My world double door

Chapter 318 A Happy Day

Zuo Yanting's new house has very good lighting. Even though the sun has just risen at around eight o'clock in the morning, the sunlight shines through the window into the living room.

The morning in March is still quite cool in places other than the south. The air conditioner in Zuo Yanting's home blows hot air, and the humidifier filled with pure water runs in low-power mode. When the sun shines inside, it is very warm.

Li Yang was sitting on the sofa against the wall in the living room. Zuo Yanting was leaning on his right, with two straight white legs stretched on his legs. Li Yang touched Zuo Yanting's legs with his hands, slowly moving from the ankle to the other side. Slide it down to the soft calf, pinch it to the thigh, and get all the way into the short pajamas.

Zuo Yanting immediately bit her lower lip. After a while, Zuo Yanting took her cell phone and found her sister's phone number to call Zuo Yanfen. Li Yang stretched out his hand from his pajamas and shorts and grabbed the waist of Zuo Yanting's buttocks and immediately raised her head slightly. Li Yang held the waistband of his shorts with his hands and pushed the shorts back to his knees. His white thighs and white shorts came into view.

Li Yang stroked Zuo Yanting's snow-white thighs with his hands, all the way to her butt covered only by her panties. At the same time, he kissed Zuo Yanting's lips with his mouth, blocking her lips fiercely.

After a while, Zuo Yanting's call was answered. Li Yang let go of his lips. Zuo Yanting breathed out a breath of hot air and talked on the mobile phone with her face flushed.

"Hey, sister, husband Li Yang is here at my house. You can come too..."

After the call was put through, Zuo Yanting chatted with her sister Zuo Yanfen. Her free left hand was held with Li Yang's left hand. The short-sleeved pajamas on her upper body bulged and she took a deep breath.

Her cheeks were as red as apples, and her eyes when looking at Li Yang suddenly became as charming as silk.

"You guys do it first, you guys do it first, I'm going to buy some food. I'm going to make two good soups today and they need to be simmered for three hours, so I'm going to prepare them first."

Opposite him, Sun Zhuo made tea. Seeing that the two of them were in deep affection, a smile suddenly appeared on his face and he said hello in a low voice.

"Well, okay, our sister will come too later, remember to include her share."

Zuo Yanting settled the matter with her sister Zuo Yanfen in a few words. When she heard Sun Zhuo's words, she moved her green-haired eyes away from Li Yang and put them on Sun Zhuo, and said with a smile.

Li Yang played with Zuo Yanting's soft bare hand with his left hand and rubbed her palm back and forth. He took his right hand from the collar of Zuo Yanting's top and slid it down to her smooth back. He continued to stroke her downwards, curiously. He buried his head and kissed Zuo Yanting's neck, then moved his lips up to capture hers.

"Okay, I know, count Sister Yanfen's lunch as well."

Sun Zhuo smiled and nodded, and then seeing that his wife was immersed in playing with Li Yang, he quietly turned around and exited the room.


The door was gently closed, Zuo Yanting also raised her legs, then stood up and sat on Li Yang's lap.


At the first moment, Zuo Yanting bit her lower lip, thinking about Li Yang endlessly.

After not seeing each other for two and a half years, Li Yang missed this young woman very much. He couldn't help but sit with Zuo Yanting, who was talking to her in a low voice, and happily enjoyed this wonderful time.

After more than 20 minutes of this, Zuo Yanting's sister Zuo Yanfen drove her car to Zuo Yanting's community. When she went upstairs, she happened to meet her brother-in-law Sun Zhuo who was returning from shopping for groceries. The two of them laughed and chatted. After greeting, seeing that Sun Zhuo was carrying a lot of things, Zuo Yanfen took the initiative to help carry some things to share with him.

"I'm going to start preparing lunch now. It seems that I have put a lot of thought into making this meal for husband Li Yang."

Zuo Yanfen was wearing a demure and comfortable white shirt on her upper body, black wide-leg trousers on her lower body, and a ponytail on her head. She looked elegant and virtuous. Looking at the large amount of ingredients Sun Zhuo bought, she couldn't help but smile and said .

"Hi, is Mr. Li Yang here? He must do a good job."

Sun Zhuo smiled and spoke, looking at Zuo Yanfen, who had a demure temperament, and lamented the changes in her in the past two years, she was completely different from before.

It’s better to have money.

Hearing Sun Zhuo's words, Zuo Yanfen showed a smile on her face. The elevator arrived just in time during the conversation. The two of them immediately got out of the elevator and arrived at the door of Sun Zhuo's house. Sun Zhuo rang the doorbell and then opened the door himself. Yanfen walked in first with her long legs, and Sun Zhuo followed closely behind, closing the door behind her.


"Husband Li Yang, I'm here."

