My world double door

Chapter 196 Singing Voice

A rough calculation shows that it has been more than a month since I arrived in the magical world, and it is now April in the real world.

Now we have to wait for so long for the next round of competition. There is no way to obtain knowledge related to space magic in a short time. Super Soul Magic has also been obtained. All that is left is to practice.

Just return to the real world and practice hard without any distractions, and you don't have to worry about exposing anything.

Nowadays, the pace of progress is getting faster and faster, and there are more and more things to cultivate, but the speed of his cultivation can't keep up.

[Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] [Demon Soul Practice Notes] [Thunder Speed] [Thunder Eye] [Thunder Fist] [Soul Confusion] [Soul Blade] [Soul Diamond]

Moreover, there is [Thunder Net] that I haven’t had time to practice.

Fortunately, after more than a month of hard work in practicing [Thunder Eye] and [Thunder Speed], initial success has been achieved. The later addition of [Soul Confusion] was foreshadowed by the advanced magic of [Soul Stiffness]. Cultivation is basically completed.

After practicing for another month, these three magics can basically be successfully practiced, and Li Yang's methods and background will become richer.

Especially [Thunder Eye], when Li Yang's genetic power has [Heat Sight], its power is doubled, and it is not too cost-effective to use. In addition, Li Yang's genetic upgrade [Heat Sight] can also be upgraded in the future, which is even more Awesome.

In addition, there are also spiritual eye spells that may be obtained in the world of immortality. It can be said that if the foundation of sight ability is laid now, there will be a lot of room for development in the future.

As for [Thunder Speed], this speed-type thunder magic, like [Thunder Sound], can even reach the super magic level, has high potential. Whether it is a foundation for practicing other escape techniques in the future, or it is very good for current use.

[Thunder Fist] and [Thunder Net] are purely to increase your foundation of thunder magic. When you advance to Super Thunder Magician or even a higher level in the future, you can practice more advanced thunder magic more calmly.

As the most powerful force in the world, Thunder Magic has a very good upper limit in the future. For now, his most important advantages: genetic technology and magical power are abilities that he cannot give up.

After all, no one knows if there is a backdoor in genetic technology, and for magical power, the possibility of Thunder Magic having a backdoor is very small at present.

When his magic power becomes very powerful, he will be able to counterattack even if there is a backdoor in genetic technology. It would be better if there is no backdoor.

The fifth-level gene potion is comparable to a super transcendent, and in terms of pure physical attack power, it is stronger than a normal super transcendent.

But this is only compared to ordinary super transcendent beings. If it is a super thunder mage, Li Yang does not think it will be weaker than a fifth-level genetic evolver, and it will be more comprehensive.

The target of the sixth-level genetic evolver is the magic master. When his thunder magic reaches the level of the magic master, he will definitely be stronger than the sixth-level genetic evolver.

When the two cooperate again, the thunder magic increases the growth of the magnetic field, speeds up the movement speed, and increases the attack power, creating a more versatile and powerful transcendent!

What's more, there is also the power of the soul. The combination of the three is a transcendent with almost no shortcomings.

At that time, in these two worlds, who can do anything to him?

Therefore, for future considerations, even if these thunder magics are not very effective for him currently, he must start practicing to increase his mastery and understanding of the power of thunder.

Not to mention advanced soul magic. Genetic evolvers who can defeat even intermediate soul magic should not use it. Advanced soul magic is undoubtedly more effective. It is a nuclear bomb-level means for him to deal with the apocalyptic world, so he must pay more attention to it.

In addition, he will definitely have to go to the world of cultivating immortals in the future. Judging from the powerful hexagonal extraordinary abilities in the world of cultivating immortals, any shortcomings in any aspect will become his fatal crisis. Naturally, he cannot just focus on Improve one aspect while ignoring other aspects.

The powerful soul power can effectively defend against all kinds of fascination, confusion, and soul attacks. A powerful physical body can prevent various spiritual power failures, close combat, sneak attacks, and recovery after being injured. Powerful energy can create more space for manipulation, and everything is indispensable.

Therefore, he needs to cultivate his magic power, practice his soul power, and drink genetic potions.

