Mysterious journey

Chapter 1123 Versus 2

On the other side, the Red Skull finally couldn't hold on any longer and was knocked off the stage by a young man with a look of shame on his face and passed out.

"Sorry, the victory was not glorious enough."

The man politely apologized to the elder of the Red Skull.

"You are very measured in your actions. At this point, she has reached her limit. It doesn't matter." The female elder shook her head, hugged Red Skull lovingly and left. However, the two also fell out of the competition due to the failure to maintain the victory.

Next, the strongest player in the entire division can only be selected from among the three.

Hei Yao was still very relaxed. Occasionally he would challenge someone, but he would deal with it immediately and roll down with serious injuries. Regardless of his strength and background, he has no fear at all. Nebula's background is a well-deserved local leader. No one in the local area dares to compete. Therefore, even if he severely injured his opponent, the elders of these schools would at most look at each other with anger, but they would not dare. Really pursue it.

Black Yao stood alone on the battlefield, arrogant and arrogant.

"A bunch of losers! They don't even dare to go on stage?" He looked down at the challengers' seats from a high position, with a clear look of contempt on his face.

Although all the challengers were furious after being stabbed, none of them really came up to challenge him. They all endured it.

"Weak people are so pitiful." Hei Yao did not hide his contempt.

He turned sideways and looked at the young man who had just defeated the Red Skull.

"A fight?"

A secret flashed through the young man's eyes, he smiled gently and shook his head.

"I don't dare to humiliate myself."

Hei Yao snorted and simply sat down cross-legged and rested quietly.

A mysterious sound suddenly came from the young man's body and floated into the distant audience.

"The Red Skull is dealt with. Next up is the Nine Dragons."


A dark figure in the audience flashed through the shadows of the crowd.


"A boring fight."

The Pluto Sword slashed out with a cold slash. After turning in several directions, the violent black knife marks pierced into the opponent's chest like lightning.


Blood splattered, and the opponent couldn't keep up with his movement speed. He could only watch helplessly as the knife mark folded and stabbed into his chest.


The challenger was seriously injured and was carried off. The reputation of the strongest black sword had made the challengers almost give up on continuing the fierce battle. Looking at him like this, wheel battles have no effect at all. The consumption of a challenger on him is too small.

"Challenge abandoned." The referee's voice finally sounded.

The challenge time is over, and those who persisted in the end were Pluto Sword and Hei Yao.

As representatives of the two major factions, Black Knife and Nebula. This is also what everyone expected.

The top factions are just different, and this result is not beyond everyone's expectations.

"The final decision, Black Sword Pluto Sword, versus Nebula, Black Yao." The referee's voice sounded again. This represents the will of the three holy masters. No one can resist. Because the person presiding over the referee is a clone of the will of the three holy masters.

With a snap, the two towering battle platforms suddenly merged together.


Hei Yao opened his eyes and stood up, adjusted his body, and walked directly towards the Pluto Knife.

His whole body was filled with black energy, and he stepped onto the opponent's fighting stage step by step. The smoke-like black energy rushed straight towards the Pluto Sword, the number one black sword.

"Haha, I've heard your name for a long time."

"Hei Yao, Nebula's second youngest master." Pluto Sword's face was calm, and there was a voluptuous purple-black patterned thread on his forehead, giving people a cold and monstrous feeling.

"I heard that your Star Condensation Hand is very powerful. I wonder if you can break my Pluto Breath."

"Would you know if you try it?" Hei Yao grabbed it with five fingers and pulled out a handful of dense black energy out of thin air. It turned into a ball of viscous liquid-like black slurry and dripped on the platform, immediately corroding into deep pits of different sizes.

This is the Xing Ning Hand, a terrifying block-killing technique known as the number one in corrosion in the genre. He used the extra-block killing technique from the beginning, which shows that Hei Yao attaches great importance to this battle.

Buzz! !

Almost at the same time, two black auras burst out from the two men, rising into the sky and piercing the clouds.

In an uproar, the entire audience stood up.

"Not downgraded!! Actually not downgraded!!"

Someone yelled.

He has reached such a high level that he will not fall down even when he is just a disciple! ! It’s unimaginable!

In the VIP seats, all the judges also changed their colors. Only then did a single competition area reach this level. I don’t know what level it will reach in the future! This competition will probably exceed everyone's expectations.

"Now we have something good to watch." A middle-aged woman sitting next to Garen's face moved and her eyes narrowed.

"Kill!!" Hei Yao suddenly moved. The black energy all over his body twisted and condensed, turning into a huge black scorpion. The entire black scorpion suddenly rushed towards the opponent.

Boom! !

The scorpion's tail needle pierced the ground of the platform and directly opened a large hole more than one meter wide.

A black shadow shot out from the edge of the hole like lightning.

"One knife."

laugh! ! !

The black light shone, and a slender and inconspicuous knife mark zigzagged through the air, arriving at Hei Yao's side in an instant. Silently, he sliced ​​open the scorpion's shell and stabbed inside.

"Huaguang!!" Hei Yao twisted around, his body turning at high speed, his whole body was like a top, and the scorpion's tail needle also turned and swung at high speed, swiping hard towards the mark of Pluto's knife.

