Although Quentin was seriously injured, he was still conscious. Clear arrangement of steps.

"I know. You're seriously injured." Aisharo looked at the bloody hole the size of a fist in Quentin's abdomen. He felt his eyes twitching, but the other party could still insist on talking normally. If it were someone else, such an injury would have been a long time ago. He passed out and even faced death.

Soon, a group of well-trained men in black ran in from outside, took over the seriously injured Quentin, and escorted a group of people out to get into the special vehicle that had arrived.

"Brother. Is that brother just now?" After sitting in the car, Vivien recalled the golden figure just now and felt a strong sense of unreality. "He is actually so strong? That person didn't even try him, he just ran away!"

"You just saw the teacher take action for the first time." Quentin's face was a little pale, but he replied with a relaxed smile. "With the teacher here, that person can't run away. The teacher obviously came out specifically to hunt her down."

After talking about it, her face turned slightly cold.


"Black Dragon!!"

In the forest on the outskirts, two figures, one black and one gold, chased each other back and forth.

The black figure in front of him roared suddenly, and his whole body suddenly accelerated. His whole body seemed to be filled with faint black smoke, and a long tail was drawn out like a streamer. The speed is much faster than before.

The sun was shining brightly, and the golden figure behind him remained calm. Large craters suddenly exploded under his feet, and he continued to chase forward with the help of the terrifying explosive power.

Suddenly, there was an explosion on the trunk of a big tree beside him. The fierce flames suddenly blocked his forward speed, and the two figures in front and behind him suddenly opened a large distance.

"Oh? There are quite a lot of gadgets on me."

While moving at high speed, Garen squinted at the fleeing figure in front of him. The explosion just now was not a special ability, but a simple technological method. The power of the high-pressure explosive bomb still had a certain impact on him in his normal state.

Bang! ! Bang bang bang! ! !

Suddenly, a series of huge thunder explosions with orange-yellow flames swept up and down Garen, and the terrifying violent impact and high temperature completely enveloped him.

Taking advantage of the moment of being blocked, Tu Lan in front made a few leaps, turned over and disappeared into the large dense forest on the right. A large thick white smoke spread silently behind him, obviously he had lost some means of escape.

She actually had no intention of turning back to fight.

The fire suddenly swept through the woods with a radius of tens of meters. The flames burned and thick smoke billowed into the sky, which was extremely eye-catching.

During the fireworks, Garen walked out intact. What was strange was that both the flames and the smoke automatically left more than ten centimeters away from his body surface, as if there was a transparent invisible shield protecting him. .

Walking out of the area covered by flames, Garen waved his hand to blow away the smoke in front of him. Looking up, Tu Lan's figure had disappeared, but the smell on his body could still be sensed.

Garen's terrifying secret martial arts skills and extremely powerful physical fitness made his five senses extremely terrifying. He could easily smell Tulan's body fragrance left in the forest. That wisp of fragrance was like a clear road leading to the direction. Looking in the direction she left.


Galleon disappeared in an instant and followed the scent in pursuit.

The violent explosion just now was powerful enough to blow up a high-rise building, but for Garen, it was intact and unscathed.

The terrifying explosion with a diameter of twenty to thirty meters burned and broke large swaths of surrounding trees, damaging the area in a radial pattern. However, it did not harm Garen at all, just because the shock interfered with his forward speed.


Tu Lan rushed forward with rapid breathing, and the trap bombs he placed behind him were triggered one by one by the Galleons behind him, but the scary thing was that the opponent's speed was still not completely slowed down.

In a cruel move, she simply put all the miniature high-explosive bombs on her body together, hid them behind a big tree, and set up a timed blast. Finally, after an extremely terrifying explosion, followed by several smoke bombs and poison smoke bombs, she finally managed to escape Garen's pursuit. After turning several times, we soon stopped in a fragrant leaf forest in front of us.

Running at full speed for such a long time, and having to concentrate so much on the pursuit behind her, even for her, the mental and physical exertion was terrifying.

After resting against a fragrant leaf tree, Tu Lan still felt that his scalp was numb, and the intense sense of crisis that followed him behind him had not stopped at all and was still sticking close to him.

But as the sense of crisis continued to increase, she was pleasantly surprised to find that her Black Dragon Taoism had become slightly looser.

The snake dragon guarding the gate was also under pressure and hissed, as if urging her to hurry up and be promoted.

Faintly, Tu Lan looked back. The terrifying aura in the distance behind her seemed to make the air freeze and tremble. The entire surrounding environment was shaking slightly, and it was quickly approaching her.

"Gamble!" Tu Lan had goosebumps all over his body under the strong sense of crisis, but his heart was pounding. Sit down cross-legged and close your eyes. Your mind is instantly immersed in the Black Dragon Taoism, and your body instinctively guides your blood core to enter the state of the holy dharma.

