Mysterious journey

Chapter 1065 Fusion 2

The threshold for the ninth-level Pure Body Technique is accumulation, and even the accumulation and compression of massive amounts of energy is even more terrifying than the Chixue Technique. This secret martial art once deprived a medium-sized sect alive, and this was when the sect leader was practicing alone. Moreover, I have only reached the fifth level of practice, so it is natural that no one practices it. Even a powerful master with great wealth would not dare to practice this kind of prodigal technique casually.

But it's different for Garen. The biggest difference between him and ordinary people is that his swallowing can utilize most of the energy close to 100%. Others can absorb at most 50% of the energy they eat. , and he can get close to 100%. This saves half the cost. In addition, his peacock skill will not refuse anyone who comes, and he will eat everything! Even if it is extremely poisonous, as long as it has energy, it is a great tonic. Therefore, a lot of high-energy radiation waste that is useless to others can be used by Galleon.

After choosing these two secret martial arts as the basis for promoting the improvement of Chixue Gong, Garen directly began to cultivate day and night.

The food provided by the school is simply not enough to eat. He has to swallow a thousand kilograms of energy ore every day. It is the kind of raw ore that has not been extracted, and the residue left by digestion is piled up into a hill behind.

Energy ores, various high-energy crystals, high-energy potions, and other miscellaneous items, anything with energy will be accepted by Galleons and eaten with the devouring ability.

But the energy of these things is far less than the blood bead given to him by Carthage. That one blood bead allowed him to directly break through the first level of the Red Snow Skill, which made him miss the two blood beads he had eaten earlier.

If your computing power cannot keep up, you can only use energy to forcefully advance the exercises, which will improve your computing power and intelligence. After all, there is nothing Garen can do.

After 10 attribute points, each improvement requires hundreds of potential points. His current 500 potential points are actually only 498, which is not enough to improve by a few points. What's more, if you use it now, what will you do in the future? More may be needed later.

Therefore, stacking secret martial arts and forcibly advancing Chixue Kung is the right way. This is also the most orthodox path of cultivation, and it is the same for all the energy masters of Naga Planet.

After all, intelligence is a natural talent and cannot be directly improved by anyone except Galleon.

But while Garen was concentrating on cultivating, there was a problem with the Four-Ring Star Alliance.


Four Rings Star Alliance, Winter Star, Night

Next to a dilapidated bridge across the canyon, in the middle of a small open space, Klingberen and his wife sat beside a bonfire, with two little mice on top of them roasting, while smearing oil on them from time to time. A faint meaty aroma emanates from the roasted mouse.

The two of them were drooling, staring at the roasted rat.

At this time, the two of them were no longer as clean and tidy as when they first arrived. They were all dirty, their clothes were torn in many places, their faces and hands were gray, and they looked nothing like beggars. the difference.

"This is the last bit of food." Klin stared at the rat meat with green eyes, and made a cooing sound in a cooperative manner.

"There are so many rats on this planet. They are everywhere." Klin also swallowed his saliva.

"Of course." Chi Yue shouted out of nowhere. "The biggest hobby of the Ji Dong family is raising rats! They themselves are the largest rat nest. It is strange that there are not many rats. The name of Ji Dong Snow Dragon Rat is not random."

"By the way, where did the sound we heard come from?" Clin asked curiously.

"I don't know either, but everything that happens on this planet should be related to the Jidong family, because this place is their planet." Chi Yue explained.

"Now you can't activate my possessed mecha. If you go anywhere else, you will die. Only after you find one of my wings here can you really use my possessed mecha and gain combat power. This is The trouble with Wang Xing is that you can obviously explode with inheritance-level strength once you have a mecha, but now you are just two extremely weak ordinary people. At most, one is stronger and the other is stronger in imitation ability. "

"There is nothing we can do about it. After all, we have crossed a level that many pilots cannot cross through hard work. It is normal to pay such a price." Belen smiled. "Besides, you're not saying that we are different from ordinary human pilots and energy mechanics. They need level seven to be able to fuse with mechas, but we only need level six. As long as we can find a suitable mecha core, we can initially integrate into our bodies. , when the time comes, we will be able to use King Level Resonance to allow us to comprehend and achieve the purpose of making up for this shortcoming."

"That being said, I had no problem finding a few cores during my heyday, but now I can only place my hope here." Chiyue sighed.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, King Xing is really scary. As long as you continue to follow the training method you gave me, Boss Chiyue, you can quickly reach a very high level. Although there is a disadvantage that your strength will be greatly reduced after taking off the mecha, but Afterwards, the heritage-level fused mecha core can directly make up for this weakness. The initial fusion of itself and the mecha greatly improves the strength of its own body. This world is really unfair."

Krillin sighed.

"No, this is how the world is truly fair." Chi Yue said lightly. "I am a King-level person, and I can give King-level stars extremely rapid growth, but that is based on my own King-level height. The improvement of King-level stars actually relies more on the accumulation of King-level ones. This is The differences caused by the efforts of the previous generation are passed on to the next generation. It’s that simple.”

"It's like two families. One of them has worked harder than the other since his grandfather's generation, and then a gap appeared. Then his father's generation worked harder than the other family, so the gap became even bigger. Then the third generation, Naturally, there is a gap between the two older generations in front, and this is fair. Otherwise, it would be truly unfair to directly ignore the hard work of the two previous generations and directly bring the two people to the same level." Chi Yue explained. With.

"It makes sense." Both Klin and Beren nodded. "It is indeed the case. To put it simply, it is not unfair, but the gap accumulated because your predecessors did not work as hard as other people's predecessors."

"Luck is also a factor." Belen added.

