Mysterious journey

Chapter 1202 Change 2


Yuriva held a long knife and slashed at the robot's arm. The two of them, one big and one small, squeezed and collided violently. Yuriva was only slightly inferior. After being ejected, he jumped several meters and landed lightly on the ground.

In the woods, the two resumed their confrontation, and sweat continued to flow from Yuriwa's temples.

His current strength is comparable to Galleons in normal state, but the guy in front of him really makes him a little helpless.

For defense, the knife cannot cut or stab at all. To attack, the robot waved his hand casually, and the explosive force required him to resist it with all his strength. If he wasn't careful, he might be directly hit and fractured.

Just like the two people lying next to them.

The bat and the egret were sitting next to each other at the foot of a tree. Each of their hands and feet was broken and they could hardly move. I could only watch helplessly as Yuriva and the robot fought head-on.

It has been three days since they met the robot. During these three days, the other party has been chasing and killing them almost non-stop without any intention of holding back. They don't even care about the safety and life and death of ordinary people, and they are unscrupulous.

"We have already applied for support! Hold on!" Egret gritted his teeth. His hands were skillfully assembling a thin skateboard-like thing. It seems to be some kind of transportation tool. These days, they rely on this thing to quickly escape from the pursuit of robots.

Yuriva did not reply, but once again rushed forward to fight with the robot. The blade of the knife kept slashing everywhere on the robot's body, even in some body gaps, but it had no effect. Even the connecting parts in the gaps are extremely hard and have an inner protective shell.


Suddenly, he activated his ability silently, and the robot's speed dropped instantly, while his speed increased sharply.

Dang Dang Dang! ! !

Four times in a row, the blade struck the same spot on the robot's neck.


A small crack appeared on the robot's neck. The huge impact made him involuntarily push his body back and take two steps back.

"Okay!" He actually didn't care about his injuries. He folded his arms in the middle. While Yuriva was slashing quickly, he hugged Yuriva's waist fiercely, just like a man hugging a woman's waist. hug.

But Hydra's ability absorbed his speed enhancement Yuriva. Yuriva's speed at this moment was far beyond his imagination. He shrunk his body, immediately finished the slashing and dodged the attack, and stabbed the robot's abdomen with the blade again. He used all his strength to stab him, his skin turned red, and he even used the special power of the savior to borrow the power of others.

"The power of one person."

Yuriva turned around and spun quickly, and the blade quickly turned and strangled like a tornado.

Tsk tsk tsk! ! !

Continuous cutting sounds continued to sound from the robot.

"Dragon spine bomb." The robot's right arm pressed down hard, and a ball of steam propulsion exploded from the right shoulder area. It violently accelerated the right arm downwards, and the speed of the entire robot arm increased several times in an instant. , lowering his head towards Yuriwa.

"Top pick!"

Yuriva's spinning knife style suddenly condensed into a ball and pushed upwards.

Zheng! !

The blade and the robot arm collided fiercely. With a crash, the blade broke directly and flew out.

Yuriva's expression changed and he quickly retreated, but it was too late at this moment. The robot arm accelerated by the steam explosion slammed forward.


His whole body was hit directly in the chest, and with a sound of bone cracking, Yuriva flew far away.

"Let's go!!" The egret made the skateboard at some point. He caught Yuriwa from a distance with the bat, and quickly ran away into the distance without looking back.

Along the way, you can faintly see faint traces of blood left on the grass.

Bat looked at the robot quickly catching up behind him. "Its long-range attack methods have been exhausted. As long as he doesn't close the distance, it should be fine. Are you okay Yuriva!"

"It's okay!" Yuriwa replied with a pale face. As soon as he finished speaking, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"This guy is at least one of the top ten in strength! Although my injury is completely healed, the power of the savior cannot be fully exerted to its maximum. I can only borrow the power of one person. It is too strong and my body cannot bear it."

"Don't worry, I have already applied for support. The experts will arrive soon, as long as we can delay for a while." Bailu said urgently.

"Here!! Here!!" Suddenly, there were bursts of hurried shouts from the front.

The egret and the bat suddenly beamed with joy, "Here we come!"

The three of them rode their skateboards forward quickly, walking through the woods. Soon they saw a group of men in black getting off black motorcycles in front of them. One of the leaders was wearing half a golden mask, covering the left side of his face.

This person was clearly a woman. Behind her, several people were quickly assembling some kind of weapon for her. The weapon looked very much like a longer and thicker version of a super sniper rifle.

The entire gunshot was silvery white, almost like an ordinary small cannon.

"Lower your head!"

The woman picked up the weapon, put it on her shoulder and pointed it at Yuriwa and the other three.

The three of them lowered their heads suddenly.

Boom! ! !

