Mysterious journey

Chapter 1257 Opportunity 1

It immediately attracted a similar level five monitor lizard. If he had left a little later, he would probably have no hope of seeing the sun tomorrow.

Garen was lying on his back on the ice, feeling pain all over his body. It would take many days to recover from his injuries.

He pinched the fifth-level crystal core and put it in front of him to look at it.

The fine potential aura was continuously pouring out of the crystal core and penetrating into his skin.

"At this rate, it is estimated that it will take two or three days to completely absorb the potential breath inside. The total amount is estimated to be about a few attribute points, which is about 100% of the potential value." Garen calculated in his mind.

Because the energy weapon mark collapsed, he could only calculate it by himself. Rebuilding the energy weapon mark would take a period of time, which was very troublesome. Fortunately, this world can also tolerate the nature of power such as consciousness.

Not only consciousness, but also various other secret martial powers can be tolerated. It's just that the power of ordinary secret martial arts is indeed a bit low compared to the level of strength in this world. And this time he came here not to rebuild the secret martial arts, but to find out the reason why the mother river was drying up. If possible, he didn't want to be buried with the mother river, but to modify other systems.

Rested on the ice for a few minutes. Garen felt that his body had barely recovered, and then he slowly got up. Wipe the crystal core clean on the snow, and then swallow it directly into your stomach.

This crystal nucleus is not large in size, only about the size of a walnut. For a young dragon with strong swallowing ability, it is nothing.

After swallowing the crystal core, Garen felt safer. However, my stomach seems to be a little uncomfortable.

"It seems I can't just swallow it next time, I have to find a way."

He looked around, briefly calculated the direction in which he was flying, then flapped his wings, flew under the snow cliff, and returned along the original path.

The wind and snow howled, and Garen was hiding in the snowy night. Now he couldn't even afford to offend a level four giant lizard. His movement speed had dropped too much, and his strength and constitution had dropped too much. He had no choice but to go around. Go around, take a detour.

Fortunately, his intelligence is too high, his memory is not very strong, and his brain's sense of direction is also very good. After hiding around in the snowy night, he actually found the hiding place of the team again.

The wind and snow had subsided slightly, and when Garen stood at the hiding spot at the entrance of the cave, the sky had turned slightly white.

He rolled around in the snow several times, covering the blood and wounds on his body with a layer of ice. After sniffing carefully to make sure he didn't smell of blood, he looked for a small white fern growing in the cracks of the rocks on the side. This non-toxic fern had a strong aroma. After crushing it, Gallon I smeared it on my body several times.

Then he pushed aside the snow wall and walked into the cave.

The other three young dragons inside were still sleeping soundly. Except for Polly who felt him coming in and opened his eyes and looked around vaguely, the other two didn't react at all. Sast even drooled all over the floor, pouring from both sides. Frozen into ice, his big mouth was fixed to the ground, looking very funny.

Garen sealed the snow cave again, feeling that going out this time was indeed a bit risky.

He squatted down again, lay down in an empty corner, and slowly fell asleep. Feeling the coolness that the potential breath continued to exude, he slowly fell into a dream.

The next day, after sleeping for more than ten hours, the four young dragons slowly got up, each one yawning continuously.

Polly pushed the snow wall away, and a cold wind suddenly blew in from outside. Four young dragons crawled out one after another. The snow layer outside almost covered the entrance of the cave.

After climbing a few steps up the snow, Garen yawned, his whole body ached and he felt terribly weak. The serious injury yesterday finally showed its power.

He took a look at his current attribute status.

‘Sawu-Strength 21 (7), Agility 15 (7), Constitution 11 (6), Intelligence 17. Potential 68%. Soul limit 170’

Level 1 Dragon Power. Level 1 arcane basics.

"I've recovered a little bit, but I guess I can't keep up with the average of young dragons." Garen was helpless. It seems like today is going to be a drag.

"Garen, why do you look so listless?" Leona slapped Garen hard from behind, almost knocking him down.

There was a burning pain where she slapped him.

Garen was helpless.

"It's nothing. I met a monitor lizard when I was out walking last night. I ran around for a long way before I came back. It was a bit physically demanding."

"Encountered a monitor lizard? Oh my god, you are so brave."

Leona marveled.

While chatting with Leona, Garen was thinking about how to deal with today. Fortunately, although he was injured, the sharpness of his claws was not affected. Basic coordination should be fine.

On the second day of hunting, we soon encountered a new level four monitor lizard.

This guy was chewing the body of a white baby dragon on the ground.

When Garen and his group of dragons saw this scene, Sast couldn't help but rush over. The battle started immediately.

Naturally, the level four monitor lizards were no match for them. The four young dragons became skilled in cooperating with each other, and Sast became the main force-bearing individual. Garen followed behind, using ice to press the knife to enhance the lethality of the claws and injure the monitor lizards. Although the skin cannot kill the monitor lizard due to its ice armor, it can also effectively anger it.

Garen also figured out the way the fourth-level monitor lizard moved. Although it was very slow and weak, he was not afraid because Sastre was mainly carrying him. When he found the muscles of the monitor lizard moving, he could tell where the attack was coming from. Which direction, so even if the speed is much slower, with Sast's restraint and resistance, it can still easily avoid the attacks of many monitor lizards.

