Mysterious city

Chapter 325: The boss is wise and powerful!

The first thing that the empathy illusion can bring good effects to the Constantine organization is how the center changes in the process of humans gradually transforming into monsters.

The other seniors of Constantine have not had similar experiences in this regard. After all, not everyone is as lucky as Jiang Zhe to pick up a "mutated" magic core and dare to make up his mind to absorb it.

If the group of genius lunatics in the Memory Correction Department could study the psychological process of monster evolution without risking the loss of their self-awareness and thoughts, I'm afraid they would go crazy with joy.

After all, although those geniuses are only one step away from madmen, and they can risk their own lives for the sake of research, these "madmen" are not willing to give up everything.

For example, to this group of rebellious geniuses, the most precious things in the world are their brains and ideas. Compared with them, everything else is regarded as nothing, and is not worth mentioning at all.

It would be fine if there was a risk of losing other things, even huge wealth. In short, brains and thoughts are a price they are absolutely unwilling to pay.

Therefore, if Jiang Zhe's descriptive ability is acceptable and he can give a more complete and detailed account of what he saw and heard during this experience to his colleagues in the Memory Correction Department, it will definitely bring a huge breakthrough to the revisionists.

Especially when treating people who have witnessed the appearance of monsters or have been harmed by monsters, it will definitely be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

More importantly than this, modifiers not only need to bear the heavy responsibility of psychological treatment for those who have been harmed by monsters, but also use theoretical knowledge and practical treatment to terminate those who are in the process of demonization or Constantine. process, bringing them back from the edge of becoming monsters.

The strange space deep in the atrium is very strange. Although it is not certain so far whether the emergence of Li's personality and the various strange things in this atrium space are directly related to demonization, at least one thing is certain, that Even if there is no necessary connection between the two, they are certainly inseparable.

Although Jiang Zhe's IQ and knowledge reserve may not be able to solve the mysteries here, once he can leave here with intact consciousness and memory, and "copy" those things to the experts of the Memory Correction Department, everything will be solved. The problems are all solved.

After all, that group of geniuses specializes in this, and neither theoretical knowledge, IQ nor professionalism can be compared to a layman like Jiang Zhe.

And with the entire organization as backup support, both the logistics department and the memory correction department are an extremely powerful team.

Not only is it supported by extremely advanced equipment, but it is also supported by profound economic capabilities.

Even compared to the world's top scientific research teams controlled by wealthy families and plutocrats, the logistics department and memory correction department in Constantine's organization are not far behind, and may even be stronger than them. many.

Putting aside the economy and equipment, the "spiritual power" alone is enough to give the Constantines an advantage, at least when it comes to monsters.

Therefore, if these so-called difficult problems that ordinary people cannot understand can be successfully taken out by Jiang Zhe, then all problems can be easily solved.

If even the geniuses in the Logistics Department and Memory Correction Department can't solve these problems, then I'm afraid no one in the world can solve these problems!

Of course, at this moment, Jiang Zhe, who is of the same mind as Li, doesn't know what a rare opportunity to commit a crime lies in front of him, nor does he know how dangerous his current situation is.

Now Jiang Zhe has the same personality as Li, and he only hopes that "he" can break away from the shackles of this inner world as soon as possible and go out to do evil as soon as possible.

The reason why Li Ge didn't feel frightened for Dogleg No. 2 like the other students who were watching, but instead felt that those guys were too stupid, was because Li Ge knew better.

That's why Dog Leg No. 2's approach seems to be asking for death, but in fact it just suits Mr. Zhang's taste!

On the contrary, the unreasonable people who eat melons look particularly stupid and unaware of themselves against the backdrop of the ungrateful No. 2.

What does Mr. Zhang want?

Did he really want Dog Leg No. 2 to tell him something in front of everyone, very specific and clear?


Because Young Master Zhang knew that Dogleg No. 2 was not actually at fault, at least compared to No. 1 and No. 3.

And even if he was really at fault, with Dogleg No. 2's pitiful brain capacity and minimal IQ, he probably wouldn't be able to come up with anything through self-examination.

What Mr. Zhang wants is not this, but an attitude of admitting his mistakes!

What he wants is for Dogleg No. 2 to admit his mistakes in the most humble manner under the gaze of everyone!

As long as Dogleg No. 2 has a good attitude and is sincere enough, then Young Master Zhang's needs will be met.

As for whether it is really necessary to tell a specific one, two or three, Mr. Zhang actually doesn't care.

In fact, at first Dogleg No. 2 slapped himself in the face and admitted his mistake in a very low and humble manner. Young Master Zhang felt quite satisfied at first.

However, after realizing that Dog Leg No. 2 was only doing work but not really slapping him in the face, Young Master Zhang was not so satisfied.

Fortunately, Dogleg No. 2 corrected his attitude and complied with Young Master Zhang's wishes, which saved his life.

What does the boss want?

What the boss wants is majesty, status and face!

Rather than some flashy wrong summary.

Sure enough, after hearing what Dogleg No. 2 said, Young Master Zhang's expression softened a lot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, Dogleg No. 2 was in an extremely panic. He was at a loss and didn't know that he was out of danger, so he was still busy and panicked and added: "Brother, brother, you are extremely smart, you... you are wise and powerful, you Tell me where I went wrong, and I will definitely change it!"

Dogleg No. 2 used the few idioms he had mastered to flatter him. Although he had a very poor Chinese score and didn't know that his words and sentences were inappropriate here, his attitude was indeed extremely humble and sincere. This was true. Nothing black.

I have to say that Dogleg No. 2 is very lucky. If his previous performance has brought him back from the brink of death, then what he said this time has allowed him to "come ashore" safely.

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