Christmas is coming. One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts woke up from a dream to find several feet of snow all around and hard ice on the lake. The Weasley twins were punished for enchanting a few snowballs to run after Quirrell, smashing into the back of his hood.

Seeing this scene, Ryan expressed admiration from the bottom of his heart for the heroic act of beating Voldemort's face for the Weasley twins.

With holidays like this approaching, some classes are a bit overwhelming. Take Professor Snape's Potions class, for example. Since the classroom is underground and without any heating measures, one mouth can breathe out white air in it. Not to mention that when his hands and feet were numb from the cold, he had to endure the poisonous tongue of Professor Snape, who was colder than the classroom temperature.

I really feel sorry for those people, Draco Malfoy defiantly said during a Potions class. They had to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because the family didn't want them.

But Harry looked unimpressed, even a little happy. He thought it was too exciting not to be back at the Dursleys for Christmas, and Malfoy's words couldn't spoil his good mood in the least.

Last week when Professor McGonagall registered students, Harry and the Weasley brothers chose to stay. Harry stayed to get rid of the Dursleys, and the Weasleys because their parents were going to visit Charlie in Romania.

Hermione and Ryan chose to go home for Christmas, after all, it was their first time away from home for that long. Of course, Ryan and the others also told Harry and Ron, who were staying at school, that they would prepare gifts for them and would expect their gifts.

Although in the past two weeks, they searched a bunch of books and couldn't find who Nicole May was. But this did not affect their anticipation for Christmas in the slightest.

Ten days before Christmas, it's time for a holiday. After breakfast, Ryan picked up his schoolbag and headed to Hogsmeade station with his classmates who were going home.

After exiting the wrought iron gates decorated with winged wild boars on both sides of the school, after walking for ten minutes, they came to the platform of Hogsmeade Station, where the Hogwarts Express was already waiting.

There were not many people in the car, so Ryan and Hermione found an empty box, and after a while, Longbottom also sat in.

Ryan wanted to relax, but Hermione took out her homework and started writing. This caused Ryan and Neville, who were playing wizard chess, to consciously put away their pieces and start writing without finishing the game.

After a day of driving, the train arrived at King's Cross Station. In the square in front of the station, they met Neville's grandmother.

Old Lady Longbottom was very grateful to Ryan and Hermione for helping Neville at school, which made them both feel a little embarrassed.

After saying goodbye to Longbottom's grandfather and grandson, Ryan and Hermione also took a taxi home. Before saying goodbye, Hermione repeatedly told Ryan to ask his father about Nicole May's provenance. If you find it, you can call her to let her know.

When he got home, Ryan opened the door and found that his parents had prepared dinner for him, which made Ryan feel the long-lost family warmth.

After dinner and right before bed, Ryan and his parents talk about life at school and what's been going on at home. The good news is that Father Lambert's new novel has been selling well recently, so the days leading up to Christmas may be busy with some book signings.

After reading a book for a while after dinner, Ryan chose to go to bed early. After all, it is very tiring to take the train all day.


After that, it was a happy Christmas break, except for writing homework every day and spending seven or eight minutes on the phone with Hermione to discuss the day's homework. The rest of the time came to Ryan and was very happy, when his parents were busy and away from home. Ryan began to practice one by one with various mechanical structures in the house, in order to improve his proficiency in the Winter Home Industrial Manual.

Of course, the luckiest thing for Ryan is that practicing magic in the world of Myriad Realms will not be discovered by the Ministry of Magic through the heald, which gives him a lot of practice time.

As Christmas approached, Ryan went to the community library to meet Hermione. Because on the call the day before, Ryan told Hermione that he had found out about Nicole May.

After all, for finding things, it's not that hard to find a reasonable proof process if you already know the answer.

Under the premise of knowing that Nicole May was a French medieval alchemist, it is not so difficult to find him in a large number of documents.

Lane didn't wait a few minutes in the library when he saw Hermione walking in wearing a blue down jacket. Then she sat across from Ryan and asked, You said you've found the answer, how did you do it?

Lane said: I asked my father when I got home, and he told me he looked up the name when he was writing a fantasy novel about the Middle Ages, but couldn't remember the specifics. So I looked at what my father was writing about I found these from the materials I collected during this novel.

After finishing speaking, Ryan took off the schoolbag on his back and took out a stack of documents from it. Open a page, point to the words on it, and read word by word:

Nicholas Flamel, French, famous alchemist in the 14th century. His most famous contribution is said to have created the alchemist's Philosopher's Stone, the Philosopher's Stone, and used it to successfully turn mercury into gold. At the same time, according to legend, he gained immortality. Until 1929, he was continuously witnessed. In addition, although public information proved that he died in his hometown in 1427, there were greedy people who robbed his and his wife's cemetery When he found it was empty inside. This also proves from another aspect that he has obtained longevity.

And this, Ryan took out another map after speaking, Hermione leaned forward and found that it was a map of Paris.

What's on this map? Hermione asked.

Look here. Lane pointed to a circled spot on the map. 51 rue Montmorency, Nicolemay's house, this place used to be Nicolemay's house. So this shows that Nicolemay was an alchemist who lived in Paris, France in the Middle Ages.

I thought about it, there should be the Philosopher's Stone hidden there. Hermione exclaimed in a low voice. Because when we were looking in the library that day, Harry told me that he suspected that the day he went to Diagon Alley, a small bag that Hagrid took out of the vault in the deepest part of Gringotts was hidden under a trapdoor. Therefore, based on the size and other available data, it is very likely that the hidden object is a Philosopher's Stone.

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