Mysterious journey

Chapter 1136 Dream 1

Belen is wearing a white windbreaker and white jeans that outline her slender and round legs. She is tied with a refreshing single ponytail and a white metal belt around her waist. Apart from the subtle changes in her appearance, more than a hundred years have brought her. The rest is a more cold and beautiful temperament.

Looking at the man indifferently, Beren acted as if he had never seen this man before and walked on his own without paying any attention to his intentions.

"Hey Colonel Belen, don't be like this. After all, we have become good friends. Is it really okay to be so disrespectful? It will damage your image as an iceberg beauty!" The man slowly followed Belen in the spaceship with a playful smile.

"I feel sick when I see you, get away!" Beren said without politeness and speeded up.

The man's name is Owen Reese. He is one of Beren's many suitors and the most prominent one among them. He has an extraordinary family background and his family's influence network spreads throughout the Nine Emperors Alliance of mankind. I also get along with Belen very well.

Ever since Belen was transferred to this special operations bureau, he fell in love with her at first sight, and then the arduous pursuit lasted for more than sixty years. Other suitors had been changing one after another, but he was the only one. Dead-set.

I originally thought that a man like Beren, who came from a humble family and could only rely on his own female elite, would be actively pursued by a second-generation official and a rich second-generation man like himself. On the surface, he would remain calm, but in reality, he would feel secretly happy. At most, he would start to be reserved. , I didn’t expect that after so many years of pursuit, there was no reaction at all. What was Belen’s reaction at the beginning, and what is his reaction now.

There are so many beautiful women in the alliance. After more than sixty years of waiting and waiting, even Owen Reese himself doesn’t know why. His family also urged him, but after being blocked by him time and time again, he stopped caring. He did.

"Am I really a bitch? The more I am abused, the more excited I get?" Owen Reese touched his chin, put on his sunglasses, looked at his cool and perfect image in the reflection of the car window, nodded with satisfaction, and started He chased after the spaceship again.

He didn't know Beren's background, but no matter what his background was, it would be fine as long as it wasn't as strong as him. He didn't bother to think about it, as long as he liked it.

"I have the latest news about the Chixue Sect, why don't you come up and chat?" Since chatting up is useless, we can only use our special skills!

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Beren's footsteps immediately stopped in front of him.

The girl turned back, and the coldness in her eyes instantly became stronger.

"I'll kill you if I'm joking!"

Owen Reese suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and nodded vigorously.

"How dare you? How dare you, a villain, joke with your Majesty." He quickly put on a big smile to please.

Beren's force value has reached the sky. If he, an ordinary inheritance level, dared to fight her with a bayonet, he would be disabled in a matter of minutes. Just kidding, the two great spiritual officials of the Red Spirit Hall died at her hands. This little girl, Beren, is famous for killing people without batting an eyelid.

That was the being who was nicknamed Beowulf in the Special Bureau and could tear apart a giant dragon with his hands!

Although there are many uncles and uncles in the family who are stronger than her, if picking up girls depends on family background, then it is really not an ordinary failure. Owen Reese is no fool.

After boarding the spaceship, Beren stared straight at Owen Reese without saying a word.

"Don't be like this... I'm under pressure." Owen quickly poured out everything he knew about the situation.

"The people of the Chixue Sect have been confirmed to be lurking in a huge underground cave in the south of Mars. The leader of the Chiling Hall has already set off. The specific strength of the chief and deputy hall masters is unknown. No one has ever seen them take action, because Everyone you’ve seen is dead. So don’t be impulsive!”

Beren frowned.

"anything else."

"There's more. There's no more." Owen laughed awkwardly, "This is the specific map." He quickly used wireless transmission to transmit the map he had obtained in advance.

Belen received the map, projected it onto his retina and looked at it carefully.

"Thank you!" She jumped out of the spaceship and walked directly to a small alley outside.

"Hey!" Owen stretched out his hand to try to stay, but there was no one in sight, so he could only sigh helplessly.

"She's been mysterious all day long, ugh." He didn't know what to say to this beautiful colleague. No matter how he treated her well, he always kept a distance from himself. "Is she planning to stay unmarried for the rest of her life?" A thought came to his mind, he shook his head and drove the spacecraft away.

After the spaceship left, Beren's face was faintly revealed at the entrance of the alley.

She watched the spaceship fly away quietly, with a hint of guilt in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to cause trouble to you."

She murmured quietly.

With Shinandi as their enemy and the White King as their enemy, living like this, they never know whether there will be a future for the next day. What qualifications do people like them, who are constantly fighting against fate, have to expect to marry someone and live a stable life?

She is not a stone person. No one who has been treated sincerely for sixty years will be so heartless, but

Beren lowered his head and looked at another volume of information in his hand, which was sent by Bai Dong.

"The Chiling Hall may have sent someone out. The team is led by the Two-Headed Crab, and it seems they are going to test out the news about the Chixue Sect this time. What are your plans?"

"Have you contacted Chixue? What's their attitude?" Beren drew a line on the scroll, and a line of writing suddenly appeared on it.

