Myriad Paths

Chapter 1027 Heaven

In a sense, Shen Shuibi and Li Qi's Taoism have already diverged, and even have some differences with Yang Zhenqian.

However, whether it is the Taoist hermit school or Li Qi, their Taoism is too tolerant. For example, it is like Li Qi, who believes that everything can exist in contradiction with each other, so it will not come to the point of Taoism dispute.

Li Qi thinks that what Yang Zhenqian believes is also reasonable.

The attitude of the Taoist hermit school towards Li Qi is the same. Although Li Qi's view is black, they can tolerate being with black and white, because the essence of this world is mutually contradictory and mutually transformable, which is also part of the ultimate Taoism.

In theory, it is very difficult to have a Taoism dispute with Li Qi. It must be to the point where the other party completely denies the meaning except for himself.

Li Qi believes that everything has meaning, and all things are "free". Your meaning, his meaning, and mine are also meaningful. Even if we conflict with each other, it doesn't matter, because this world itself is contradictory, and contradiction does not mean conflict, just like is there any conflict between black and white?

There is no conflict, just like the Tai Chi diagram, although there are contradictions, it does not prevent them from being combined together.

The Taoist hermit sect is a typical example of not caring about all the disputes outside, and only focusing on cultivating their own way, which is better than Li Qi in autism and slacking off.

This is also the concept of the Taoist hermit sect.

In terms of this concept, it is like two Buddhists, even if the ideas are inconsistent, they will not quarrel, and everyone will not deny each other.

As long as you are not extreme to "deny all the meanings of others except yourself", you will not have a dispute with Li Qi.

Unfortunately, the magic way is like this.

The magic way only recognizes its own meaning, denies all other meanings, and denies them as illusions, and even actively belittles or even destroys these things, just to prove that it is right.

Li Qi suffered greatly from this, and his dispute with the magic way also came from this.

To be honest, even towards the human way, Li Qi has never been so excited, nor has he been so hostile. As long as the human way does not come to provoke him, Li Qi is still unwilling to go to war with the human way.

Of course, it is another matter if they come to the door.

As for Shen Shuibi, what Li Qi is doing now is no longer her business. She has no chance of even touching the goal planned by Erpin.

In the final analysis, Shen Shuibi now does not understand what Li Qi is going to do. The difference between the two sides is too great. Shen Shuibi is like a hamster in Li Qi's palm.

Can a hamster see a person's appearance clearly?

No, a hamster can only see what the hand that feeds it looks like every day.

Therefore, Shen Shuibi pesters Li Qi to give birth to a second child, so that... she can be relieved to support Li Qi.

She knows very well that Li Qi may go out one day and never come back.

But even so, there is only support.

At the beginning, in the war between humans and witches, Li Qi was surrounded by humanity. When Li Qi pushed Shen Shuibi away, Rabbit understood one thing, that she would support him to go on.

There is no other way to choose, and there is no option of compromise.

Thinking of this, she touched Li Tiande's head.

The little guy changed his cold and calm attitude in front of Li Qi, hugged his mother tightly, afraid to see his aunt again.

Sure enough, Sheniuzhi is the best to use for self-righteous kids like this.

And Luofu Niangniang just looked at Shen Shuibi and her grandson with a smile, and then looked at Yang Ning who was playing crazy over there.

But after watching for a while, she saw Yang Ning running to the other side.

Looking more carefully, she saw a real dragon chasing Yang Ning.

The real dragon's body is very beautiful, flashing with light blue light, and surrounded by a green breeze. There is no problem even if it passes through Yuanjing Qingdun.

The real dragon's physique is really strong. When it is at the fourth level, even Yuanjing Qingdun cannot hurt it. It is estimated that it has been immune to it for a long time.

Ah... Is this the 'Lan Yue' that Yang Ning mentioned before? It looks like it is chasing.

The life of young people is really hard to understand.


Shen Shuibi, Yang Ning, and Luofu Niangniang's journey is still continuing.

During this period, many major events also happened in the universe.

