Mysterious journey

Chapter 1007 Era 1

In an empty room as white as jade.

Renee stood quietly in the distance, leaning on a cane, on the ground of Galleon, with a calm and serene face. She looked pure and clear in her newly changed white training uniform, as if she was a harmless ordinary old man.

On the other side of the room, Garen raised his hand, and five winter night wolves appeared in front of him.

As soon as Garon used the space ring, he suddenly remembered that this thing was still the personal belongings of Princess Aini, and he had only borrowed it from her, but now he was temporarily recruited by the third senior sister to be called a disciple of the Three Hearts, and he could only return it after returning. Gave it to her.

"Only five?" Renee shook her head, "This is not enough to fill the gap between the teeth." She suddenly grinned, and the sharp white teeth in the entire mouth were exposed, looking like a terrifying beast that penetrated people.

"Let's try it first and then talk about it." Garen didn't say anything. Every wolf in the winter night pack was just as he imagined. It had reached the limit of level five, and there was a faint transparent light curtain surrounding it, which was what level five represented. force field defense.

For opponents below level five, if they want to kill these giant wolves, they must first break these force field protections.

"Then... you have to be careful..." Renee chuckled, tapping the crutch in her hand lightly on the ground.

boom! !

A terrifying huge shock suddenly centered on her and spread in all directions.

"War Stampede!!"

Renee roared, with her as the center, click!

Countless cracks exploded open, like countless black snakes spreading madly towards Gallon, rushing up to Gallon's feet.


A gray stone pillar erupted from the crack, and the sharp top of the stone pillar was extremely sharp, stabbing Garon's crotch hard.

Garen's face was startled. This series of changes happened so fast that even he couldn't react in time. In almost the blink of an eye, this attack was already in front of him.

Without any time to think, he pushed his body back hard to avoid the impalement of the stone pillar. Five winter night wolves howled and pounced on Renee, directly surrounding her from three directions.

"Stupid! I, the energy master of Naga Planet, always rely on myself, not the energy weapon!" Renee snorted coldly, and her body flashed. She didn't look very fast, but she could avoid the wolves just right. The attack of the wolf pack can even be directed towards one of its own members with a little guidance.

While dodging, Renee actually rushed towards Garen at a sprint speed. The whole person is like a sharp knife unsheathed.

At this time, Garen had just avoided the cracks in the ground and rushed out of the ground thorn. He had just stabilized his body and regained his posture when he saw Renee almost rushing in front of him.

Turn! !

The bottom of the black crutch was like a steel thorn, pointing hard at his eyes. Looking at the speed and power, he seemed to be going forward to death if he couldn't stop it.

"Wan Zhen is shattered!!" At this time, Garen couldn't hide it at all, and instinctively used his Wan Zhen Gong, his fastest-changing and most adaptable technique.

The power of destruction instantly twisted the whole body, making the body awkwardly move to the left. At the same time, Garen's right arm was raised horizontally, and it was whipped towards Renee's neck like a whip.

At the same time, a stern look flashed in his eyes, knowing that he would definitely not be Renee's opponent, and any attempt to hold back would be foolish, so he simply used the third change of Wan Zhen Gong to the extreme.

In addition to whipping his right arm like a whip, he raised two fingers of his left hand together and stabbed the vital part of Renee's waist.

"This move has some effect!" Renee could comment calmly even while moving at high speed. "Shuijing-level fighting skills are considered a peerless master among ordinary people, but to me, Naga Planet, they are nothing!"

A low whistle suddenly came from her mouth.

"Let you look at the higher level above the water mirror! The silver mirror!"

Her crutch suddenly disappeared and made a sudden stroke from bottom to top in front of her.

Clang! ! !

An extremely weird and strange feeling suddenly poured into Garen's heart. He felt that all his offensives seemed to be in vain at the same time. It seemed that there was a huge invisible force that naturally pulled his offensive instinct aside.

Under such circumstances, his well-honed fighting instincts told him that he had indeed hit the target, but his five senses clearly saw that he had missed the target.


Like a shadow, Renee rushed over from the right, her crutch hanging gently at Garen's throat. From extremely fast to extremely quiet in an instant. The tip of the crutch was less than half a centimeter away from the vital point of Garon's throat.

There seemed to be a huge and extremely heavy pressure condensed on it. It was obviously just hovering at his throat, but Garen had an instinctive feeling that once he was hit, his whole body might fall apart in an instant.

"I didn't even have time to use the third transformation of Wan Zhen Gong." Garen's heart sank to the bottom for the first time.

This was a pure battle of fighting skills. Neither of them used their Chixue Kung Fu or other special abilities. It was just a pure battle of fighting realms.

Incredibly, he lost.

And he lost without any suspense, without a trace of luck.

He could feel that the instinctive pull just now was a higher skill, a martial arts skill, rather than any so-called innate ability.

The sharp tip of the cane was only a little away from his vitals.

Cold sweat slowly seeped out from Garen's forehead. He stared intently at the tip of his throat, not daring to move.

