My world double door

Chapter 181 The Lions’ Battle for Hegemony Begins (Please subscribe)

“Seeing biological diversity starts with men.”

"I really can't stand this world full of men."

The midday sun shone through the dormitory window in the dormitory. Zhao Meimei and her two roommates kept posting comments on a small pink book, a certain video and Weibo.

Recently, [Entertainment Video] has become popular, and it is a gathering place for many young people. However, because the [Entertainment Video] supervision is too precise and strict, they cannot send any message that is offensive and distorted. When I went out, my account was even locked due to repeated violations of the ban. I could not post comments or post videos, but could only watch other people's videos.

This leaves them with no choice but to attack on other platforms, such as Xiaofanshu, Weibo and the comment section of a certain audio and video.

The three of them were working feverishly, but one of the roommates who liked taking a bath quietly arranged his bed and the table below, then closed the windows and drew the curtains.

Then he stretched his long legs, put on his slippers and began to dress himself carefully in front of the mirror.

She didn't put on makeup, but put some quickly-absorbed skin care products on herself, then sprayed perfume, and wore calf socks and white socks, but she didn't wear pants or any underwear, only her upper body. Wearing a thin pure white coat, she combed her bangs, tied her hair into a ponytail, and nodded with satisfaction.

Zhao Meimei smelled something different subconsciously. She looked at her roommate suspiciously and couldn't help but said, "Cheng Yue, why are you dressed so coquettishly?"

"I just sent a message to dad, and he promised me to come later. Why don't you dress up first?"

Cheng Yue, who has long legs, combed her hair and said with a smile.

Zhao Meimei and the other two roommates were stunned by the stone. They quickly got up and tidied their beds, ran to the dormitory bathroom and took a quick shower. It took them more than ten minutes to finish everything. I finally finished taking a shower, and then cleaned up the things on the table under my bed, and then I breathed a sigh of relief.

Their dormitory has a bed and a desk, and there are only four people in each dormitory. It is equipped with air conditioning, heating, hot water and showers. It is not cold in winter, and there is a separate bathroom, so it can be cleaned up quickly.

But after they finished cleaning up, before there was any movement, there was a knock on the door of the dormitory. Cheng Yue, who had already dressed up, hurriedly walked to the door with a smile and looked out through the peephole, and saw Li Yang standing outside with a smile. The door opened and let him in.

"Dad, you are here."

Cheng Yue welcomed him with a smile, then hurriedly closed the door and locked it.

Since there are too many girls and too few boys in their school, it is a relatively common thing for girls to bring their boyfriends into the dormitory, and it does not attract too many people's attention.

"really not bad."

Li Yang entered the dormitory and praised Cheng Yue's appearance. His hands instantly touched her legs, and then he rubbed them while sliding them up.

"Dad, Cheng Yue just told us that you were coming, and we haven't had time to pack up yet. You can play with her first, and we'll be fine later."

A bear girl who was combing her hair spoke quickly, her tone full of dissatisfaction, and the baggy clothes on her body had a different kind of allure.

"It's okay, Dad, you can play with whoever you want."

Zhao Meimei hurriedly corrected her, her blond hair was disheveled, and she had already begun to apply skin care products.

"You still have a high level of ideological consciousness."

Li Yang stood behind the door and pushed him a few times. He hugged Cheng Yue, who was breathing deeply with her mouth wide open, and came to Zhao Meimei. He curiously watched her skin care. After a while, all the skin care was done. Li Yang Yang then started to play happily.

Play with reading, play with writing, play on the desk, play on the chair.

Finally, everyone returned to their own beds, and Li Yang climbed up one by one to play.


The new year is approaching, and the school has also entered the countdown to the holidays.

Li Yang fully "stepped" into his responsibilities and entered Zhao Meimei's dormitory until the four of them were on vacation before leaving. Satisfied, he turned a corner and arrived at Zuo Yanting's home.

When we arrived at her home, it was lunch time. Zuo Yanting served Li Yang warmly and considerately. Li Yang's hands touched her hair, ears, legs, and legs from time to time. He put his arm around her shoulders and went to the bedroom after dinner.

Once we got to the bedroom, we played until dark, and then we managed to stay here all night.




On January 3, Li Ling and Peng Feifei's school also had a holiday, and they clamored for Li Yang to pick them up, so Li Yang had no choice but to take a slow plane there and pick them up together.

After arriving home, Li Yang didn't go back to Linhai. Every day he would either play with Peng Feifei, or play with Chen Na, Chen Qian, Dai Yueming and Zhou Li, or Chen Qian's leader Yu Xiaohua and Yan Yan next to Yu Xiaohua. Yunyun.

