Mysterious journey

Chapter 702 Shock 2

Garen stepped on the ruins of countless manors and looked around. Large pieces of silver statue fragments were scattered everywhere. It was a material that was silvery but not like silver. It looked a bit like silver. It is a high-tech alloy. Occasionally, the remains of some sophisticated circuit instruments can be seen inside.

Wisps of white smoke and black smoke were floating everywhere from the ruins of the manor, and considerable flames had been ignited in some places.

Garen's upper body was naked, and the terrifying muscles were like a black metal armor, covering his whole body, and there was a sense of muscle movement with his slight movements.

It's like an external armor that is constantly changing and moving on the shell of a humanoid mecha. There is no human feeling at all.

The ultimate secret of Water Bird Fist, which is perfected by Xifeng Quan - the soaring evil phoenix. The reason why it is called evil phoenix is ​​precisely because of this terrifying killing power. Such terrifying killing is no longer considered a righteous move, but a real evil way. , so Garen simply included it as the final secret of Water Bird Fist, included it in the secret martial arts system, and finally completed it when writing the grimoire. Written in the grimoire, it became the positioning standard for the ultimate power level of the Dual Phase Water Bird Fist.

Take a quick look at the miserable state of the manor.

All the walls collapsed, and the remains of all buildings were no more than one meter high. All man-made objects could not be distinguished from what they were originally, and they all turned into piles of various powder particles.

Except for Hoseman, Dam, and those who had practiced Water Bird Fist, all creatures, including a few dark witches and magic mist knights who were unlucky enough to be affected, were turned into piles of dust of different colors, and all water evaporated. .

This is the real horror of the evil phoenix flying.

Destroy and extract the moisture from all living things, and rapidly evaporate them to dryness during high-frequency oscillation, and then turn them into dust. Only secret martial artists who have practiced Water Bird Boxing can weaken this kind of ranged horrific damage depending on the depth of their skills.

Gently tap a section of the wall on the side.


The wall collapsed, a large amount of dust was thrown up, the moisture was extracted, high-frequency oscillations were added, and the fierce impact of the airflow was exerted. Only the hardest materials could survive these three attacks.

Nighthawk and the people from the Holy Fist Palace cooperated to quickly carry Hosiman and Dam away. Each one of them seemed to be in awe like a god when facing Garen, even with a hint of reverence and fanaticism.

Such a boxing technique, such a mythical boxing technique! It has completely exceeded the common sense scope of their thinking. That is a realm that does not belong to humans. It is the realm of extraordinary powers of vampires and wizards.

While Angel was directing his men to clean up the battlefield and carry the wounded, when his eyes glanced at Garen's back, they all showed a hint of fanatical admiration.

AG slowly followed from behind the ruins. Next to him was Nesera, who looked complicated, and their right-hand assistants, Manas and other high-ranking wizards.

"You've become stronger again" AG sighed slightly.

"You have never understood how strong I am." Garen turned around and said calmly.

In fact, at his level, he has no interest in the vampires in this world. He is just too lazy to waste time and energy to deal with troubles, so he keeps a low profile.

If it weren't for the void creatures approaching Nadia step by step, he would have no time to argue with the vampire wizard, and would have already taken full action to completely establish his own majestic power. It won't be delayed until this time.

"What are you going to do next? My division of labor has been completed." Garen asked casually.

According to the division of labor, he only had to deal with the Silver Golem and that was it, and AG and Nesera would handle the rest.

"Both of us are just a couple." AG said casually. "As for the upper vampires, the entire secret party has been defeated by us. Now the three of us and their three elders are the final strength." A mysterious smile appeared on his old face.

Without him having to say anything, Nesera turned sideways and looked at the Thousand-legged Snake beside her. The latter nodded slightly, took out a silver snake-shaped pendant from his arms, walked to a place in the ruins of the manor, and put it down gently. .

The silver snake pendant suddenly fell freely and hit a pile of black dust with a clang, making a sound of gold and iron clashing.

In an instant, a circle of black ripples spread from the ground, and the spread gradually became black, forming a huge black hole with a diameter of seven to eight meters.

Black shadows bulge on both sides of the cave entrance, and two statues of strange creatures that look like hounds stand up. There are steps extending downward from the middle of the cave entrance.

"It's opened, the real core residence of the Wellington family, the family underground palace." Neissera quickly returned to his previous expression and posture. "In this regard, they are just like the vampires in the movie. They like to live underground and absorb the Yin essence of the earth."

"The eternal Garden of Death Apostles. This is what they rely on. It is said to be an absolute restricted area that can never be breached." A sarcastic smile appeared on AG's face. "It looks like it's going to be completely broken tonight."