For example, a dispute broke out among the gods, Emperor Jun was born, Tai Sui and other gods also came out, and Xiang Liu, who was unsealed, was naturally among them.

This war was no less than the demon-killing war initiated by Li Qi. The second-rank gods of the gods fought each other, and the gods showed infinite power.

But soon, Haotian came out and suppressed them.

So the war ended, and everything was back to normal.

After that, the demon clan launched an action of "Emperor Liujiang". In the infinite world, on every "planet", a golden moon appeared, and thousands of golden threads hung down to the human world, grass, rocks, mountains and rivers, birds and beasts, and even all kinds of things that did not have the three innate treasures, all turned into demons when they encountered them.

The whole universe set off a demon chaos.

In the endless universe, the enlightened mountains, land, and even various demon beasts began to sweep the original civilization, triggering countless battles.

In many worlds, there are things like "beast tides", similar to "magic beasts" and "crystal beasts" all over the universe. Just look at the local language, there will be a new term, but the essence is the same, these are all monsters enlightened by Emperor Liujiang.

Different worlds have different destinies. Some are warm worlds that live in harmony with monsters. Monsters have also integrated into the world and become companions. The warmth is like the summer breeze. The appearance of "fairies" did not destroy the order of the world, but became a part of it.

Some are beast tides. The hostility between each other has brought conflicts again and again. Maybe some people call it an epic, but people in it can only experience cruelty and despair.

However, correspondingly, in addition to the beast tide, many unique monster civilizations have also been born, and there are also many interesting ones, such as many more rock races, and many more plants have been born with intelligence.

But this degree of change is actually not much different from Li Qi's extermination of demons. Everyone has changed part of the ecology of the universe, but from the perspective of the universe as a whole, the change is not to the extent of changing the world.

After these two major events, Li Qi felt that what he did was not so shocking.

It seemed that everyone was doing it.

The monsters were spreading their blood all over the universe, and the Shinto was fighting each other for the attitude of the mortals. Although the expansion of the human way had stopped temporarily, it was only because they were still digesting the Buddhist heritage and the Taisho Tripitaka. In the future, the endless expedition of the human way would definitely continue.

The Xianshi Sect of the Taoist sect expressed support for this, and the human way still maintained contact with them. At the same time, there were also a group of people in the martial arts and the rational way who firmly supported the human way, but now they were just dormant.

Looking at the real dragons, they were not idle during the monster chaos. The great competition brought about by the monster chaos was exactly what the real dragons were happy to see, so they also took this opportunity to cultivate many monster dragons.

It was like the human way would cultivate "people", but before becoming a "human", there were still many steps to go, many things to learn, and to become an individual with high standards and strict requirements little by little, and the same was true for becoming a dragon.

It is even more troublesome, because you need to constantly modify your gene expression like "molting", control your evolutionary path, and finally reach the "perfect" state and become a real dragon.

The demon dragons are advancing on this road, and many real dragons were born during the demon chaos.

Generally speaking, each sect is constantly making trouble according to its own needs.

Even the spiritual path and the witch path have a good opportunity to tear each other apart because of the matter of the immortal heaven, but the situation has never expanded beyond the upper level, and it is basically handled by Wu Xian himself.

From this perspective, Li Qi has almost determined his position.

Perhaps... destroying the Dream City is a big deal from the perspective of the second grade, a war similar to life and death, but from the level of "the struggle for the sect", it is similar to border friction.

Border friction and small-scale regional wars are of course very serious matters, which require the full support of the country and the army to complete, but compared with the real world war, there is still a big difference.

Therefore, judging from the power that Li Qi has now, it still needs to accumulate for a period of time.

As for Li Qi, after returning from fishing in the East China Sea, he found a pond in the cave of Xuanjing Mountain to raise the Kun he caught. He thought that the pond was big enough to hold a Kun.

However, the Kun turned into a bird, flew up from the pond, and ran away.

Li Qi did not stop him, just smiled and watched the other party fly away.

I am almost tired of fishing in the East China Sea, and I want to try the scenery on the Tianhe River next time.

