My world double door

Chapter 305 Marrying the Elf Princess

The sun shines on the main hall of the Elf Palace. Standing on the jade steps at the entrance of the main hall, the Elf Queen holds a golden dress in one hand and extends her hand towards Aisha. Her face is covered with gold gauze, and her long eyelashes are clearly visible in the sunlight. Meilunmeiyang.

In front of her, Elf Princess Aisia held an emerald-like skirt with both hands. Wearing emerald-like boots, she took a step forward with her feet. Her skirt danced, revealing a small section of her perfect legs that were pink in the sun. It's tender and soft, making people want to hold it in their arms immediately.

According to the etiquette of the elves, her step forward meant that she was willing to commit herself to her and accompany her bride to a distant place.

"Oh, beautiful queen, it is a pleasure to marry your daughter."

Li Yang looked at the Elf Queen in front of him who was covered with a golden veil, and said something with a smile on his face. Then he saw the Elf Queen bowing slightly, and then he looked at the Elf Princess Ai Xia aside, looking at her inch by inch. From her emerald-like boots, I could see bit by bit on her face, and a rich smile appeared on her face.

Aixia's jadeite jade is of a moderate size, even if she is wearing boots, you can feel how beautiful her feet are inside. The legs exposed above the boots are like pink flesh, which makes people want to hold them and lick them. The upper legs are even more like emeralds. The long skirt was also fluffy and perfectly framed her figure.

The slightly fluffy hem of the skirt slowly tightened to reveal a slender and charming waist. Above that were two perfectly proportioned peaks, one of which could not be grasped, and the other covered only the head.

After passing the mountain peak, there is the smooth and flat chest above the collarbone. The collarbone is like a string of jade beads, crystal clear and beautiful. Above it is the slender white neck like a jade slip. It forms a perfect and delicate arc with the shoulders, and perfectly links with the chin to outline a beautiful figure. neck.

Her lips are naturally rosy and tangible, as if they have lipstick fixed on them. Her beautiful face is better than countless makeups without makeup. The bridge of her nose is not too high but blends perfectly with her delicate face. Her eyes are of moderate size. The eyelashes are so long that they can withstand a closer look, and they are perfectly harmonious and look like an extraordinary thing.

The delicate face, round buttocks, tall peaks, slender legs, and light temperament create a beauty made in heaven!

"My princess, from today on, you are mine."

With a smile on his face, Li Yang looked at Ai Xia who was walking closer to him and couldn't help but step forward and hug her in his arms. His hands naturally placed on his hips, and then he lifted Ai Xia's body. He held her in his arms, looked at her with a smile and said: "From now on, you have to call me husband."

Ai Xiya's light body was lifted off the ground by Li Yang's feet, and her whole body was completely attached to his body. At this time, she couldn't help but blush on her face when she heard Li Yang's words, and nodded her head slightly. Looking at Li Yang's eyes, he said somewhat unskilledly: "Old man."

"Good baby."

Li Yang looked at Ai Xia's delicate and beautiful face with bright eyes, lowered his head and kissed her red lips fiercely. Ai Xia's whole head tilted back slightly after being kissed, and her breath was filled with The hot slaps on each other's cheeks made her moan softly and her eyes closed.

The refreshing taste that was completely different from that of ordinary humans made Li Yangqin put in a lot of effort, as if a layer of Ai Xiya's teeth were hanging off. The hands that grabbed her buttocks were so strong that the outline of her palms were dented, and Ai Xia was sucked. After kissing for a long time, he finally couldn't bear it and raised his head, and Li Yang started kissing her neck profusely.

In just a moment, Aisia felt the moisture on her neck and collarbone.

Li Yang's saliva filled these places in this moment.

"In order to celebrate your marriage, I have set aside a special mansion near the palace. If you don't mind it, you can take Aisha in this mansion to express your love."

The Elf Queen who was standing behind saw that Li Yang was kissing Ai Xia and her skirt was almost slipping off her shoulders. She immediately spoke out. She was afraid that if she didn't speak again, this lawless guy would be exposed to this Elf in broad daylight. In the main hall of the palace, a stick-and-stick lesson was staged in front of her, the princess mother.

Li Yang and Aisia's wedding is over if they take her away at this point. Since Li Yang can't wait so hard, Queen Thielfa doesn't mind the beauty of adulthood.

"Oh, thank you Queen for your generous reward."

Li Yang raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and with a smile on his face, he lifted his buried head from the chest of Aisia's little wife. He first pecked the delicate chin and lips in front of him, and then smiled at Tierfa. Open your mouth.

Sniffing lightly with the tip of his nose, the breath of Aisia's perfect qualifications poured into his body, making people's blood boil.

[Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] is ready to move. During the happy exchange with the immortal elf Luofel of the secret land, he broke through the ninth transformation of his body and thunder magic power, and even accumulated more than half of the foundation building magic power in his Dantian. He felt happy and relaxed. stand up.

He was as happy as Li Yang.

'What a good baby. ’

Li Yang looked at Ai Xia, who looked a little confused, and a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth.

From women in the real world, to women in the apocalyptic world, to women in the magical world, he can be said to have read a wide range of women. He even read two elves in succession, but in comparison, the elf who is the perfect son of the water element in front of him Princess Aisia, it seems that everything before is a bit insufficient.

This natural sense of perfection makes people restless.

Of course, these are all thoughts caused by the side effects of genetic medicine!

"This is what it should be. I wish you a happy wedding and may your love last forever."

After hearing Li Yang's words, the Elf Queen standing behind said with a smile on her face.

Love lasts forever, which is a beautiful blessing in the magical world. It means that the couple will not have to endure the ending of black hair turning to white hair and the other party dying first because of one person's low cultivation level.

"Thank you for the queen's blessing, we will definitely last forever."

Li Yang suddenly spoke happily after hearing this, then turned around and strode out of the red carpet with Aisha in his arms. After nodding goodbye to the Elf Queen, he walked towards the mansion where he was given.

When they arrived at the gate, they led the female beast master Leslie and the secret elf Raphael who were waiting at the gate of the palace to leave the palace again amidst the roar of the people.

Standing on the steps at the entrance of the main hall, Elf Queen Thielfa watched Li Yang holding Aisia and leaving the palace. She blinked her beautiful eyes, then turned around and moved her body slightly, returning to the main hall.


Holding Aisha in his arms, he stepped on the red carpet laid out for the wedding. Amidst the cheers of the people on both sides, he arrived outside the side hall leading to the elves' secret land and stopped at the door of a glorious mansion.

There is a pebbled fountain in front of the palace, with clear water spurting out, reflecting the faint golden light emitted by the palace's outer wall. Two huge wooden doors inlaid with gemstones and inlaid with bronze open inward, and in front of the doors are carved reliefs of proud unicorns with outstretched wings.

The light gold on the outer wall of the palace reflects the colors of the flowers in the garden. The pattern outlined with carving technology in the center of the palace reminds everyone who comes: this was once the center of the Elf Kingdom.

Li Yang was secretly surprised that this palace was left to him by the Elf Queen.

On the way here, he noticed this splendid building, which was rare in the entire Elf King City. At first, he thought it was some important place of the Elf Dynasty, but he didn't expect that it turned out to be a mansion reserved for him.

But when Li Yang thought about it, the palace where he and Ai Xia lived... seemed indeed important enough.

"This palace was once called the Palace of Life, and it was named after the Divine Tree of Life. However, now that its name has been banned, it is up to you to decide what to call it."

Ai Xiya's legs were held horizontally by Li Yang's forearms, and the back of her waist was hugged by Li Yang along the creaking nest. A pair of jade-like calves were held by Li Yang on the left side of the body and rocked, and the perfect thighs above were constantly pressed by Li Yang. Stroking back and forth, the right breast was grasped from time to time. This feeling never stopped.

At this time, when she arrived at the door of the mansion given by the queen, she couldn't help but pursed her lips and watched her husband speak softly.

"My mansion should really be named after me."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Li Yang's lips: "Then let's call it...the House of Life."

There is not much difference between the House of Life and the Palace of Life simply from the name. This is also his original intention - he came here for the female elves, and does not want to change too many things here, nor does he want to be changed too much here. many.

"The House of Life."

Aixia muttered the name softly, then pursed her lips and looked at the elven magic circle specially arranged at the gate. As Li Yang finished speaking, a new name appeared in the sky above the mansion.

For some unknown reason, no servants were arranged in this mansion. After naming him, Li Yang stepped into the mansion with a smile on his face.


The moment he stepped into the hall, the magic circle in the mansion fluctuated, and he had already remembered his name. The magic circle in the hall was then controlled by him. Leslie and Raphael, who were standing behind him, also walked together. Come in.

After mastering the magic circle, the environment and layout of the entire mansion were under Li Yang's control. He strode directly to the master bedroom and threw Aixia on the bed.

Ai Xia, who fell on the bed, put her hands back on the bed, pursed her lips and looked at Li Yang, who took off his shoes and got on the bed.

"Hoo~ my sweet baby."

Li Yang stretched out his hand and took off Ai Xiya's shoes to reveal her plump feet. Then he held the feet with both hands and sucked them into her jade-like calf. Then he kissed her all the way to her thighs. After letting go, he took off his clothes and looked at He was holding Aisia's jade body, and his breath was hot on her head.

"I want to kiss you all over..."

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