My world double door

Chapter 327 Your wife and daughter are beautiful, be grateful

"After the wives and daughters of the dead guys become co-wives, I will keep their bodies in good health. Of course, before they become co-wives, a large part of them must be sent to Haohan Xingyu Group as gifts to reward outstanding employees."

"After the Japanese shrine is converted into a toilet, it must be free and open around the clock. The number of toilet seats within one kilometer nearby will be reduced by half. The playground must be fun. All public units in Tokyo must choose this playground for team building."

Li Yang's calm voice resounded through every device, and the entire Japanese country could hear a pin drop in an instant.

Li Yang had a smile on his face, knowing that this would definitely cause dissatisfaction among many people.

But it didn't matter. When the robot warrior came to the door, he believed that everything would turn out as he imagined.


After doing this, Li Yang had a smile on his face, and he disappeared from the place like a phantom.

Tokyo, a Japanese country, is where the right-wing leader lives.

In Tokyo, a place where land is at a premium, the place where he lives is a luxurious manor covering a vast area.

The fifty-six-year-old leader spent a day in the office and returned to the manor exhausted. His thirty-year-old wife, wearing a luxurious kimono, immediately came over to help him change his shoes and into comfortable clothes.

"Is Teng Jing back?"

Opening his arms and letting his wife put him into loose traditional clothes, Tengmu softly asked his wife Yukiko about the news about his daughter.

"I'm back. I'm waiting for you to eat in the restaurant."

Teng Jing put away the clothes she had changed and responded in a low voice. After that, she put the clothes aside and led Teng Mu, who nodded, towards the restaurant.

"Well, it's not peaceful outside now. From now on, if you can, don't let her out every day."

Tengmu nodded, recalling the scenes during the day, and spoke with heavy eyes.

"Teng Jing is already twenty years old. I'm afraid you have to tell me this."

Hearing this, Yuki Xiangzi spoke in a low voice, Teng Mu raised his eyebrows, and after thinking about it, he shook his head.

"Although Teng Jing was born to your godmother, I am not bad to you."

Tengmu glanced at Xue Xiangzi, his voice was calm, and when Xue Xiangzi heard this, her pretty face showed a charming smile: "I know, godfather."

"It's good that you understand. Although your biological mother gave birth to you with my brother, after she took you to follow me, I didn't treat her lightly. Your biological mother and Qiuzi are biological sisters. You recognize Qiuzi as your mate." Although you were brought under my care after your mother's death, you have now become orthodox after the death of your mother and godmother, so you should be satisfied."

Teng Mu nodded with satisfaction and said something casually.

"But godfather, Teng Jing has been causing trouble for me since you married me."

Yukiko murmured, obviously guessing what her husband meant.

Tengmu's eyebrows furrowed, then he stopped talking and walked calmly towards the innermost part of the villa. Xue Xiangzi, who was standing beside him, pouted and followed suit.

The two of them walked into the restaurant one after another, but paused the moment they entered the door.

Teng Mu's daughter, twenty-year-old Teng Jing, was wearing a kimono and sitting at the dining table with an uneasy expression. There were sumptuous dishes on the table, but none of them attracted their attention.

A man who didn't know when appeared in the restaurant, standing between Teng Jing and them, with his back to them staring at the uneasy Teng Jing, looking up and down, his eyes constantly drilling into Teng Jing's round ass, attracted them full attention.

Although it was just a back view, they had had countless nightmares because of this figure in the past two days.

Especially during the day today, I was in constant panic all day long.

Therefore, even the figure from behind was recognized by them immediately.

Devil, Li Yang!

‘Why is he here! ’

Teng Mu's heart surged crazily, his muscles all stiffened, and his brain roared like an explosion.

Scenes of the bloody massacre between the United States and the Japanese Kingdom flashed through his mind in an instant. At this moment, Tengmu felt as if his heart was going to explode. The other party clearly did not move or even make a sound. He was already breaking out in a cold sweat. Revealed.

He knew the purpose of the other party's trip to Japan, and he even knew his own identity!

The same was true for his wife Yukiko who was standing next to him. Seeing the demon in front of him so close to her, she felt her hands and feet were cold and her whole body was stiff and tight.

Although it was just a silhouette, it had already made them uncontrollably fearful for the first time.

When they looked at the man blankly, the man turned around with a smile.

Before he turned around, they had a ten thousandth hope in their hearts that the face was not Li Yang. Apart from him, they could accept it happily even if it was anyone in the world.

As the saying goes, a person's name is like the shadow of a tree. Li Yang has never deliberately publicized his name, but his name has already been deeply rooted in people's hearts. The moment he sees him, what can he do and what he wants to do, What consequences will it have? Such a series of things will naturally converge into one result - fear.