He strode into the underground palace with a cane and soon disappeared into the darkness.

Then came Nesera and two other high-ranking wizards. The remaining wizards and witches were working hard to clean up the battlefield. Each of them was methodical, their movements were skillful, and there was no look of surprise at all. Only when they occasionally saw Garen, they would show a look of reverence. Others did not feel panic at all. They were obviously battle-hardened, or simply had planned ahead. OK

Garen narrowed his eyes.

This time I completely broke up with the vampires. Previously, because there were witches such as Raphael guarding my hometown and protecting the safety of my parents and sister, just adding some bodyguards was enough. In addition, the people I encountered were just ordinary forces, and they had not reached a very high level, so they could still handle it. But now, we really have to make arrangements immediately.

Regarding the safety of his parents, Garen had already sent someone to pick them up. He had predicted it before taking action. Once the relationship was completely broken, the ensuing revenge would not be something that the small place of Grandor could resist. Now It is estimated that the person picking him up is almost at the headquarters.

The headquarters is no longer the previous Berlin, but the latest place, a renovated palace located on the top of the American mountains. It was purchased by Damm and Hoseman as the headquarters of the Holy Fist Palace.

However, Garen has always believed that the highest defense is offense. If the enemy is destroyed, there will naturally be no danger.

Now that he is here this time, on the one hand, he is testing the strength of his men, and on the other hand, he is also using the power of the blood clan to eliminate and streamline the future core team of the Holy Fist Palace.

The last step was to test the strength of the vampires, and at the same time to repay AG's favor. As for the previous attack on his sister, it was actually just a hook.

"Captain, do we want to go in and follow?" Angel asked in a low voice behind him.

"AG is about to reach the final step. It seems that seizing these two holy weapons should be the core purpose of his operation." Garen said calmly, "I also want to see how powerful the real Death Apostles are. strength."

He glanced at Angel.

"You don't need to go, I'll go in alone. Pay attention to the vampire's subsequent sneak attacks and let Quentin and the others handle them."


Although all the masters of the Camarilla present have been severely injured and killed, this is not all of the Camarilla's manpower. Secretly, there are two major Camarilla families who can mobilize masters to destroy this retreating disabled team.

After arranging the situation, he jumped into the cave entrance and slid in silently like a bat.



A relocation convoy is just like an ordinary convoy, with busy personnel, and the commanding personnel are shouting and arranging to move various sundries.

Several plainclothes Nighthawk personnel around had bulging waists, and their eyes were scanning the surroundings with vigilance.

At night, the movers were busy downstairs in the villa and had not yet moved to the second floor.

In the darkness on the second floor, two vague black shadows were drifting slowly but firmly towards the most secret secret room on the second floor, like two shadows of a certain curtain, without anyone noticing at all.

The two black figures exchanged information in low voices using sound waves that ordinary people could not hear.

"That person has definitely left. This is our opportunity."

"The core source of the weirdness should be the room on the second floor."

"Be careful to avoid traps."


There was a suburban forest less than ten kilometers away from the two black figures.

A group of men in black were busy giving orders in an orderly and nervous manner.

Baili Group's Medis and Kabu stared at the large projection screen in front of them with smiles on their faces.

"The man has finally left. He has decided to leave Berlin completely. He probably won't come back in a short time, otherwise he won't let people move the things here." Medis whispered, "According to my investigation, there are also those from the Original Color Group According to the news coming from the side, that secret room must contain some of the more important secrets of the Fighting Society Gallon."

"How's the progress in the research room?" Kabu asked in a low voice.

"It's very good. The secret weapon previously obtained from the dying members of Nighthawk. After the real test experiment, the training effect after the computer deduction is amazing! Among the one hundred people who were trained, thirty people entered the real transcendent level, close to The level of the world's top mercenaries, even if they are candidates with strong skills, cannot cover up the role of secret weapons in greatly enhancing their strength."

"Are those simple techniques so useful? Aren't there ways to apply the core secret martial arts?" Kabu was suddenly surprised.

"Very useful. They are all extremely terrifying pure killing martial arts." Medis narrowed his eyes and showed a fox-like smile, and a rather eye-catching action suddenly appeared on the projection screen.

A few elite Nighthawk members with strong bodies and sharp eyes were carefully carrying a box covered with black cloth out of the villa and placing it on the moving vehicle. In the void that no one can see, there is a certain depressing and terrifying distortion all around the box, as if the air flow above the flame is distorted.

"That's it." Medis murmured softly. "The secret in that secret room must be in this box!"

"Get ready to take action" Kabu chuckled. He slowly took out a strange slightly black mask from his arms. The mask had dense holes on its forehead like eyes. It was a sleepless mask like Garen! ..

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