My world double door

Chapter 191 Is this a win? (Please subscribe)

As a high-level and perfect Ruijin mage, and having dual roles, Lisa has a respected status in this city. If he hadn't taken the initiative to challenge him, it would have been really troublesome for Li Yang to kill him.

Naturally, there are chefs with excellent cooking skills in such a mansion. Every dinner must use the purest and freshest ingredients to cook and prepare the best ingredients.

The formation left by the unknown Demon Soul Mage will not only attack the soul, but if it is not fully recovered in time, it will also amplify many negative emotions in people's hearts.

The series of greedy actions that Lisa made after meeting Li Yang may have originated from this. Of course, from the fact that his son often took pleasure in whipping slaves, it is not difficult to see that this guy himself is not a good person.

Li Yang is now the new owner of this mansion, and it is his first meal in this mansion. The cook naturally racked his brains to make delicious food. This morning's breakfast was delicious, delicious and delicious.


Li Yang took a mouthful of the extremely smooth ointment and squinted his eyes in pleasure.

"Master, this must also suit your taste."

The beautiful Karin opened her mouth and took a piece of fish fillet. Li Yang turned to take it and nodded with satisfaction: "It tastes really good. The quality of the breakfast is very good. There is no need to change the cook."

"Yes, Master."

The butler on the side nodded hurriedly in response, not daring to show any slightness.

"In addition, everything I said before must be implemented in place, otherwise if I see these things happening, I will not be in a good mood."

Li Yang turned around and asked the beautiful and innocent second lady sitting on the right to wipe the juice from the corner of her mouth. Li Yang gave the order casually.

There are a series of rules for the treatment of servants in Lisa's house that are designed to entertain Lisa's son. Li Yang has just ordered all of them to be cancelled, and has guaranteed the life of the slaves with the lowest treatment to a level where they can survive normally. .

He is not a good person, but he doesn't want to see anything too perverted happen.

"Yes, Master."

The housekeeper followed suit. Seeing the second lady's pure look, Li Yang couldn't help but smile, held her in his arms and kissed her twice. Then he touched her little cheek and said, "All the industrial management models involved in the house are all If you want to make changes, notify people from various industries to come over, and I will make arrangements personally in the afternoon."

"In addition, people from Black Rock City will be able to arrive in a while. At that time, they will be appointed to various management positions, and those who were originally in management positions will go to Black Rock City for further study. After the further study, those who pass the assessment will will come back to participate in management."

The so-called further study is naturally about ideological transformation, allowing them to establish a 'correct' outlook on life, values, and world view. Only such people can be used by Mr. Li Yang with confidence.

"Hey, yes."

The housekeeper hurriedly spoke, and then saw Li Yang waving his hand and then hurriedly left, and hurriedly went to do a lot of things arranged by Li Yang.

"Hey, two babies, can you lie down here and raise your buttocks to eat?"

Li Yang reached down and rubbed Mrs. Lisa's undulating hair, and said to the second young lady and the eldest young lady with hot breath.




A wonderful morning was spent busy, and in the afternoon he established his prestige and adjusted the situation of the entire industry. Before the start of the competition, Li Yang took over and sorted out everything about Laisa.

That night, the exhausted Mrs. Lisa carefully climbed into the warm bed to sleep after washing her body. She seemed to be afraid of disturbing the man on the bed, but as soon as she got under the bed, the man hugged her buttocks to her left breast.

Her heart skipped a beat, but fortunately she made no further movements and fell asleep together.


There was nothing to say all night, and in the early morning of the next day, the grand event belonging to the entire Lion Kingdom—the Lion Competition for Hegemony—began.

Li Yang woke up early, got dressed under the somewhat unfamiliar service of Mrs. Lisa, and after having breakfast with two beautiful ladies and two charming concubines, he strode out, while Redel was already there early. Waiting outside the mansion.

"It's time to start the game at eight o'clock. Let's go to the field to report now."

When Reidel saw Li Yang coming out, he immediately smiled and spoke. Li Yang also smiled and nodded, riding in Reidel's carriage, walking all the way to the registration place.

Not long after, the place arrived, and they saw a table placed next to an open space. Several officials from the city lord's palace were sitting behind the table waiting. When they saw Li Yang coming, they hurriedly held hands with each other, and then smiled happily. Li Yang ticked the back.

Li Yang didn't even look at what they wrote. Having obtained everything from Lesa, he was now a high-level employee in the city. To a certain extent, these people were still his subordinates, so naturally they would not be polite. The old god was here with Redel. Sitting on the chairs they brought over and cleaning, waiting for the game to start.

"Sir, you have tea."

The official who was doing the work handed over a pot of tea to Li Yang with a flattering face. Li Yang nodded and took a sip. Another person gave Redel another pot.

