Mysterious journey

Chapter 1030 Sacrifice 1

Garen lowered his body and searched the man's body, and immediately found some large and small information storage devices on this guy's body.

These memories are all marked with different words, some are medicines, some are materials, some are metals, and some are rare organisms. And the most important thing is that it is the treasure map.

In addition, this man also had a space bracelet, which Garen unceremoniously put into his arms and accepted.

After searching again, he found that except for some galleons that might be identification, all other valuable items on this guy's body were taken away.

From the start of the ambush to Garen's killing of the enemy, it only took a few seconds from beginning to end. When the battle was over, Garen quickly changed directions and accelerated forward.

After more than half an hour, he changed direction again and moved at high speed between the hills. He repeated this three times and found another earth-eating frog to remove the remaining traces of radiation on its body. He changed direction again and moved forward for more than an hour. Finally we came to a deep crack in the earth.

After looking at the crack, Garen stood on the edge and looked down. He simply climbed down the cliff and started digging a wall hole. After about ten minutes, the wall hole was dug. He went directly in and used Stones and soil blocked the entrance of the cave, leaving only ventilation holes. It was considered a temporary retreat.

Standing in the wall cave, surrounded by darkness, Garen took out a fluorescent device for lighting from the space ring and placed it on a small stone platform set aside on the wall.

Suddenly a faint white light filled the entire small wall cave of more than ten square meters.

Looking around the entire cave, the hole was oval in shape, and a small earth bed was made at the deepest part. Garen walked to the edge of the earth bed, took out the cushions prepared in advance from the ring, and put them on it, followed by the bedding.

After laying these things out one by one, he finally took out a red round cylinder with a faint red light on it.

With a gentle pat on this thing, the entire cylinder immediately emits a large amount of heat, which begins to drive away the coldness of the entire cave and dry out the wet areas on the cave wall one by one. This kind of thermal energy radiation also has the function of killing insects and sterilizing bacteria, and can form an absolute isolation zone for small bugs and germs.

Garen walked to the door, looked out through the ventilation hole for a while, and placed a small alarm in the ventilation hole. This thing can sense the approach of any living creature and directly sound the alarm in its own energy mark.

After taking care of everything, Gallon took out the food and drink, prepared fresh milk, heated it with a radiant heater, and then his homemade pasta, cakes, muffins, preserved fruits and the like.

Bake them one by one with the heater.

Garen himself sat comfortably on the bed and began to look through the information storage he had just obtained.

Recalling the eternally moving magic weapon mentioned by the man just now, his heart moved slightly. He first took out the storage device related to the treasure and examined it alone.

The contents in the storage were gently opened, and Garen glanced at the treasure's definition.

‘For Mechanics, all rare and precious items that cannot be copied are called treasures. There are only two types of treasures: regular and perpetual. Regular ones will decay and be destroyed over time, but permanent ones will not. They will continue to update themselves over time, strengthen themselves, and make themselves stronger and stronger. ’

‘There are thirty-eight kinds of conventional treasures commonly found on the market. ’

Below is a dense map, all of which introduce various conventional treasures.

Garen took a quick glance and saw that many of them were items that could enhance the awareness of amplified energy mechanics or pilots. They were indeed very precious.

But his key focus is not here. What he wants to know more is what level of treasure his Sunshine Demon Sword belongs to.

He quickly flipped the information light curtain, and soon, the permanent-motion treasure category appeared in front of Garen. The first thing he noticed above was a triangular black shield.

The shield is covered with dense white bone spikes, surrounded by a dark blue halo. The halo is composed of a large number of patterned symbols and looks extremely mysterious.

‘Eternally moving magic weapon: Ten Thousand Bone Shields. ’

It’s marked in a line of small letters below.

Then there was none. There is no content behind the light curtain.

The entire information storage seems to contain only one perpetually moving magic weapon.

Garen read through the functions and functions of regular treasures again, put this thing away, and he could probably understand the preciousness of the perpetually moving magic weapon.

Not only are the regular treasures recorded on the treasure map unique, but some are specialties unique to certain schools and only resources they have. For example, Black Knife's black silver necklace is a mass-produced treasure unique to Black Knife. Of course. Even if it is mass-produced, it is extremely expensive. The market price on the map is 200,000 gold crystals, and it is only supplied to able mechanics who have a good relationship with Black Knife and have recommenders. If you want to be a pilot in any other profession, that's just a dream.

There is also a top family specialty of the Four Ring Star Alliance, hibernation water. It can put the energy master into a special hibernation state, dormant for a year, and then be able to recover from most severe injuries. It is also of great benefit to the stabilization of consciousness, and it also has the benefit of assisting in breaking through level bottlenecks. Only the top elites of their family are eligible to enjoy the supply, and no one else can even think about it.

