My world double door

Chapter 313 No more hiding

It was noon, the sun was getting stronger, and the weather was getting warmer.

In the office, Yu Xiaohua and Chen Qian, who were wearing serious formal suits, lay on their desks for a long time and made phone calls for a long time. Finally, they got off work at noon. Their whole bodies were tight and motionless, and they stood stiffly on their desks. After a while, he hung up the phone and sat down with a sigh.

After being beaten like this for a long time, they were really tired. They both couldn't help but rest for a while before they felt that their strength had recovered, and then they couldn't help but stand up and clean.

It is a good working habit to clean up after get off work and keep it tidy. Both Yu Xiaohua and Chen Qian have this habit. After Chen Qian got up, she pulled down a pile of toilet paper with bare hands and then bent down to wipe the liquid on the floor.

Yu Xiaohua picked up a brand new towel, wetted it with warm water, and carefully wiped off the stains on Chen Qian's body. Then she threw the towel into the trash can and picked up a new towel, dipped it in warm water and wiped her own face. , wiped off all the stains from the work, and then tidied up the clothes. After seeing Li Yang covering Chen Qian's hip skirt, he put on his own pants.

After packing their things, the two women happily walked out of the office holding Li Yang's arm. On the way, they said hello to their subordinates from time to time and went out to get off work.

"Hello, Mr. Li Yang!"

"Mr. Li Yang."

"Hello, Mr. Li Yang!"

"Hello, Mr. Li Yang!"

When walking out of the unit, there were people from the unit who greeted Li Yang enthusiastically all the way. Li Yang all nodded in response with a slight smile. Yu Xiaohua and Chen Qian who were walking around holding his arms were like Yourong Yan and Rongguang. Glowing, he followed Li Yang from the unit to the parking place.

As they learn more and more about Li Yang, these people have become more and more unabashedly close to Li Yang.

Yu Xiaohua automatically went to the driver's seat to drive, while Li Yang held Chen Qian's waist and sat in the back seat of the driver's seat.


The car started, Yu Xiaohua reversed out of the parking space, turned the steering wheel, and drove expertly onto the main road, then maintained a steady driving speed and rushed towards Li Yang's villa.

For some reason, as soon as the car started, the temperature inside the car quickly rose to a somewhat hot level. Yu Xiaohua couldn't help but unbuttoned a collar button, revealing a touch of white on her chest, and looked at the rear of the car. Looking in the mirror, Chen Qian was already sitting in Li Yang's arms.

At this time, the hip-covering skirt was lifted up to her waist, and she was sitting in the middle of the seat with her legs spread apart, holding her silk-clad knees with both hands, biting her lips, and her body kept rising and falling on Li Yang with the movement of the car. .

She seemed to feel a little hot. While shaking up and down, Chen Qian raised her right hand to unbutton a button on her collar. She stretched out a finger from her clothes. Li Yang behind her grabbed Chen Qian with a smile on his face. He took a breath immediately, raised his hands, and placed them on the back of the table and chair in front of him.

‘It seems that I will wear more convenient butt-covering skirts in the future. ’

Yu Xiaohua looked at Chen Qian's hip-covering skirt, and secretly noted this in her heart. It wasn't just a hip-covering skirt, maybe other skirts could also be used. She thought to herself that she looked at Chen Qian more and she couldn't stop shaking. It seems that not only do you need to wear skirts regularly, but your physical fitness also needs to be exercised more.

Yu Xiaohua thought lightly in her heart, and then drove the car to Li Yang's villa according to Li Yang's request. When the car arrived and stopped, she saw Li Yang pushing Chen Qian out of the car from behind and taking her with him. Got up and went to the villa.

"Ah, hubby, you're back!"


Chen Na and Dai Yueming's exclamations followed in the villa, and Li Yang smiled.

The time and number of perfect qualifications are very precious. Before the immortal power in the body has been digested, he does not want to waste the bonus opportunity at the beginning, so he does not continue to attack Aisia, but for them who are still ordinary people, he does not want to waste it. There are so many things to pay attention to, just play if you want, just have fun.

"Long time no see. My husband misses you so much. Come and let me love you so much!"




"I'm going to Linhai tomorrow. I may have to play there for a few days. You guys should have a good rest while I'm away."

On the sofa in the villa, Dai Yueming's delicate and plump body fell weakly on the sofa. Chen Na's beautiful goddess little body was lying on the sofa shaking. Her cheeks were red, her eyes were closed tightly, and her whole body was tense and stiff. Incomparably, it wasn't until Li Yang finished speaking that he suddenly relaxed and collapsed on the sofa.

"Husband, when we rest at home, you have to come back early."