The two of them drank until eight o'clock. No one had arrived when the game started. Li Yang suddenly looked at the clerk beside him in confusion.

"The competition time is up. Let's start the competition now and confirm the list of participants. The participants in the first competition are: Li Yang."

"It has been confirmed that the other contestants have abstained, so Li Yangsheng will participate in the finals in this city."

An officer in charge held the directory and shouted in an official accent, and then walked up to Li Yang, who was holding tea and was speechless with a smile on his face: "Sir, you win, you can participate in the finals in this city!"

"All right."

Li Yang pursed his lips and took another sip of tea because he was thirsty. Then he put the teapot in his hand, turned around and rushed to the finals with Redel with a smile on his face.

"Master Li Yang, you are here!"

Not long after, the two arrived at the finals venue. As soon as they arrived at the door, an official came up to say hello with a smile on his face. Li Yang also nodded politely and stepped forward to register for the competition. Redel stayed outside the venue, waiting for him to come out.

"Sir, please have some dessert."

After Li Yang finished reporting, an official moved a chair for him to sit on the field, then moved a coffee table, brought him a plate of pastries and a pot of tea, and said with a smile.


Li Yang smiled and nodded, then picked up a few pieces of pastry and enjoyed a few pieces. After finishing the meal, the official brought him a completely different pastry.

This pastry tastes pretty good. I ate and drank tea while looking at the sun with my eyes open, silently recharging my heat vision.

As we were eating and drinking, it was noon before we knew it. Li Yang frowned: "Isn't the game starting yet?"

"Sir, the game has already started, please wait a moment."

Seeing Li Yang frowning, the official on the side said hurriedly: "All the other contestants in the city have abstained. You are the only one participating now. By eating this plate of pastries, you have achieved the goal of holding the ring for three hours without anyone." The victory conditions of the challenge will make you a champion.”


Li Yang was stunned: "I will become the champion now?"

"Yes, you are the champion of this city, and you have not lost a single game in all competitions."

The official nodded affirmatively, and then carefully explained: "Sir, the day before yesterday when you defeated the high-level perfect Ruijin mage Lisa with one blow, it was so domineering and shocking that none of the contestants dared to fight you. They all abstained that day.”

"It's just that this [Lion Contest] is sacred and serious. Even if you are the only one participating, I don't dare to change the process. Sir, please forgive me."

The official with a black beard spoke hastily, for fear of making Li Yang angry.

"Ah, then, um, let's have another plate of dessert."

Li Yang opened his mouth and thought for a moment that this seemed to be the right thing to do, so he leaned on the chair again and picked up the tea.

The official hurriedly served Li Yang a new dessert to save Li Yang from eating it, and then smiled and refilled his tea while waiting.

Not long after, the tea was finished and the order arrived.

The official immediately ran over and picked up the roster, and said in a solemn voice: "[Lion Contest] Finals in this city, the final winner is: Li Yang. Congratulations to Li Yang for winning first place, and you can enter the inner city to participate in subsequent events!"

"Congratulations, Mr. Li!"

"Congratulations on winning first place, Mr. Li!"

Officials around him rushed to congratulate him, waving magic paper tickets in their hands.

The [Lion Contest] is a secret event, so there are no ordinary people watching, and it is much deserted compared to the battle against Lisa.

There was no one around, so there was no need to pretend. Li Yang pretended to stand up and expressed congratulations, then accepted a bunch of 'silver coin tickets' with a smile on his face.

The so-called silver coin tickets are transaction vouchers circulated within the defense cliff. They are endorsed by the royal family of the kingdom and can be exchanged for corresponding amounts of silver coins in the internal silver coin bank. They can also be used for direct transactions. This is not available in unstable places like the defense cliff. Planting things.

But the Life-Destroying City was built next to the defensive cliff, and there were naturally silver coin tickets in it. Li Yang could go to the defensive cliff immediately to participate in the competition, and these tickets were still useful.

When he got first place, it was natural for his subordinates to give him a congratulatory gift.

After receiving the silver coin tickets with a smile, Li Yang turned around and clasped his fists to signal to them. He congratulated them repeatedly and strode out of the competition venue as they delivered them.

"Did everyone else abstain?"

As soon as he walked out, Redel couldn't wait to ask, the smile on his face couldn't stop: "I haven't seen anyone come in to check in since you entered!"

"Indeed, I've been waiting for a long time."

Li Yang saw a smile on Redel's face and said.

"That's what I said. Standing in the ring for three hours without anyone challenging you is a bonus. Let's go back to the house and I'll hold a banquet to celebrate you!"

Redden immediately rubbed his hands happily: "It doesn't matter how you win, as long as you win, it's worth celebrating!"

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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