In this way, the division of labor is very clear. Sastre mainly goes up to carry the strength, while Garen takes the time to go up and give the giant lizard a blow to absorb the hatred. Polly and Leona use dragon fire from behind.

After skillfully defeating a giant lizard, Sast lost some weight and was slightly injured, and his muscles were a little weak. After all, he was the main dragon this time, and he had Galleons with him last time. Naturally, the pressure this time was much greater.

Garen also deliberately let the giant lizard scratch his shoulder, looking a little embarrassed like Sast.

Polly went up to dig out the crystal cores and put them all in Leona's place to calculate together.

"Come on, let me treat you."

Leona has always been able to only watch the show. This time when she saw Sast and Garen injured, she immediately felt that she had a place to use. Rush forward excitedly.

Galleon wanted this effect. Standing side by side with Saast.

Leona raised her hand in front of them, and a ball of white water gathered out, floating in the air, and quickly condensed into a ball of water, which looked like milk.


A big mouth opened on the surface of the milk ball, and it vomited out some translucent pale white mucus. The mucus dispersed into many small water droplets, and flew to Gallon and Suster.

"It looks disgusting." Sast felt uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, don't worry. This is just a fixed procedure of the spell. It's not really something that a creature vomited out." Leona whispered with a little lack of confidence.

Garen also felt a bit mentally disturbed, but in order to recover from his injuries as quickly as possible, he had no choice but to endure it.

Soon, about one-third of the slime droplets flying out flew towards Sast, and most of the rest flew towards Garen.

A large amount of water droplets covered the surface of the body, then penetrated along the gaps of the dragon scales and penetrated into the skin.

Garen suddenly felt cold all over his body and felt very comfortable. The painful area was effectively relieved.

This feeling lasted for a few minutes and then quickly disappeared.

"It's amazing! My injury is actually healed!" Sast shouted from the side. A tone of surprise.

Garen glanced at the status.

‘Sawu-Strength 21 (11), Agility 15 (12), Constitution 11 (11), Intelligence 17. Potential 69%. Soul limit 170

Level 1 Dragon Power. Level 1 arcane basics. ’

"The effect is good. Four points of average attributes have been restored in one go. It may be completely repaired after a few more attempts." However, Garen also knew that he concealed it from everyone and went hunting alone. It was best not to expose it. Leona anyway. There are three Dragon Rain Techniques a day, and if you are often injured in the future, you will be treated by a gangster, and you will be back to normal soon. Anyway, the level four monitor lizard has figured it out by himself, so it won’t be a big problem with Sast carrying it.

It is impossible for their group of young dragons to provoke the fifth-level monitor lizard.

"Look, this baby dragon corpse seems to be Bedoko from Class Three." Polly was inspecting the baby dragon corpse that had been chewed to only a small part.

The other dragons moved closer. I saw the corpse of the young dragon that had been chewed beyond recognition.

Leona was a little scared, while Sast was furious and had more fighting spirit. Only Polly and Garon were calm.

"It should have been killed by a level five monitor lizard. We must be careful next. There should be a level five monitor lizard nearby, so we cannot act rashly." Polly said in a low voice.

The other three dragons nodded.

Next, a group of young dragons continued hunting. They did not continue to go deep into the mountains, but wandered around this area, specifically looking for level four monitor lizards to train with. However, it seemed that their luck was not very good the next day, and they only encountered a lone fourth level monitor lizard. Level 1 monitor lizards, and the rest are either three or four together, or level 5 monitor lizards.

If the young dragons had not had good eyesight during the day, it would have been really miserable once they were encountered at close range.

After just hunting a level four monitor lizard, the daylight dimmed one day, and Polly took the three dragons to continue looking for a hiding spot. He had been hunting once and knew where was the safest place to hide.

This time they found a cliff in the middle of the cliff, dug out a cave, and got in. It is absolutely impossible for monitor lizards to find this kind of terrain. They cannot fly.

Garen did not dare to go out hunting alone this time, but waited for the crystal core in his stomach to be completely absorbed. In this way, he can gain some new attributes, which can be added to his physique to speed up the recovery of physical injuries.


Deep in the ice and snow, in a deep cave.

Dark, cold, and cold air as sharp as a blade continues to slowly rotate in the depths of the cave, like a huge tornado vortex.

On both sides of the cave stood tall knights in armor kneeling on one knee. These black knights' armors were empty inside, holding broad and heavy knight swords in both hands. The blade penetrated deeply into the ground. Their armor plates were engraved with countless densely packed strange runes. These tadpole-like runes were like tadpoles constantly swimming, extremely strange, and all exuded a faint aura of death.

"It seems like... what's the smell...?" Suddenly, a gloomy voice came from deep in the cave. It seemed to sound like an old man who was about to die, with the smell of depletion and decay.

After a moment of silence, the voice sounded again.

"It's a powerful soul. A powerful mutant soul. It smells so good." The voice revealed greed and desire.

"Beth Ning."


Among the armors of knights kneeling on both sides of the cave, a pair of armors suddenly ignited green flames in the eyes of their helmets.

He stood up, pulled out the giant sword from the ground, strode to the road in the middle of the cave, facing the cave, as if waiting for orders.

"My lord, I am at your command."

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