My world double door

Chapter 267: Ruining Reputation (Wan Geng, please vote for me!)

The greatest threat to genetic evolvers in the magical world is soul attack.

However, Li Yang possesses a demon soul, coupled with the advanced perfect thunder magic power in his body, and the eleventh level of Qi refining mana, his resistance to soul attacks is very strong, coupled with the powerful advantages of the current level six extreme gene potion, Unless the enemy is an immortal transcendent whose soul and body have reached the level of a magic master, he will definitely not be his opponent.

But...Gele is not.

He is just a magic master whose pure dark magic power has reached the fifteenth transformation!

This news was something that Li Yang had heard from Lule a long time ago. And for such a magic master, would Li Yang be afraid of him?


In the closed training room, a sneer flashed across Li Yang's lips, holding the magic sword in both hands, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

Combat skills such as [Heavy Slash] and [Destroy] can be performed with weapons. With the magic weapon in hand and enhanced by the sixth-level genetic potion, Li Yang decided to use some new fighting methods to see how tough Gullah is!




Magical world.

Terran public domain.

In the dark night, a terrifying momentum rose up. The situation changed instantly in the dark sky. The firelight of the entire city was suppressed and extinguished. The feeling of suffocation filled everyone's hearts. They could not help but His attention was focused on the source of this momentum.

"Is this the magical master Gel who has transformed fifteen times?"

The moment everyone felt this aura, the answer immediately rose in their hearts. Then they felt the explosion of Gulla's aura this time, and couldn't help but feel their hearts pounding.


A powerful magic wave exploded in the air, violently moving the young man with a broken arm who was about to be hit by two blazing red rays. At the same time, a powerful magic wave emerged, intercepting the red rays easily.

However, the target location where the magic was affected at the same time was completely empty.

"Who dares to hurt my son!!!"

A furious roar resounded throughout the world, and everyone below the magic master in the entire city was frightened.

Gullah is so angry that it's going to be bad!

"Who, who, come out and die!"

Gullah's figure appeared in the void like tearing the air, roaring with rage, and terrifying shadow magic swept through the immortal. His figure flickered in the air like a ghost, but in the end there was nothing. gained.

The man who was abusing his son just now disappeared in the blink of an eye!

"Dad, dad, it hurts so much, dad!"

Seeing Ge Le coming over, Leah, who had broken one of her right arms, started crying. Ge Le immediately held back her anger and pity and hugged him in her arms: "My son is not afraid. Dad will heal your injury."

After saying that, the magic in Gler's hand shone brightly, instantly clearing away the injuries in other affected areas of Leah's body. He then took out a bottle of precious healing potion that even super magicians would covet and poured it into it without hesitation. In the mouth of Leah, a senior warrior, a powerful magic potion flashed in an instant, and Leah's body recovered like this within a moment.

"Dad, you must avenge me. Dad, I remember that man's appearance. He dared to destroy my arm. I must kill his whole family. I must kill his whole family!!!"

After her arm was cured, the somewhat sluggish Leah instantly returned to the peak of her mental and physical condition. Then she gritted her teeth and spoke to her father beside her. While speaking, a series of words after Li Yang were projected from a magic weapon on her body. action, and said viciously.

"Don't worry, dad is the supreme late-stage shadow magician, and he will definitely avenge you."

Geler took a deep breath, caressed his son's head lovingly, and then put Leah's body on the ground with cold eyes flashing: "You stay on the ground and watch dad avenge you."

After Geler finished speaking, his figure suddenly rose into the air, and then he looked around with evil eyes.

"You hidden pigs and dogs dare to hurt my son. It's useless wherever you hide today!"

"Damn pig dog, you didn't let my son play with you to death, and you still chose to resist. You will definitely die today!"

Geler's eyes were gloomy, and he screamed from his mouth, and then in an instant, terrifying shadow magic waves suddenly rose from his body.

"Little piggy dog, do you think hiding is useful?"

"Eye of Shadow!"

The cold dark blue light in Geler's eyes surged, sweeping around like a demon. However, he saw a flash of lightning for the first time. His eyebrows wrinkled, and then he shifted his gaze and continued to scan the entire space around him. Everything shines through his eyes.

"No, not really. Even if he really crossed thousands of miles, my [Eye of Shadow] would still be able to find traces of his escape, but now, there is nothing."

"How did he run away? It's impossible for one person to do this. Guardsmen, guardsmen, are you helping this pig and dog escape?"

The Eye of Shadow scanned the surrounding area for thousands of miles, but there was no trace. Geler was instantly furious, and the aura of the dark devil was lingering all over his body. He looked at the gathering place of the Seven Kingdoms, roared loudly, and while speaking, a strong aura of shadow magic surged from his body. , terrifying shadow magic was released from his hands, attacking the seven kingdoms' embassies located in the public domain city.

"Gele, are you crazy?"

"Your son has committed his own misfortune, what does it have to do with us!"