But this idea only arose for a moment, and then fell into disuse.

"The leader of the right wing Teng Mu, his wife and goddaughter Xue Xiangzi, and his biological daughter Teng Jing met for the first time. I was in a good mood."

Li Yang turned around and shifted his gaze from Teng Mu's daughter. He saw Teng Mu and his wife Xue Xiangzi walking inside the door. After glancing at Teng Mu, he focused on Xue Xiangzi.

Looking at Yukiko's mature oval face, snow-white slender goose neck, exquisite curved locks below, strong capital, and slender legs sandwiched in an exquisite kimono with white as the main color, Li Yang's lips revealed A smile appeared.


The moment Li Yang glanced over, Teng Murao was so deep in the city that he couldn't help but swallowed his saliva nervously, feeling that all the hairs on his body stood up.

And Xue Xiangzi, who was stared at by Li Yang with a sunny smile and a focused gaze, was as stiff as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

"Hi, hi."

Li Yang didn't ask Teng Mu any questions, but after one sentence, Teng Mu answered twice in succession with his whole body tense, but when his voice came out, he didn't even know how hard he used it.

Standing beside him, Yukiko's beautiful and chiseled jaws trembled. She held her slender plain hands in front of her smooth kimono body and frantically wanted to say something for the occasion, but she didn't even say a word.

"Because your wife and your daughter are both pretty good-looking, and you should be happy about that."

Li Yang glanced at Teng Mu who spoke, and ignored his words at all. Instead, he spoke with a smile on his face. After the words fell, he slowly stepped forward to the couple who were standing still and stretched out his arms without waiting for their reaction. He took out his palm and touched Xue Xiangzi's pretty face.

"Hi, hi!"

Teng Mu's brain was so confused that he couldn't understand what Li Yang meant. He just bent over and nodded in response, trembling.

Xue Xiangzi's stiff brain also didn't react. She just felt her beautiful face being grabbed by Li Yang. She immediately looked at Li Yang with fearful eyes, and her whole body could not stop trembling.

"I think you should feel happy and honored for this, because it means that my tolerance for you will increase."

Li Yang spoke with a smile on his face. He held Xuexiangzi's chin and moved her pretty face up and down, left and right, and looked at her from all angles. The smile at the corner of his mouth became even brighter.

Xuexiangzi's whole body was so disintegrated that she didn't dare to disobey in the slightest. She allowed Li Yang's movements with a slightly heavy breathing. At this moment, their brains seemed to have reacted. When Li Yang pinched and closed Xuexiangzi's cheeks up and down, left and right, The body finally reacted, trembling in its own perception.

"Hi, hi!"

Teng Mu nodded vigorously and bent down, as if responding mechanically, while Xue Xiangzi, after being looked at by Li Yang, straightened her face again and faced Li Yang.

Li Yang chuckled and touched his hand from his jaw to Xuexiangzi's cheek. Then his thumb slid down the smooth forehead to the bridge of the nose, and then slowly touched the lips, feeling the softness of the lips. The red lips were pushed upward, revealing the white teeth, and the corners of the mouth were hooked.

He looked at Yukiko's eyes, feeling her body gradually tense up, then gradually relaxing as he moved, her eyes shining brightly, and the smile on her face suddenly became brighter.

As if sensing Li Yang's intention, Xuexiangzi suddenly had the courage to touch Li Yang's thumb when her mind was blank, bringing a moist warmth to Li Yang's fingertips, and her eyes were tentative with watery eyes. Look into Li Yang's eyes.

After noticing the smile in the corner of Li Yang's eyes, he was just about to gather the courage to continue, but he was frightened by Li Yang's next words and shrank back.

"I killed many people today, and they were all your right-wingers. But I know that many of you right-wingers are still hiding at home and have not come out, and you, the leader of the right-wingers, have not moved out. Do you think I should Should I kill you?"

Li Yang shook his head and spoke. Teng Mu beside him, who had restrained his sweat, suddenly began to shed more cold sweat. Xue Xiangzi also looked stiff and allowed Li Yang to touch her soft and pretty face.

"Since I've come here, I must be very satisfied. I think so. Since you didn't hold the flag or get anything, I won't kill you immediately. However, any Japanese slave in the Japanese country will not be killed at any time." How about if you express any militaristic thoughts or right-wing thoughts at any place, at any time, or in any form, you will be killed immediately?"

Li Yang suddenly pulled Xue Xiangzi into his arms. Xue Xiangzi stumbled and her cheek touched Li Yang's neck. Her whole body hit Li Yang with her arms full. Li Yang's palm casually slapped her kimono. On her inner round buttocks, she suddenly looked at Li Yang with moist and shiny eyes.

Teng Mu's pupils opened as he listened to Li Yang's voice.

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