While regular treasures are so rare, in comparison, the eternal magic weapon is naturally even rarer and more precious.

Basic perpetual motion magic weapons are priceless. Once discovered, they are likely to face constant pursuit and robbery.

Thinking of this, Garen became more and more wary.

"It seems that the Demonic Sword of Sunlight is not used. Once it is used, all witnesses must be silenced!"

Putting away the treasure atlas, Garen waited for a while to confirm that there were indeed relatively few surrounding creatures passing by here.

He looked at the clock timer in his weapon mark. It had been more than a day since he entered the void battlefield.

"Almost." He stabilized his body, heartbeat, and breathing.

Gradually close your eyes and slowly begin to concentrate and hold your breath.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe one minute, maybe ten minutes.

Garen suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand slightly, and the small jar containing the Void Caterpillar was immediately thrown out, rolling in the air in front of him.

He opened his mouth slightly and spurted out a stream of red clouds, hitting the center of the jar accurately.


The jar shattered, and the caterpillars inside were smashed into pulp by the red clouds. Like black paint, a layer of black was smeared on the red clouds.

The black color is like paint, shiny and oily, and exudes a faint sweet fragrance.

Garen opened his mouth again and sucked Hongxia into his mouth.


He took a long breath, and his entire complexion turned from white to red, as if he was congested.

Time passes slowly again

Garen's complexion gradually changed from red to cyan.

The cyan color lasted for more than half an hour before it turned into red again, and then the red slowly turned into white, returning to its original skin color.

Two energy weapon marks slowly emerged behind him, spinning continuously, releasing a faint mist like clouds, surrounding Garen.

The places where these clouds and white gas come into contact, whether it is the bed or the walls and the floor, are slowly being drained, becoming drier and drier, and the temperature is getting lower and colder.

About a few hours later, Garen slowly opened his eyes.

The color of the two energy weapon marks behind him gradually changed from light white and transparent to a slightly solidified feeling, which seemed to give people a somewhat substantial taste. It seems that it gradually condensed from fantasy into reality.

"The level after entering the fifth level has stabilized. It is indeed a product of the void, and the quality is really good." Garen was in a much better mood. The effect of the void caterpillar exceeded his expectations, and some of his consciousness and energy marks were solidified. It’s due.

In fact, according to those energy masters who have stayed at each level for many years, each level is divided into two parts: the accumulation period and the solidification period.

The accumulation period is when you have just entered a new level. You need to accumulate and adapt to the new level's strength, fighting methods, experience and skills in using consciousness, and some necessary special means. When these things are completely mastered, it depends on the consciousness. Stable.

Just after entering a new level, the energy mark may temporarily degrade, so it needs time to stabilize. This time usually takes several months or even years.

The Void Caterpillar plays the role of shortening this time, quickly stabilizing the process of these months or even years.

This thing has the function of nourishing and stabilizing the structure of consciousness, which is why it is sold so expensively.

After stabilizing the level, it enters the so-called solidification period, which means that all aspects are stable and the next step of improvement can be carried out.

This is like laying a foundation. Only when the site is deep, stable and wide can we build a higher building.

After absorbing the Void Caterpillar, Garen stretched out his hand, opened his mouth slightly, and once again spurted a line of dark blue fire from his mouth.

The slender blue line of fire slowly floated and rotated above the palm of his hand.

"The power of inheritance." Garen stared at the blue line of fire.

This is the trace of inherited power that he has always hidden in his body. He has been suppressing it with the power of the magic sword Sun Yao, and he has also been continuously absorbing it with secret techniques, but now it seems to have no effect.

"After mastering the secret magic light fist on the ice magic scroll, you can master the magic sword Sun Yao. Only by mastering the magic sword Sun Yao can you get that trace of inherited power without worrying about being backlashed. This link is linked together, and it is really useful. It’s thoughtful enough.”

Garen admired slightly.

"But now it's time to completely resolve this hidden danger. If it remains in the body, if one day it is unable to control it, this inherited power will instantly turn from a treasure to a curse."

Garen's thoughts moved in his mind, and the magic sword Sun Yao slowly appeared beside him, and he stretched out his hand to grab it.

The handle of the knife is still burning with blue flames, and the scorching heat and cold chill are constantly stirring in this small underground space, making the entire underground cavity half cold and half hot.

drink! !

Suddenly, Garen let out a low roar and struck directly at the power of inheritance with his sword.

clang! ! !

The blue line of fire was struck and split into two pieces by the magic knife without warning. In an instant, the two lines twisted crazily, like two thin snakes like living creatures, swooping towards Garen.

Dang, Dang, Dang! ! !

Garen slashed three times in a row like lightning.

The sword struck at the power of inheritance.

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