Chen Na was too tired to speak. Dai Yueming, who had been resting for a while, saw Li Yang take out his spare time and thoughtfully endured his weak legs and opened his mouth to help him clean up. Then he spoke pitifully to Li Yang.

"Don't worry, wait for me at home."

Li Yang said with a smile, and then patted Dai Yueming's butt to let her have a good rest. Then he turned around and walked out of the room, stretched himself out into the yard, and then kicked the ground lightly. In Dai Yueming's shocked expression, his figure suddenly rose into the sky and disappeared from sight.

"Oh my God, my husband can fly?"

Dai Yueming opened his eyes, then touched his forehead: "Did I be whipped too hard? My brain is still dizzy. I'd better sleep a little longer."



White traces of sonic booms appeared in the air, and Li Yang's figure suddenly rushed from the villa into the sky.


The hurricane brought by the terrifying speed should have been raging around, but under Li Yang's control, it did not bring any movement. Apart from the sonic boom cloud left by the breakthrough of the speed of sound in the air, there were only a series of not strong sounds echoing. , proving that a supersonic flight occurred here.


The sound barrier broke through in an instant, and at the same time that sonic boom clouds were generated, Li Yang appeared in the sky of Heyang City. He looked at the city below with a smile on his face. He did not rush to fly to Linhai City immediately, but fiercely He stretched hard, looked at a plane that had just taken off from Heyang Airport and looked at it with a smile.

Through the plane glass, you can clearly see the passengers on the plane who were attracted by his appearance as he appeared in the plane. When they noticed him, their faces were full of horror. Some of them even raised their mobile phones and went crazy. Shoot.

"Holy shit!"

"Someone is flying in the sky!"

"That's Mr. Li Yang, the boss of Haohan Xingyu Group!"

"Mom, I saw Superman!"

"Damn it, someone really cultivates immortality!"

"Captain, Captain, emergency detected, emergency detected."

"Stop shouting, I really saw it."


In an instant, there was a continuous noise in the plane. From the captain to the ordinary passengers, everyone looked at Li Yang flying in sight in shock and surprise. They couldn't believe their eyes.

Immortal level magic cultivation, sixth level extreme genetic evolution potion, no matter which one it is, it represents a higher level of life for ordinary people. As long as Li Yang does not deliberately suppress it, this kind of evolution in him will His aura will definitely make him the center of attention wherever he goes.

This is also the reason why Li Yang attracted the attention of everyone on the plane when he looked on the plane.

"Hello you all."

Li Yang looked at the horrified passengers in the aircraft cabin, with a smile on his face. He then suddenly advanced and flew out of the aircraft window, and then smiled and interacted with several nearby aircraft. The passengers waved their hands, then laughed amidst their open-mouthed exclamations, and their bodies moved accordingly, disappearing from the sky as quickly as a tyrannosaurus.


A strong sonic boom sounded from the sky, and Li Yang, who had been next to the plane just now, quickly disappeared from sight, leaving behind the plane passengers who were screaming in surprise.

After a quick communication, the crew members came to the cabin within a few minutes to distribute gifts to appease the passengers, while the captain quickly reported the news and video.

"What the hell, I have been flying for decades and have met many people who can fly. This time I saw that I can fly!"

The captain's eyes widened and he couldn't help but whisper. What happened on the plane suddenly spread like a rocket.



A series of sonic boom clouds rose in the sky, and Li Yang's figure danced freely in the air among the white marks in the sky, his smiling eyes overlooking the earth below.

He didn't use invisibility magic, didn't cover up at all, just casually maintained a slow speed of Mach 5, and flew freely in the air without restraint.

"It's cool~"

Li Yang stretched leisurely, maintaining the speed of Mach 5, and slowly looked at the earth below, a mentality that was different from all before quietly sprouted in his heart.

Let you know that I am different from everyone else, so what.

"Linhai City."

Li Yang raised his head, his powerful gaze instantly passed through the space and landed on the huge city, his eyes narrowed.

"You actually want to take revenge on me. It seems like your life is so comfortable."

Li Yang secretly whispered in his heart, and then his eyes narrowed, and his body moved. The terrifying magnetic field power enveloped his whole body, and he accelerated instantly. He reached the sky above Linhai City in an instant.

The soul power fluctuations in his body smoothed the sonic boom clouds around him. Li Yang made a sudden turn and appeared outside the Cao family's villa.

His figure landed in the courtyard of the villa, and he walked towards the main door of the villa. He pulled the locked door with his palm, and the door opened automatically. Li Yang's figure walked in, and the door followed. closure.

"Hey, who came in?"

In the living room of the room, the quiet and slender Chen Xiaolan was holding fruits. Suddenly she heard footsteps at the door and looked curiously. Then she was surprised to see Li Yang walking in front of her.

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