"Yeah, so is luck." Chiyue was immediately hurt. "I was just too unlucky back then."

Klin said somewhat unbearably. "Actually, to be honest, no matter whether you were injured or not, you couldn't survive a move anyway. So just be patient."

"Are you trying to comfort me or find trouble!?" Chiyue suddenly became angry with embarrassment.

"There's someone!!" Suddenly Chiyue's tone changed, "It's so fast! Hide! Hurry, hurry, hurry!!"

As soon as Klin and Beren got up, they heard a ghostly cry from Chi Yue and disappeared immediately.

At the same time, the bonfire began to shake violently. A tall metallic black mecha appeared in front of the two people.

"Mecha! How can there be a mecha here?!?" Klin was stunned. There has been no one on the Extreme Winter Star for several years. The interstellar jump gate and wormhole have been completely destroyed, and the counterspace is also blowing extremely terrifying time and space. There is no way to enter the storm, and they can only get in through special means. How could there be people on such a big planet? ?

What he didn't know was that the Jidong Star was not completely sealed off. At least there was one remaining survivor of the Jidong family, Bai Ye, who could enter and exit the place through a special teleportation array.

This mecha that suddenly appeared is four meters high, which is very short among the official mechas of five to six meters. But what makes it unique is that there is a black giant sword stuck in the entire cabin of the machine body. The edge of the giant sword Black traces of blood can also be seen.

The entire mecha is like a bloated astronaut, with its body fat and round, as if it is made up of elliptical spheres. The head of the black body flashes with a faint blue light.

"Humans found. The arrest begins." As soon as the mecha stood still, it scanned Klin and Beren and made a stiff mechanical sound.

"We are just interstellar adventurers who fell into trouble on this planet!" Klin shouted, raising his hands to show that he was harmless.

But unfortunately, the mecha ignored his movements at all. Suddenly, he appeared in front of Klin and Beren as if he was teleporting, and grabbed them with his big hand.

The two were immediately held in the hand, unable to struggle.

The two people without mechas are just a little stronger than ordinary people. Facing a speedy mecha, it would be foolish to resist.

Neither Klin nor Beren were fools. They immediately gave up resistance and allowed the other party to grab them one by one. He flew directly into the air and shot towards the other side of the bridge in the distance.

"Ghost No. 109 found two humans, level judgment, ordinary people, unconscious, non-combat units."

The black mecha in mid-air kept making mechanical sounds, seeming to be communicating.

"Throw it into the slave group to mine." A cold woman's voice sounded from the other side.

This immediately shocked Clin and Beren, there was actually someone!

"Be careful. This is a ghost mecha from ancient times. It is extremely fast and is immune to nearly half of the damage caused by physical attacks. It is very difficult to deal with!" Chiyue's voice only sounded at this time. "Fortunately, it is only a broken version, otherwise I might have been killed just now. It will be discovered, and now it seems that someone has discovered the remains of a ghost mecha, but does not understand the technology inside."

"Boss Chiyue, are you okay?" Klin asked softly in his mind.

"It's okay, it's okay. But you should be careful. Without the mecha, you are no different from ordinary people. Wait for the opportunity, don't be anxious." Chiyue warned.


"As long as your identity is not revealed, you are of little value to them."


Sitting quietly in the middle of the mansion, Garen's whole body was exuding a thick white cold air, which was constantly waving around Garen like tails.

Looking from a distance, there seems to be a cold white air like a living thing constantly swimming in the center of the entire mansion, like a ghost, extremely weird.

Garen was dressed in black, sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed. There was a dead tree around him that had been frozen into a huge icicle. The walls of the surrounding courtyard were covered with a thick layer of ice, and the ground was also completely covered by ice. The entire mansion is completely a world of ice and snow.

In the sky, a white bird accidentally flew too low, and was suddenly rushed up by a burst of snow-white cold air. It accurately grabbed the bird in its mouth like a giant bird, raised its head and swallowed it with a gulp, and the bird quickly turned into one piece. The lump of ice hit the ground directly in the yard.

With a crash, like glassware shattering, the flying bird shattered into countless ice flakes, but strangely, none of these ice flakes were red, as if all the flesh and blood had dried up and turned into a feeble pale white.

Suddenly, Garen opened his eyes.

"Finally finished"

Combining the chaotic cold field and devouring force field capabilities of the Cold Hell Peacock Kung Fu with the cold inheritance-level force field of the Chi Snow Kung Fu, an extremely powerful cold field was finally formed.

This cold field can swallow the vital energy of any living thing through freezing. It can also freeze foreign objects and completely digest them in the solid ice.

A white light flashed in Garen's eyes, and a large stone on the side was suddenly covered by cold air, and the ice layer on the surface became harder and firmer. At the same time, the moment it was covered by cold air, the stone actually began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than half a minute, a half-meter-long white stone was completely digested into a pair of discarded stone powders in the ice. The very few usable organic matter or energy in it were all absorbed by the galleons.

"Any creature frozen by me will fall into a mental confusion effect that is twice as strong as the original chaotic cold field, and will become completely desperate and lose its fighting spirit." Garen himself does not know what his new realm will achieve. Because he has no reference, he only knows that as this field gets closer and closer to him, it will withstand stronger and stronger pressure, freezing pressure, chaotic and desperate pressure, as well as the deprivation and devouring of energy and vitality.

"It's no longer appropriate to call it the Chaotic Cold Territory. Let's change the name. To be simpler, let's call it the Withering of All Things."

This name is very appropriate. It swallows all things, freezes all things, and makes people despair. Isn't it the meaning of the withering of all things? ..

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