There was a loud thunder-like sound above their heads, and the three of them were completely deafened for a moment. They could not hear anything. They only felt numb all over their bodies and a chaotic buzzing in their ears.

boom! !

Huge light and heat instantly came from behind, as well as a violent shock wave, which caused the three of them to fall off the skateboard. They were accurately caught by the man in black who had prepared in advance with a soft mesh bag.

The woman in black put down her giant gun and looked far into the depths of the forest where the flames were soaring into the sky.

"Indiscriminate bombing. Send out the Falcons."


"Apply for Falcon Bombing."

The people behind him quickly gave orders.

Immediately, the screams of bombers quickly came from above everyone's heads, and several white-threaded bombs were fired in the middle of the burning fire. The violent explosions were superimposed on each other, and the flames and smoke spread, almost covering the surrounding woods. Completely shrouded in firelight, nothing could be seen clearly.

"Is he dead?" the woman asked in a low voice.

"The target's energy radiation has dropped by more than 40 percent. It is retreating now. It should be that it has escaped temporarily." A subordinate behind him replied in a low voice, looking at a scanning instrument in his hand.

"Indiscriminate bombing and pursuit! Kill him." The woman held a cigarette lightly, lit it and took a puff, then took it out with her fingers, and then turned her attention to the three Yurivas.

"Egret, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you're still so embarrassed." The woman's smiling voice came from under the mask.

"Sister!" Bailu was helped to stand up. One leg was broken and he couldn't use it. He could only rely on the other leg to support himself. "Fortunately, you are here this time, otherwise we would be in real trouble if it were any later."

"The other party is from the White Whale. The superiors asked me to wait for you near here in advance. I didn't expect it to come in handy." The masked woman ranked eighth among the vultures. She was good at long-distance and indiscriminate fire control. Don't look at it just for ordinary people. Ordinary simple serial bombing, but in fact all aiming is controlled by the masked woman. She can even ensure that all bombing points can be hit continuously on the same point while the opponent rolls and is blown away. And that The dot is the crack in Yuriva's neck that was cut with a knife just now.

"We have initially determined who our opponent is." The woman said calmly, "The Merchant Alliance has officially issued an order to encircle and suppress the White Crab Army."

"White Crab Army!?" Yuriwa stood up, feeling sore all over. He was hit hard just now, his internal organs were shocked, and he would not be able to recover for a while.

"Why have you heard of it?" the woman looked at him and asked.

"Be careful!!" Yuriva suddenly jumped forward and knocked down the masked woman.

At the same time, a bit of silver light passed through the masked woman's original head position, emitting a harsh scream.

The silver light directly hit the head of a person behind the woman. With a pop, the person's head exploded, and red and white splattered all around.

Without any shouts or orders, everyone was absolutely elite and immediately fired back. More than a dozen grenades flew out and landed in the direction of the silver light.

Bang bang bang bang! !

Explosions continued one after another, and the bullets jingled against the metal surface, as if they were blocked by something.

Yuriva slowly helped the woman get up.

"Thank you!" The woman looked serious, "I owe you my life."

"No! You are here to support us too." Yuriva turned back and looked in the direction of the silver light.

Amid the fire and smoke, a huge body three meters high slowly emerged from the high-temperature flames. It was the robot just now!

At this time, his body became larger and heavier, almost twice as wide as before. There was an eye-like opening in the center of the entire machine body, and inside were densely packed small eyes with green halos.

There was a big gash where he was injured before, but it was healing quickly, and soon there was only a tiny white mark left.

"It's useless. Unless they are among your top five masters, the rest of them are not even qualified to stand in front of me." The robot's deep voice echoed in the woods, mixed with the violent noise of everyone burning.

"Three times super electromagnetic force." The masked woman shouldered the gun with a cold face.

Bang! !

A white beam of light suddenly lit up, hitting the robot in the middle of the chest faster than lightning.

But unexpectedly, the robot grasped the white light with one hand and blocked it in the palm of its hand. The beam and the palm lasted for several seconds before dissipating.

White smoke also emitted from the robot's palm, some turned red, and showed a very high heat temperature.

"End it." The robot laughed ferociously, and its tall and heavy body suddenly exploded behind it, turning into a huge driving force and rushing towards the seriously injured Yuriva and the other three.

Uh-huh! !

Silver light shone, and in an instant, a slender silver blade was drawn behind Yuriwa.

It was just an ordinary knife, slashed on the robot's body.

boom! ! !

Like muffled thunder, the blade and the metal shell of the robot body exploded with huge metal sparks.

His whole body felt like it was struck by lightning and flew backwards like a cannonball. The inside of his body was buzzing, like a bell being struck, and sound waves were constantly vibrating and surging in his body.

ah! ! !

The robot screamed, and while it was still in the air, it quickly turned around, sprayed out flame boosters from behind, and fled far away.

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