It is said that there are many "turtles" with stars on their backs wandering on the Tianhe River. These turtles swim in the Tianhe River and feed on the sun, so fishing there is to use the sun as bait, and then throw it into the Tianhe River, waiting for the star beasts in it to bite the hook. The first prize is those turtles.

It is said that although those turtles are wild beasts, they are very alert and will not bite the hook casually, so it is a test of skills.

Of course, it is easy to catch them with magical powers, but that is just like choosing to pump water when fishing in a reservoir. If you lose your elegance and level, you will be laughed at by many fishing friends.

Well, precipitation, accumulation...

Then where should we go to accumulate strength next? Should we cultivate third-grade and second-grade people as future power reserves, or should we look for allies to join?

If we want to be quick, we must choose allies, but allies are something that can only be encountered by chance. Li Qi is lucky to have won over the great bodhisattvas. Who else can he win over next?

It is impossible to find a useful person for the time being. As for those extraterritorial civilizations, although there are second-grade civilizations, it is estimated that it is unlikely to let them intervene in the struggle of the nine lands in the world.

They have finally reached the second-grade civilization, and they are almost immortal for thousands of years. Why should they intervene in the struggle of the nine lands in the world? If they lose, they will be gone.

Unless... Li Qi can come up with more chips.

But as a second-grade civilization, what chips can he come up with? The so-called bargaining chips are actually what the other party needs. For the second-grade, ordinary materials are worthless. The only thing that can unite the second-grade is a common belief. For example, the cooperation with the great bodhisattvas is because of the common pursuit of exterminating demons, not because of any sacrifice or concession in interests.

How can we come up with more bargaining chips?

I am afraid... the only way is to make further progress in cultivation.

Li Qi was lying on a rocking chair in Xuanjing Mountain, thinking about how to improve his cultivation.

There was no need to think about being promoted to the first rank for the time being. The gap was too far. It was almost like a person who was not promoted to the second rank thinking about how to be promoted to the second rank.

The Demon Prince was actually doing these things. Reading the Great Tripitaka and the Great Sho Tripitaka seemed to be the way he found for himself.

But it was useless to Li Qi. Li Qi was not prepared to practice Buddhism, and he had no interest in the Buddha's views. But if he wanted to find something that could work on him... maybe only the Desire Realm.

But think about it carefully...

Li Qi was not very interested in the Desire Realm's magic method. So what direction should he go in if he wanted to increase his foundation and strength next?

After thinking about it, with Li Qi's background, there were only two ways to go further.

One was to start from the dojo, that is, to expand from Li Qi's foundation in the world, but... the water in the world was too deep, and Li Qi didn't want to go in unless it was absolutely necessary.

This is a chaotic arena. It is easy to enter, but difficult to get out. If it really develops into a second-grade melee, it will be too difficult to deal with.

The second way is to start from his divine nature.

Li Qi's body is composed of many different possibilities.

Then, maybe you can try the same as Taiyi.

Swallow more possibilities so that you can spread more tentacles.

No... How did my thinking develop towards the path of magic? I don't need to swallow more possibilities, but... create more possibilities.

"Then, maybe I can try it, open the sky?" Li Qi muttered to himself.

Open the sky.

The ability of the third grade, but Li Qi has never tried it.

The so-called "opening the sky" is to create a new space-time with different rules outside the real universe.

Of course, according to the definition of "universe", these "heavens" are all part of the universe, but they are indeed independent space-times, with different timelines and space areas.

The heavens that Li Qi is most familiar with are the Desire Realm. It also has another name, "The Heaven of Transformation and Freedom". It is a space-time composed of pure spirit. Obviously, it is very different from the rules of the real universe.

The other is the Formless Realm.

The Formless Realm is "completely different" in another sense. There is nothing in it, and even the existence of space and time is difficult to say. It is a heaven composed of "emptiness", which is almost completely opposite to the nature of the Desire Realm.

The heavens are space-times with different possibilities opened up by powerful people.

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