Playing like this, it was the Chinese New Year in the blink of an eye. This year, Li Yang took Peng Feifei over during the Chinese New Year. All the villagers who had been following him for a year made money easily, and the atmosphere in the whole village was also very harmonious. , everyone sat together either playing cards or chatting, which was quite enjoyable.

Peng Feifei sleeps with him in bed every day, and Li Yang is also very happy.

Of course, diligence in joy is also essential. Under Li Yang's overly diligent practice, his magic power has officially broken through to the sixth level of Qi refining, which can be said to be a rapid progress.

Li Yang also learned all the basic Five Elements spells, but the power was too unsatisfactory. Li Yang didn't spend too much time. Instead, he carefully mastered the three thunder spells he chose.

In addition to this, there is also the continued proficiency of [Heavy Slash]. In this way, time has arrived in February in the blink of an eye, and company members have begun to go to work one after another.

At the end of February, Li Yang also sent Peng Feifei and Li Ling back to school.




In March, Black Rock City also ushered in some warmth.

Li Yang stayed in the mansion for more than ten days, and finally received an enthusiastic notification from the city lord Redel that the Lion Competition had officially begun. He was going to go on the road with Li Yang to participate in the Lion Competition.

"Don't you have any government affairs every day as a city lord? You actually accompany me in person during a game?"

In a wide carriage, Li Yang was eating grapes fed by the previous city lord's wife, and curiously asked Redel in the carriage next door.

"The Lions Competition is extraordinary. If you can achieve results in it, it will be a matter of great significance to a city or an individual. The district government has Master Wen · Ste and Master Megawati Riley in , there won’t be any trouble, it’s more important and honorable than accompanying you to participate in the event.”

A smile appeared on Reidel's face, and then his eyes were eager: "Mr. Li Yang, with your physical strength at the level of a high-level perfect soul mage and a high-level perfect transcendent, you will definitely be able to rank among the top three in the country!"

"Oh? Just the top three?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows, and then curiously took Karin's long white legs in his hands and played with them: "What is the reason why such a competition is so important?"

"There are many talented and legendary people in this world, such as the son of flame from the flame super magic family. He is born with the ability to control flames. The power of his flame magic is far beyond that of ordinary mages. He is already a high-level and perfect flame mage."

"For example, the son of Ruijin from the Ruijin super magic family is also born with the ability to manipulate metal. The magic power he has cultivated is far beyond that of ordinary Ruijin mage. He is already a high-level and perfect Ruijin mage. Each of them is powerful. The most powerful one."

Redel couldn't help but explain to prevent Li Yang from becoming arrogant, and then continued, "The winner of the Lion Tournament will represent the Lion Kingdom in the [Human Nations Tournament]. This is a rare opportunity for young extraordinary people in the kingdom to become famous. If you get a good ranking in the competition among the kingdoms, you can even choose from the kingdom's treasury, marry the kingdom's princess, and even get gold given by the kingdom."

"The reason why there is such a treaty is because the kingdom that wins the competition will receive a large amount of compensation from the defeated kingdom, and in the end, the winning player among the human race will participate in fierce competition with other races. , to win supplies for our entire human race."

"In a sense, this kind of competition is equivalent to a war, that's why it is so valued and solemn."

Leidel spoke seriously: "There are many races such as [Elves], [Demons], and [Monsters] living on the Life Continent. The human race is just one of the big races alongside the [Elves], [Demons], and [Monsters]. The balance between the various races cannot be broken easily, let alone start a war easily. In order to maintain the balance and resolve conflicts, such individual battles are something that everyone can accept and expect."

"So that's it."

Li Yang looked stunned. Regardless of whether he was a son of flame or a son of sharp gold, he was just a little surprised. He didn't expect that there was such a genius now.

On the contrary, I was a little surprised that there are still these races, but after thinking about it, it seems that the barbarians are just a kind of alien race, they just look similar to the human race.

In addition, it is normal for there to be other races on this continent.

This actually raised more expectations in his heart.

"The first round of knockout matches will be held in various life-sucking cities outside the defense cliff. Only those who win the first place in the knockout rounds of each life-sucking city will be eligible to enter the important towns inside the defense cliff to participate in the second round of knockout rounds."

"If we can get the top three spots among the major towns, we can go to the Royal City and participate in the finals."

Reidel knew that Master Li Yang knew very little about the world, so he hurriedly explained. After speaking, he hugged his fist expectantly, returned to the carriage, and returned the carriage to the track behind Li Yang's carriage.

"My family was destroyed in the competition between the various forces in the royal city. If you go to the royal city, be careful of my family's enemies..."

Karin carefully put the grapes into Li Yang's mouth and said softly.

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