For a moment, the battlefield was completely black, and nothing could be seen clearly. The two blacks were mixed together, and it was impossible to tell who was who. It could only be vaguely judged from the boiling and rolling black air that the two were still fighting fiercely.

Suddenly the black energy exploded, completely revealing the two people fighting inside. The two people's bodies were intertwined, and their hands and feet were colliding at high speed, almost turning into blurred shadows. Only the terrifying shocks and ripples caused by the intersection of fists and feet could be seen.

The black energy was also shaken away by the pure gathering power of the two people's shrinking and never-falling light.


Suddenly Heiyao turned around and exploded with a crescent-shaped black blade, cutting in all directions.


Pluto Sword pulled out a black knife with his backhand and faced it head on. The blade made a sound like the chirping of a swallow, and with a strange downward sweeping movement, it strangely avoided Heiyao's attack on Yueya, and flashed directly behind Yueya, slashing towards its face.

The black knife turned and folded, sparing Hei Yao's right hand who wanted to stop it, and draped it hard on Hei Yao's left shoulder.

laugh! !

Bloody light flashed.

"Shiji Slash! Ten times!!"

Under the pain, Black Yao exploded crazily, and circles of black crescents spread out from his body in all directions. All directions above, below, left, and right were surrounded and occupied by black crescents, turning his whole body into a black ball.

Boom! ! !

Black crescents exploded in all directions.

For a moment, the entire battlefield turned black and nothing could be seen clearly.

"Take me, Black Glory World Extreme Slash!!" There was a roar.

A blade tens of meters high struck out of thin air from the chaos.

"Osprey. Breath of Hades!" Faced with this sword, Pluto's sword knew it was bad, and the opponent instantly burst out with all his strength. This time, it was terrifying and he was seriously injured. Not daring to be careless, the eternal light in his body condensed and turned into the same substantial sword light.

Slash forward in the air! !

Roar! A tall, vague human figure wearing black armor vaguely appeared behind him. He seemed to be the legendary and mysterious Hades!

Pluto roared slightly, flew forward with the light of the sword, and sprayed out a stream of translucent black air.


The two sword lights collided at the same time, but strangely, the Pluto Sword collapsed at the first touch. It was not as powerful and terrifying as expected. This made the Pluto Sword suddenly stunned.

"This?" He suddenly felt that there was something weird about the sword light aura erupting from the other party.

"Is this!!!??" His eyes suddenly opened wide, but it was too late.

The giant black blade slid down in front of him.

laugh! ! !

His entire body, from his left shoulder to his right leg, was struck by the knife, creating a terrifying and huge wound.

Blood instantly burst out from the wound like a fountain!

The eternal light of Hades' sword quickly weakened.

He lost.

The loss was inexplicable and completely incomprehensible!

The light of the sword left a deep mark on the ground, which was the remaining power after breaking through the Eternal Light.

There was no longer any hidden black energy in Hei Yao's body, and he stood on the battlefield completely naked.

"This is my strongest sword. It can absorb the opponent's power and increase my own Black Glory World Slash! Pluto sword? Hehe, if it were replaced by Nine Dragon Beast, I might be more afraid."

His eyes looked around, and finally fixed on the position of Chixue Sect.

"Garen! Come down and fight!" The voice vibrated loudly, causing the entire venue to buzz.

With a swish, Hei Yao single-handedly pointed at Garen at the VIP table, the chairman of the Red Snow Sect!

Suddenly, the whole place was in an uproar again. No one would have thought that he would actually challenge the leader of the Red Snow Alliance, who has been in the limelight recently!

Having just escaped from a simple and tyrannical battle, Hei Yao didn't even take a break and immediately wanted to challenge the leader-level master! ? Is he crazy? !

The most unbelievable thing was the people from the Black Knife Faction in the audience.

"Senior Brother Pluto Sword, he was defeated!? How is that possible!" A group of junior brothers and sisters turned pale and ugly. Pluto Sword was already the strongest disciple in their sect, but he could be defeated so mysteriously. Unable to understand! Why did that happen with the last knife? ?

"How could it be possible to lose!?" Dios turned pale and murmured to himself in a low voice.

The one who was more shocked than him was none other than Reese who was looking at the battlefield with wide eyes at this moment.

"That's Accord!!??" Reese's eyes were so wide open that she almost felt her eyelids stinging, "How could that be? How could this happen!!?"

She kept observing the person on the stage carefully over and over again, trying to make sure that the other person might just look a little similar, but judging from the other person's tone of voice and detailed features, this person named Hei Yao was indeed the person. There are many Accords, no doubt about it!

"Isn't Yageduo an ordinary disciple of Xingyun? How could it be?" She suddenly recalled the faintly contemptuous look in Yageduo's and Galen's eyes when they left at the party. 'Relying on others will only stagnate progress. You take care of yourself. ’

These were the last words he said to himself in a message before leaving.

At this time, Dios also recognized Yagedo's identity. He was actually one of the two people that Reese wanted to introduce to him at the party with them earlier. His eyes suddenly widened.

"Chief of Chixue, Garen! How dare you come down and fight!!" Yageduo's voice shook again, and everyone in the entire venue could hear it clearly, like thunder!

"This Galleon? Is it?!?" Reese and Dios suddenly thought of a terrible possibility and looked at the VIP seats at the same time.


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