Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 973: Quiet beautiful boy

"Guying took her back to the old house first."

Yan Yu calmly looked at Sendi: "Thank you very much for saving me."

Sandy glanced at him, and said nothing.

What else Yan Yu wanted to say, Ye Luo pulled his sleeves and whispered: "I have already discussed with him, don't talk, wait until you go back."

Yan Yu said nothing and took his wife out of the hospital.

Sitting in the car, Sendi was as quiet as a little cute, but his eyes kept watching Yan Yu and Ye Luo.

Looking at Ye Luo for a while, and Yan Yu for a while, he looked very curious, but the expression on his face was not similar.

Anyway, it's a beautiful boy who doesn't say anything.

Yan Yu really can't get angry with this savior, but he really prevents him from making love with his wife.

Yan Yu asked Ye Luo: "Is the steamed pork behaved today? Is it noisy?"

"He's very well-behaved. I only yell when I have to pee. There is no better child than ours."

Yan Yu coldly snorted: "They are afraid I will teach them."

"The clothes I made are very homely."

Yan Yu shook her hand: "That is, my wife is ingenious, and even the best designer can't do it as well as you, but don't do it in the future, it hurts your hand too much."

"No, my female celebrity is very good, and I usually don't get it."

"It hurts me a bit. When I have time, let's take them to Hongluo Temple and ask for a name."

"Okay, you don't know how steaming and Rourou dote on my sister. Let my sister do everything first, and they won't do anything if my sister doesn't.

"That's right, my brother should spoil my sister."

"Steamed steaming today, I don't know why he slapped Rourou, which made Rourou cry so wronged."

"Didn't you say that they didn't quarrel? It's worth it if they fight..."

Shao Yan decided that his son would teach him since he was a child, and he would train them well when he returned.

"That might be accidental. How can a child not cry when he is in pain? It is not unreasonable for him to make trouble."

"It's all fighting! It's more serious than making trouble out of nowhere. If you fight at such a young age, you will still have to fight."

Zhengzheng was wrong, he wasn't fighting, he was just careless.

He and fleshly love each other to take care of his sister, how can they fight.

It's a pity that the little baby can't speak yet.

After returning home, Yan Yu held one in one hand and gave him a severe training. The two children blinked and played with their fingers. They were very hilarious and didn't even know what their father was talking about.

Back to the main house, Ye Luo took a small house for Sandy to live in. This house was in the main house, next to the main house, but two steps away.

And she could see what happened in the house there while standing in the main yard, staring at Sandy in all directions.

When Sandy returned to the main house, she hugged Xiaofenfen and sat on the sofa in the living room, teasing Xiaofenfen.

Xiaofenfen was playing with him very happily, and both of his elder brothers didn't want it. The mother only asked for it when she was breastfeeding.

Sandy really didn't speak, and when she teased Xiaofenfen, she just called her breast name: "Fenfen..."

Occasionally say: "Cute..."


Sandy lives in the main house and spends most of the day playing with Xiaofenfen in the living room of the main yard, and eats with Ye Luo during meal times.

He eats a lot of meals, and occasionally when he eats something he likes to eat, he will say, "It's delicious."

After staying for ten days, Ye Luo found that he really wanted to play with fans, and didn't go to other places very much. Sometimes he would go out to the garden with fans to stroll around.

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