In addition, there is also the [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Jing]

Logically speaking, the potential of the cultivation techniques in the world of immortality is theoretically the greatest, and Li Yang should put more energy into this area, but currently the content he has obtained from this technique is only up to the golden elixir.

According to his calculations, the golden elixir should be on the same level as the magic master and the sixth-level genetic evolver.

In this way, under the condition that the magical power and genetic power currently available are not weaker than the energy of the current immortality cultivation technique, it is impossible for him to give up these two biggest advantages at present and devote all his energy to the immortality cultivation technique.

Not to mention that he is still refining Qi in his current cultivation. He doesn’t know when he will reach the golden elixir, and he doesn’t know if he can reach the golden elixir. Even if he does reach the golden elixir, he will have a respected status, genetic medicine and magical power. It is naturally impossible to give up a means that is close to one's own.

Not to mention that he now only has the most basic cultivation techniques, no spells corresponding to his own strength, and various methods are missing. Naturally, there is not much attraction for him to invest in them all.

Moreover, he has not relaxed his practice of [Yin Yang Zhi Miao Sutra] now, and he often disappears for an hour.

This is proven by Li Yang's terrifying progress in mana cultivation at the seventh level of Qi refining!

Except for those who are born monsters, which normal practitioner can cultivate from the first level of Qi Refining to the seventh level of Qi Refining in such a short time?

If cultivation were so simple, there would be no situation in the world of immortal cultivation where a monk has been guarding one place for so long without a breakthrough~

After all, the immortal road is the best way for future development, so Li Yang will never slack off. Even now, when he has the idea of ​​returning to the real world, he must practice diligently.

In the room, Lysa's two beautiful concubines were lying crookedly together on the bed...

"My man..."

"Master, oh~..."


It didn't stop until late at night.

The tired women went to sleep, their weak bodies needed to recover, but their Master Li Yang disappeared in a flash, and came to the apocalyptic world.

By the time they arrived at the residence, General Sanxiawuzu2 had finished his training. Bi Yueyue and Chang Yanyan were waiting for him to wash up. They also checked the work progress of Yu Dong, who was out binding him to search for mutant zombies. After a few words of encouragement, they came back.

When it appeared again, it was already more than an hour later.

It doesn't take long, but there's nothing we can do about it. This is a relatively normal reproduction time.

After all, Bi Yueyue is already a level 5 genetic evolver. With the addition of Chang Yanyan, a level 4 genetic evolver, he can relax and the time will naturally go faster.

In fact, the normal reproduction time of human beings is within half an hour. It is foreseeable that when Li Yang meets a woman of equal strength to him, he will be able to get rid of this predicament that takes too long.

Of course, you can enjoy more time if it’s too long~


After returning, Li Yang took a breath and practiced another wave of demon soul power and various magics. He waited until early in the morning before lying down on the bed and sleeping comfortably.


In the next five days, Lisa's wife, his concubines, and daughters practiced hard every day.

Li Yang, who is well aware of these three major benefits, supervises them to practice singing diligently every day.

"Master, is this okay..."


And the benefits brought by such diligence are also very obvious. This does not start from the time of contact with Li Yang. In this short period of time, even Karin has obviously become much better, and even her talent is not that good. Karin, through such diligent practice, has broken through to the level of a junior knight and developed extraordinary power!

The bottleneck of cultivation that had troubled Mrs. Lisa for many years also quickly became loose. By the end of the fifth day, her cultivation level actually broke through!

Moreover, Lisa's eldest daughter, second daughter, and two concubines have also cultivated to the level of apprentice-level extraordinary beings!

"I have become an intermediate ranger."

On the morning of the sixth day, Mrs. Lisa woke up from the bed and felt her own cultivation. She murmured in disbelief. She was stunned for a long time and looked at the surrounding environment, feeling quite at a loss.

"Where's the master?"

After getting out of bed and washing up in a daze, Mrs. Lesa subconsciously asked the servant next to her. After getting the news that the husband-killer's enemy was traveling and practicing for an unknown period of time before coming back, she felt a little empty in her heart.

Asking for a monthly ticket! !

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