"Do you really think you can be lawless in this world?"

"If you dare to attack the embassies of the seven countries, things will not go well today!"

Waves of shadow magic surged towards the embassy of the seven countries like a tide. The shadow aura on the magic made people feel chilled all over. But as the magic surged, seven different rays of light emerged from the embassy at the same time, followed closely. There was a loud roar.


Terrible energy collided with each other, and the immortal power of the magic master level collided with each other in the high air and annihilated. Seven magic masters with different magical brilliance rose from the embassy of the seven countries. Four of them faced the exit of Gullah. He cursed angrily, with anger in his eyes.

"If you dare to quibble, you will die!"

A flash of madness flashed in Geler's eyes, and he roared loudly. The next moment, the power of shadow in his body exploded wildly, and terrifying shadow magic attacked the guardians of the Seven Kingdoms mercilessly.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

Continuous terrifying roars sounded high in the sky. Facing the unreasonable defenders of the Seven Kingdoms of Gullah, they were also furious. They each used their own methods to fight against Gullah.

The Guardians of the Seven Kingdoms are all magicians in the middle or early stage of Immortality, but Gullah is a magician in the late stage of Immortality. One of the two has more people, and the other is stronger. After a fierce battle, the Guardians of the Seven Kingdoms will be the better after all.

"You are killing and wounding my son one after another. Do you think I am made of clay?"

"The guardians of the Seven Kingdoms indulged the pigs and dogs and killed my son. I will bear this grudge!"

"No matter when, I will kill this pig and dog!"

Seeing that he was still at a disadvantage, Geler retreated angrily. His voice of hatred resounded throughout the world, his shadow magic unfolded, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

"Gele has been studying dark magic at home for a long time. I think he is probably crazy. Should I report this to the kingdom?"

Seeing Geler furiously leaving and returning to his mansion, a huge magic circle was activated. One of the guardians of the Seven Kingdoms, a middle-level magician, frowned and asked his companions road.

"It's useless to report. Geler has not done anything too crazy so far. Besides, immortals cannot be killed. Let's just forget about it."

Another guardian in the middle stage of the Magic Lord shook his head and sighed. The rest of the guardians said nothing after hearing this, and then returned to their respective embassies from the air.

In this way, one night passed, and just when they thought everything was calm and relaxed, a piece of news spread like crazy, making their faces turn pale.

[A reward of one million silver coins is offered to find anyone related to the insidious assassin Li Yang, and anyone and anything related to him. Any useful clues can be rewarded]

[The immortal magician of the later period of Magic Master, the beloved son of the great Mr. Gole was suddenly assassinated by the dark assassin Li Yang during the dinner. Mr. Gole swore to kill such a pig or dog, but a little super extraordinary person was there... After assassinating his beloved son, he quickly and mysteriously disappeared. Even Mr. Gule could not be found. However, the only seven magic masters in the city who had the ability to do this all claimed that they did not know...]

[Mr. Geller is so angry that he has set up this reward. Any clues related to this pig-dog assassin that are of practical use can be rewarded by the Geller family. If the family of the pig-dog assassin can be found, he will be rewarded with a million silver coins. , and even more super magic is presented! 】

"When the news spreads like this, people in the public domain know what Gulla is, but people outside don't know. Once such a reward is issued, they will only believe what the reward says, and will not know what the facts are. , Gele is deliberately disgusting me!"

At noon the next day when the news came out, the guardians of the seven countries gathered together, and one of them spoke with a livid face.

"We can't let him go on like this, we must find a way quickly."

Another guardian knitted his eyebrows and spoke with a stern face.

"The only way is to pick us out."

Another guardian spoke silently: "As guardians, what we are most taboo about is a scandal in the place we guard, and what is even more taboo is that the scandal is related to us."

"I think that's all it can do."


On the afternoon of the next day after Li Yang disappeared, the defenders of the seven countries jointly issued a statement, proving through various means that they had no possibility of intervening in this matter. The reason why they took action was that Gullah took the lead in attacking the embassies of various countries and provoked the dignity of the seven countries. And take action.

In the public sphere of the human race, Gradun has become more notorious, but outside the public sphere, many people are suspicious.

Even on the fifth day after Li Yang left, someone had already passed on information about Li Yang to the Geler family through various channels, and received a heavy reward.

"Dad, have you found that pig or dog? I want him to die. I want to chop up his whole family and feed them to the dogs. My son is almost dying of anxiety from waiting!!"

In the Gullah family mansion, Leah gritted her teeth and spoke to her father Gullah with sinister eyes.

"Not yet, son, don't worry, my father will definitely say this for you and find you the little pig dog and the pig dog's family to calm your anger."

Geler shook his head fondly, and then said with sinister eyes: "This little piggy dog ​​will never escape the hands of his father!"

One thousand votes in three days, after deducting the double bonus, is equal to 500 votes, which is almost equal to 167 votes per day. This is not a lot... but it is estimated that it will not be completed, alas.

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