"We made contact, but the other party's attitude was not very good. They are the last energy weapon masters. Not only the people with Chixue, but also the other energy weapon masters who have been taken in. Their strength is unknown." Bai Dong replied.

"Have you reported my brother's name?" Beren frowned slightly.

"I reported it, but the other party didn't give me much respect. It seems that I didn't hear it at all?" Bai Dong replied doubtfully.

Beren frowned.

Since the Chixue Sect completely retreated, it has been hiding behind the scenes for more than a hundred years. During the period of recuperation, I don’t know what it has developed into. But no matter what, it is unlikely that I have never heard of my brother's name. After all, he was one of the most brilliant faction leaders back then.

"Wait until I get there!" Beren replied finally, put away the scroll, strode into the alley and disappeared.


A lot can happen in one hundred and fifty years.

The center of Mars, Chixue City

This huge city built deep in the crust of Mars is surrounded by countless torrents of magma. The entire black city looks like it is surrounded by a red ribbon, and it looks extremely beautiful.

In the city, inside a somewhat dilapidated stone house.

A middle-aged man with gray hair was sitting cross-legged on the black stone bed.

The man opened his closed eyes, his eyes cold and solemn.

"Cough cough cough" He coughed violently a few times, stretched out his hand to take out a tissue and covered his mouth. The white tissue was quickly stained with traces of bright red.

"Bai Ye, there is something that the acting leader needs you to do." An equally cold voice sounded from the air in the stone house, it was a female voice.

"What's going on?" the middle-aged man on the bed asked in a low voice.

"You should be happy to do this. Your brother Bai Dong has been rescued, but now he has joined the command of King Jagged Tooth. The leader of the faction wants you to go and kill possible attackers." That one. The female voice explained.

"Bai Dong is out?" Bai Ye's eyes widened slightly. "What level is he now?"

"I don't know, but it should only be below the inheritance level. It is said that he is an instructor of a team and is leading a team of newcomers for trial training."

"Stupid!" Bai Ye's eyes suddenly widened, "Forget the hatred of the family! Forget everything you carry, you don't want to make progress even though you have an extremely winter physique!" A violent aura suddenly rose from his body.

"Just because you are willing to practice hard doesn't mean others are willing too." The female voice said no more and quietly disappeared.

Only Bai Ye's increasingly manic cold aura was left, and within a few hundred meters around the entire stone house, a faint layer of frost condensed on the ground.


For so many years, the Red Snow Sect has been persistently searching for the whereabouts of Garen. Because of the Twisted Seed, they insist that Garen is not dead. After more than a hundred years of propaganda, in the pursuit of pilots, old people continued to sacrifice, and newcomers continued to emerge to fill new vacancies. Except for the top leaders of the Red Snow Sect, almost no one knew the real name of the previous leader Garen. . More people even only know Gallon's name, but don't know his true real name.

In Chixue City, on a blood-colored stone spire mountain, in an arched cave, two men and women in red stood side by side, overlooking all the city scenery below.

The man is clearly the same Heiyao he used to be, and he had many Accords. After so many years, he is now a little less arrogant and a little more calm.

And the woman leaning next to him was actually Alice from the Chixue Sect.

The two looked intimate and were obviously partners.

"What route do you think this kid Geerius plans to take?" Hei Yao asked with squinted eyes, "The older I get, the less I can guess what this guy is thinking. It was okay when he was young."

"You're not even a father, so how can I guess?" Alice rolled her eyes at him, "Now he hangs out with the little girl from the Alolan family all day long. He's already in his twenties, and he still looks like Just like a child, it’s not because you, the father, haven’t educated you well.”

"We Chixue, as the leader of the three major forces under Jagged King, are only temporarily attached. I am worried that the generation of Geris may be completely integrated and assimilated by Jagged King." Hei Yao said slightly worried. "Garen is definitely still alive. If someone with his personality returns, he may be in trouble."

"It's been more than a hundred years, why do you think so much?" Alice disagreed, "This matter will be considered by the acting leader and the Ice Demon General. We old people can just take it one day at a time. After decades of fighting, It’s time for us to enjoy our blessings.”

"That's what I said, but..." Hei Yao breathed out, "I wonder how Reese and the others are doing? When my father passed away last year, I saw her once at the funeral, and I haven't seen her since. "

"I'm just saying that you are thinking about things all day long. Our Red Snow Alliance is vast and powerful. There are only thirteen branch factions. It is more than ten times stronger than a hundred years ago. Almost 100% of the capable mechanics are With the addition of ninety's essence power, as long as it's not the king level, who dares to mess with us? Even if it's the king level, we have to look at the attitude of King Jagged Tooth." Alice still disagrees. "Ruisi has this kind of relationship, which is enough for her to live a good life."

"This time Jing Mao is out, I'll ask him to check it out." Hei Yao was still a little unwilling to give up. "After all, we are still friends from the beginning."

"I think she's his girlfriend." Alice quietly gave him a hard squeeze, causing Black Yao to frown in pain.

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