"It's so disappointing. Really." There was an inexplicable color in Renee's eyes. "How can you be so weak and meet the expectations of senior sister? Instead of going out and being beaten to death, it's better to be killed by me here!!!"

Before he finished speaking, the crutch suddenly pointed towards Garen.

The sharp tip of the cane stabbed into Garen's throat with a hint of murderous intent.

Blood splattered.


The tip of the cane penetrated directly from the back of Garen's neck, dripping with bright red blood.

Garen covered his throat with a look of disbelief on his face. He staggered back a few steps, only to find that neither his strong physique nor his own potential could stop the gushing. Profuse blood loss.

Isn't this still under testing? How could this happen? How could this happen?

What he just wanted to hide from was that when his life was in danger, he used five trembling changes in a row, but Renee could easily see through them all. The final result was that he was still stabbed through the throat with a crutch, without the ability to resist.

Crushing, this was a crushing with almost no resistance. Renee's strength had reached the peak of fighting. Garen's martial arts realm, which he had always been proud of, was suppressed face to face for the first time. This was not something that allowed him to What is unbelievable, and the most incomprehensible thing is that Renee would actually kill her during a sparring match! ! ? ?

Didi. Didi. Didi. Didi.

His vision gradually dimmed, and Garen began to slowly lose his vision due to massive blood loss, but suddenly there was a short and rhythmic sound in his ears.


Suddenly, he felt a pain in his forehead, as if there was something, something cold touching the center of his eyebrows, a cold pain.

"Wake up!" Someone shouted in his ear.

Garen suddenly felt his eyes blur, and his mind suddenly came to his senses.

He was standing in the white space before. Opposite him, Renee was still standing far away, looking at him with an indifferent expression.

There was no crack between the two of them, there were no cracks on the ground, and his throat was still fine, with no blood or any wounds.

Garen subconsciously touched his throat, which was intact!

"What state is this?!!"

His voice was a little hoarse. What surprised him was that his throat was actually injured. It was not a false illusion, but a real pain as if something had penetrated it. It was just compared to the scene he just saw. The curtain is much weaker.

"In martial arts fighting, there is a supreme palace of skills. Being able to call it the realm of mirrors is enough to become a top master, establish a sect, and achieve great things." Renee explained calmly while leaning on crutches.

"And your current state is the water mirror level. Any attack will be naturally reflected in your instinct, and then the best response will be automatically generated at the fastest speed of conditioned reflex. This is the water mirror, not afraid of sneak attacks, not afraid Illusion, facing reality with reality, is one of the martial mirrors of truth. It is also a higher level than the general master-level realm of unity."

"How are the realms of Guiyi divided?" Garen asked hoarsely in a low voice.

"Reunification means, as the name suggests, all methods are unified. When it reaches a certain height, everything seems to be able to find certain principles and laws. And applying it to martial arts means being able to target one's own goals and combine whatever one can use. The skills are integrated together to form the realm of one's own martial arts skills.

This is the level of the Forge and the basis of the Grandmaster level. Only after reaching this level can one be qualified to enter the mirror level. "Renee explained with a smile. "At your age, being able to enter the mirror level is simply one of a kind. A genius among geniuses, he is even more terrifying than Carthage. If it weren't for his great talent, how could you? If you can never catch up with him in your lifetime, maybe you can really compete. "

Garen was still recalling the feeling of his throat being pierced just now. The red feeling didn't seem like an illusion.

"Then, senior sister, what is the realm of the mirror like?"

Renee smiled and waved, and the two of them immediately left the white space and reappeared in the previous corridor. The front and back were empty, except for a woman in white who was still waiting there.

"In the realm of the mirror, there is the water mirror, which is your current level. You have tempered your instincts to the highest level. Then there is the silver mirror. The battle between top masters, especially the masters of martial arts, is very powerful. You Do you believe it? In fact, I didn’t do anything just now, I just stood here and released my realm for you to perceive. If it were a moment later, maybe you would really die from the fatal injury of piercing the throat. "

Renee explained gently.

"Nothing?!" Garen was shocked. "Is everything just my imagination? Or was my instinct induced to go wrong?!"

"This is a battle of qi machines. Low-level warriors are not qualified to experience this kind of feeling. But now you have qi machine, but you have not used its skills. As a result, your skills are always compromised by energy machines and various high-level machines. Technological suppression. It is only useful in close combat. It is not very useful in complex situations. Right?" Renee smiled and said very understandingly.

"That's true." Garen nodded seriously. Since he came to this world, except for close combat, it is true that according to what this senior sister said, the martial arts realm is not suitable for him. It is powerless in the face of extremely powerful high-tech weapons.

"That's the reason." Renee nodded. "The realm of mirrors is extremely profound. Since you have no mentor, you can only explore on your own, so it is normal for you to be suppressed by high technology. However, the power of water mirrors can be used in all aspects. When facing high-tech weapons, what you need is not yourself. To go up and fight, you need to refine all your means into part of your body's instinct. Let it be added to your own instinct for recycling and become part of the conditioned reflex. This kind of addition requires the use of one thing - the core of mind. And This is a symbolic thing that only exists in the resonance stage.”

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