Zuo Yanfen, who entered the house, carried the things she was carrying for Sun Zhuo to the kitchen, and then walked to the living room impatiently. When she saw Li Yang, she spoke happily.

Li Yang hugged Zuo Yanting's soft body, and she was still lying on him. When he saw Zuo Yanfen coming over, he smiled and waved to her. Zuo Yanfen immediately ran to him with a smile, and then quickly Take off your black wide-leg pants.

In an instant, as the black wide-leg pants were taken off, a small black skirt emerged from Zuo Yanfen's legs, along with a pair of black stockings. Zuo Yanfen threw the black wide-leg pants on the sofa and wore exquisite black stockings. Wearing a black short skirt and smiling, she sat on Li Yang's right side.

Seeing that the tea in the cup on the table had gone cold, he immediately poured out the cold tea for Li Yang and replaced it with hot tea. He smiled and brought it to Li Yang's mouth to give him a sip.


Li Yang took a sip of tea, took his right hand away from Zuo Yanting's smooth shoulder, and touched Zuo Yanfen's long leg with a smile. Zuo Yanfen put the cup on the tea table and leaned against Li Yang. At this time, Zuo Yanfen Yanting finally regained her composure and breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that her sister was here, she immediately got up and sat up from Li Yang's lap, turned over and sat on Li Yang's left side.

"I haven't seen you for two and a half years. Do you think I'm not there?"

Li Yang smiled and held Zuo Yanfen's long black stocking legs, helped her sit on his lap, let her take Zuo Yanting's position, and said with a soft smile.

"I think, I miss my husband so much."

Zuo Yanfen hummed and opened her mouth, lying on Li Yang enthusiastically.

Li Yang really wanted to feel this way.


Zuo Yanting wiped it with a paper towel, then threw a few balls of crumpled paper towels into the trash can, then put on her pajamas and shorts, picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, then cleared the table and took out a deck of playing cards. washed,

As the saying goes, you must exert your strength by sucking milk. This shows that sucking milk can increase your strength. Li Yang felt that this statement was not unreasonable, since he liked eating anyway.

In the living room, Li Yang and sisters Zuo Yanting and Zuo Yanfen were playing enthusiastically. In the kitchen, Sun Zhuo was also washing things, and he was so busy that his feet never touched the floor.

He first set up the three pots that would take a long time to cook, then washed the other vegetables and ingredients, cut them and prepared them. He looked at the time and saw that it was only ten o'clock, so he was not in a hurry to cook. I wiped my hands and looked outside the kitchen. I saw my wife and sister-in-law sitting next to Li Yang and playing poker with him, so I was not in a hurry to cook immediately. I wiped my hands and took the mahjong with a smile. come out.

In the living room here, Li Yang had already made clear to Zuo Yanting and Zuo Yanfen who missed him several times. He was exhausted, so he asked them to sit next to them and play poker together.

From what I can tell, Zuo Yanting and Zuo Yanfen probably haven't touched a man in two and a half years, otherwise they wouldn't be so sensitive, but it doesn't matter, they just need a break.

After playing poker for a while, Sun Zhuo came out with a pair of mahjong and asked them if they wanted to play mahjong. Naturally, Li Yang would not object to this, so he and Sun Zhuo formed a mahjong game. The two women sat on his left and right. Sun Zhuo sat opposite him and played mahjong leisurely.

It was Li Yang's turn to play the cards, and Li Yang immediately made a wonderful move. After playing, he stretched out his hands and played on both sides. He played until eleven o'clock, when he could make lunch. Zuo Yanting was very happy playing mahjong, and Li Yang He pushed her onto the mahjong table and played with her while she laughed.

Sun Zhuo cooked in the kitchen until twelve o'clock before finally preparing a large table of dishes. Li Yang, Zuo Yanting and Zuo Yanfen played happily for an hour, just in time for dinner.

Sun Zhuo put the food on the table, and it was all delicious and delicious. Zuo Yanting couldn't help but lean over to taste it. Li Yang was still behind her, smiling and enjoying Zuo Yanfen's feeding.

When Zuo Yanting had almost eaten, Li Yang asked her to feed Zuo Yanfen instead. Sun Zhuo smiled and helped them add food. It was a great time to play in this small living room.

In the afternoon, the two sisters lay on the bed side by side and took a nap. They were too tired to move, so Li Yang went out and decided to change places to play.

[Chen Li: Mr. Li Yang, can you be invited to my home? 】

"Oh, ok, I just have some free time and am getting ready to go out to play."

Li Yang smiled immediately when he saw the invitation, agreed immediately, and then flew directly to another community in Linhai City.

Not long after, Li Yang arrived and knocked on the door. Chen Li came to open the door with a smile. Behind him, Chen Li's wife Yuping was stunned when she saw Li Yang coming.


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