The moment she entered the state of holy law, the breath all over her body disappeared instantly. The smell, breath, and all traces that could determine her existence disappeared in an instant, as if she did not exist at all.

What's even more strange is that the scent she left in the woods also disappeared quickly and naturally when she entered this state.

Sitting cross-legged under the tree, Tu Lan's body began to become transparent, becoming more and more illusory, as if it was disappearing into another space.

Finally, her whole body hissed and completely disappeared under the tree, completely gone.

The biggest hurdle in advancing to the Death Apostle level is to find a secret dream that only you know, and place all your life and will there. If it can really succeed, then even if the body's blood core is destroyed in reality, the Dead Apostle can be resurrected from the dream. This is the true realm of immortality.

Tu Lan's biggest gap now is that he has not been able to place all his life and will in the dream of the snake and dragon derived from the black dragon Taoism.

The dreams of snakes and dragons seem to be independent of themselves, with their own consciousness and instincts. In fact, what the Dead Apostles call sustenance dreams. The sustenance dreams themselves are a strange invisible life. They are alive and have their own lives. .

The Dead Apostles want to become one with them, truly integrating their lives into the dream creatures in unknown corners, and reaching a terrifying state of immortality.

But this kind of dream creature has its own will, and it is very difficult to get their approval, and it also requires a long running-in period to integrate. But I don’t know if it’s because of the Black Dragon Taoism or other reasons. The Snake Dragon Gate seems to be very interested in Tu Lan, so when it encountered the terrifying crisis this time, it finally opened some gaps and tried to let Tu Lan advance in advance.

Under the pressure of life and death, Tu Lan finally entered the Snake Dragon Gate and began the process of entrusting her life and will.

This process is the process of separating one's own will and life and merging with dream creatures. It is very dangerous. If you are not careful, Tu Lan will be completely lost in the dream, everything about him will be swallowed up by the Snake Dragon Gate, and eventually even his own existence will disappear.

But if you succeed, you will naturally get more, truly enter the Death Apostle level, and even get everything from the dream creature of the Snake Dragon Gate.

Her spirit gradually sank into a state of half-asleep and half-awakeness.

Time passed minute by second, and the Garonne's breath in the distance seemed to be searching. The interruption of the breath and smell made him unable to determine Tu Lan's location.

But his Qi sensor told him that Tu Lan definitely didn't go far, he just hid through some means.

More than ten minutes passed, and suddenly, a little white light slowly lit up where Tu Lan disappeared.

The white light was about the same size as a firefly at first, and then slowly expanded, became bigger, and became brighter. As big as a basketball.

As the light ball expands, traces of inexplicable ancient atmosphere escape from the light ball. It feels like walking in a dilapidated historical ruins, and there is a sense of vicissitudes of time passing by unconsciously.

As this breath passed, the trees and grass around the white light ball began to slowly wither and turn yellow, as if a lot of time had passed by all of a sudden.

laugh! ! !

In an instant, a light beam as thick as an arm rushed out of the light ball, piercing the sky with a bang, and turned into a towering light beam, breaking through the leaves and clouds, as if extending into the endless space!

The beam of light was like an infinitely long white stick that penetrated straight into the ground. After connecting to the sky and piercing the clouds, the originally sunny and cloudy weather suddenly slowly filled with a large number of dark clouds.


Lightning flashed, thunder rolled, and blue-white lightning illuminated the entire forest sea.

Garen slowly landed in front of the woods, looking up at the beam of light in the sky.

"Is this... a promotion?"

Waves of ancient breath filled the air from the front. This breath was completely different from the previous Tu Lan. Although it still carried the breath of Tu Lan, it had an extremely ancient and stale smell. It seemed like the decaying aura of a dying creature.

He was right in his guess. If the dream creature hadn't been about to expire, it would have been impossible for the dream creature to agree to merge with the vampires and become part of the symbiosis, because although it could extend their lives, it would also completely abandon the independence of its own existence. Everything is also dominated by vampires.

"This aura. Is this the Death Apostle level?" Garen murmured, feeling this aura that he had never seen before, but he did not act immediately, but quietly felt the difference.

Suddenly he turned back slightly.

I don't know when a slender and well-proportioned shadow walked out from behind. It was a handsome man with short purple hair. He looked over through the trees with an indifferent expression. Strangely, he also exuded a trace of the same ancient aura for a moment.

Garen's expression changed.

"Oh? Two people?"

"Holy Fist Palace Gallon." The man's voice was low and he walked over slowly. There was a vague feeling of nothingness in his body, as if there was nothing standing there but air. "Today is the day you will be buried."

The light beam in front of him also converged at this moment, and a figure slowly emerged. It was Tu Lan who had just escaped. All her injuries seemed to have healed. The whole body looks brand new.

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